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I usually try to take advice from doctors even tho I know they are no smarter than most ppl I meet on here.Funny thing my Doc is very good at trying to look after me.He will send me to any specialist I want to see and pretty much lets me chart my course in looking after my health care>My biggest problem is HepC/ Cirrhosis and I know ten times more about it than he will ever know.(i,ve studued it for many years).But bottom line he does not want to commit to signing my card for growing.because as he says ..I don,t know anything about it?..I always tell him that I do know and that I wouldn,t jeopardize his position as an MD by lying about the benefits of Marijuana in my particular circumstances.
But alas he is like the 99.9% of docs in the country who don,t want to rock the boat because they all look at marijuana the way it was looked at many yrs ago.Simply a narcotic that was outlawed.
I tell him I smoke it regular and that it is far better then the morphine I,ve been taking for the past twelve yrs.In actuality morphine has had a bad affect on my system and I can see the toll it,s been taking on me over the yrs.
as a side note I live in a very small area of Canada where DRUGS are classified as cocaine,extasy,crack,and marijuana....so it,s almost a losing battle to try to get a Doc to prescribe anythin in this category.....Reality is easier to accept as one ages and the simplicity of younger days turn to bad dreams......But luckily the genes I have inherited keep me going and a fighter to the end....Many thanx to the concerned members on this site....you brighten that light at the end of the tunnel.........and besides I scored today and the sun seems brighter...I think it will be a nice day..lol
Thanx Headband....you have given me some hope


headband 707

Plant whisperer
I usually try to take advice from doctors even tho I know they are no smarter than most ppl I meet on here.Funny thing my Doc is very good at trying to look after me.He will send me to any specialist I want to see and pretty much lets me chart my course in looking after my health care>My biggest problem is HepC/ Cirrhosis and I know ten times more about it than he will ever know.(i,ve studued it for many years).But bottom line he does not want to commit to signing my card for growing.because as he says ..I don,t know anything about it?..I always tell him that I do know and that I wouldn,t jeopardize his position as an MD by lying about the benefits of Marijuana in my particular circumstances.
But alas he is like the 99.9% of docs in the country who don,t want to rock the boat because they all look at marijuana the way it was looked at many yrs ago.Simply a narcotic that was outlawed.
I tell him I smoke it regular and that it is far better then the morphine I,ve been taking for the past twelve yrs.In actuality morphine has had a bad affect on my system and I can see the toll it,s been taking on me over the yrs.
as a side note I live in a very small area of Canada where DRUGS are classified as cocaine,extasy,crack,and marijuana....so it,s almost a losing battle to try to get a Doc to prescribe anythin in this category.....Reality is easier to accept as one ages and the simplicity of younger days turn to bad dreams......But luckily the genes I have inherited keep me going and a fighter to the end....Many thanx to the concerned members on this site....you brighten that light at the end of the tunnel.........and besides I scored today and the sun seems brighter...I think it will be a nice day..lol
Thanx Headband....you have given me some hope


Well Jarff I'm very glad I could help and we are on our way to bigger and better things bro lol just have to keep trying and pluggin forward thats the best we can do,, right lol. Anyways as far as your doc there is a place on the forms where they can sign that says they are not held responsible for you smoking cannabis .... So they are out of the wood when it comes to that. The real reason all the doctors are scared is they are afriad one of us will sue them and they have been told by the College of Phy that they are on their own if they get sued. Even though no one has ever sued a doc over cannabis EVER !!! Most are real pussies and can't look outside the box.
That being said there are a few but they are hard to get to. One clinic here in BC thank God for him.. I would like to join anyone whoever sues the Gov for withholding this info and making ppl suffer needlessly for so long , it's call "class action" and I can't wait till that happens.. peace out Headband707


On to bigger and better things...I,ll go along with that concept.....You,re right in that fact that docs are afraid to tread beyond what the college of medicine and Physicians teaches for fear of being sued.I guess they will have to be kept informed that it probably won,t happen if they protect themselves by signing a waiver to eliminate that possibilty.
I guess all we can do is to continue to ask and when refused to ask again and again.
When I get to a pain clinic I think I,ll go in a wheelchair.I am convincing when the occassion calls for it so I still may have an ace up my sleeve.I really don,t mind expressing myself when needed lol.
Thanx Man


Active member
I hope you all have better luck than those in the praries with their lovley attitudes about why i shouldn't use pot for my conditon. The family doctor will give me all the narcotics I want but when asked about cannabis he refuses because there no proof it helps?


I guess the maitimes isn,t the only place with ignorant health care providers looking after us.
I hear you on narcotic dispensers...seems to be the answer for a doc when he doesn,t want to give an herbal remedy to your malady.
All I can say is good luck to us all who have a doctor who is afraid to sign his name for a marijuana liscense.
Along with all the BS I think the Gov,t is even cutting back more each year and suggesting to doctors as to the amount they allow per day.One to three grams a day sure don,t cut it for most.

good luck


Active member
I had my foot crushed four years ago. When they rebuilt it they fucked up with the steel plates and whenever my bones try to heal/grow the damn plates are in the way. Anyways its fine most of the time but when it hurts, it fucking hurts.
So this prick "doctor" and I'll use the term very loosely, has denied signing my papers even though I'm just a casual user. Goes on about gateway drugs and shit like I'm a kid or something. Fucked up system is right folks. I always show up drunk for appointments and he never bats an eye. Talk about weed with this clown and I might as well tell him the rapture is coming.
As much as I'd love to get the papers, Ima just stick to guerrilla growing.
Shame with the dispensary being a few towns over lol.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I have sent you both the clinic you can go to in your IC Box you must get your paperwork together from your doc and even if he wants nothing to do with this that is fine. You can even tell him this is for herbs and leave it at that!!!
But you do need all your info stating what is wrong with you and this will help the doc that is going to go over it. Go to the Health Canada Marijuana web site and start reading lol lots of shit to know... I hope that helps and good luck and don't worry it will all work out ...peace out Headband707

