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Anyone's dog have arthritis?

Green Supreme

Well-known member
I would recommend fish oil without the glucosamine and chondroitin. Fish oil has always been a wonderful product. Still remember the spoonfuls Mum gave us when we were kids. Now that was nasty tastin lol. Peace GS


They both eventually died (not from arthritis or hip dysplasia, lol). They went strong on the pill + walk regimen up till almost exactly a month before they passed. I couldn't figgure out WHY the first one didn't want to walk, even just mope around and sniff new places. After she died, a year later the second one started to not want to walk too far from the house, I figgured it out.

FWIW, I did try all kinds of combinations. The best that I found was a single joint pill jammed down their throats after a morning meal with a fish oil pill either dropped in, or I would squirt em all over all of the dogs' food & drop the capsules in the old dog's dishes. With dinner was just another fish oil. I hated the idea of giving my dogs 'pills'.