Oh Yeah BTW our system is broken from within always has been lol ... So don't hold your breath..

to Acts and Regulations.
Health Canada is working to address the temporary delay in processing applications
Health Canada is currently experiencing a temporary delay in processing applications for an authorization to possess and/or a licence to produce marihuana for medical purposes, due to a sharp rise in the number of applications received in recent months.
To address this situation, Health Canada has implemented a strategy that is improving the efficiency of its review and authorization process and will restore standard processing times of 8 to 10 weeks.
As part of our strategy, our officials have reviewed all operational policies and procedures and implemented several key process changes in order to improve efficiencies and speed up these processes.
We anticipate that the number of applications being processed will increase as we progress with the implementation of our strategy, The Department is making efforts to restore normal processing times by the end of this year.
Please note that applications respecting symptoms treated within the context of compassionate end-of-life care are treated immediately upon receipt.
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headband 707

Plant whisperer
This is a list os Symptoms for Catagory#1 B1 form for Health Canada

This is a list os Symptoms for Catagory#1 B1 form for Health Canada


Category 1 Patients

Application Form B1

Medical Condition(s) and Symptoms(s)..
  • AIDS

headband 707

Plant whisperer
My doctor will not sign but has no problem giving me Fentanyl-Morphine and Oxazepam.I even showed him information from the New England Medical Journal and other legitimate sources. 5 different pain clinics would not as well.

Both my shoulders are extremely painful and considered "frozen" to a degree(and associated muscle atrophy-nerve irritation in my neck as well)-Herniated neck discs and nerve damage(with permanent migraines)-severe spinal stenosis-herniated Sciatic area discs-ulnar nerve destroyed in both elbows-diabetic (type 2)-Bipolar rapid cycle -sleep apnea since I started the Fentanyl and severe sleep issues.

The morphine makes me eject food regularly :(

I have been told about a doctor who is 100 Km away from me that "supposedly" might but I am not too keen with what I hear is going on with our Current "leader". If leadership changes-I will give this sort of local doc a try and hope-for now I just gather knowledge to get things going if and when it is viable.
I am not even sure if I would qualify for type #1.It says chronic pain but is it connected to certain afflictions or chronic pain itself qualifies?

I really wish the Government would wake up and allow us some dignity and relief.

I do thank all the great people on here who share their knowledge freely!

I'm very sorry for all the shit you seem to be going through bro sounds like it truly sucks!!! Okay Morphine is a dangerous drugs lol although it works GREAT on pain it has it's draw backs and there are many when you take it for a long time.. I will tell you that Morphine starts to weaken the smallest muscles in your body i.e your eyes and urethra the muscle for urination. it's just a side effect of the drug like it making you sleep etc. The other problem that Morphine brings to the table is it tricks you as it saturates your muscles and you don't know if your pain is gone because your addicted to morphine being in your muscles. There is a new drug out called Tremadol XL which is as effective as Morphine but not as dangerous and most GP's no nothing about it because they are tools. The highest dose is 300 mgs and there is an XL which seems to be the strongest but everyone is different and you will have to find what works for you.As far as ejecting food no way should you be doing this... So I would TELL my doc to set me up with a specialist to see what the hell is up there..?? You could have H-Pylori, I hope that helps peace out Headband707


Right on with the sneaky antics of morphine causing small muscle problems.I never realized it before but I definately see these problems in my own situation after many years of being addicted to it. It has done so much damage to me over time that I can only look back at what I was like prior to Morphine and what I am like today.
Without it in my system for more than 12 hours causes me to want to roll up into a ball and say shit what will I ever do if they take this away from me.It was a fun drug 40 yrs ago when used on occassion but these days it is a neccessity if only for the adictive aspect of it. It has def. changed my life in a big way..Good to get this info out to anyone who is thinking about getting a script from his Doc for it.....I guess I went into it blindly and am at the point of no return with it.....


headband 707

Plant whisperer
Right on with the sneaky antics of morphine causing small muscle problems.I never realized it before but I definately see these problems in my own situation after many years of being addicted to it. It has done so much damage to me over time that I can only look back at what I was like prior to Morphine and what I am like today.
Without it in my system for more than 12 hours causes me to want to roll up into a ball and say shit what will I ever do if they take this away from me.It was a fun drug 40 yrs ago when used on occassion but these days it is a neccessity if only for the adictive aspect of it. It has def. changed my life in a big way..Good to get this info out to anyone who is thinking about getting a script from his Doc for it.....I guess I went into it blindly and am at the point of no return with it.....


LOL Actually Jarff you are really not to the point of no return as Morphine like any drug can be titrated off of and this is really the only way to do this as it is to titrate off and for the remaining time with your health I would recommend it if you think you can do this. Obviously it's somthing you have to want and work towards . As you know your body is beyond constipated and this is one of the things that this new drug doesn't have . So if you can I would try and work on this one bro your body wants to come back just do it the right way. peace out Headband707:)
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headband 707

Plant whisperer
I wil try not to flood this thread with all my stuff but will give a short reply to Headband for taking the time to share some knowledge.

I have been on for many years and had to switch due to varying effectiveness.I 'believe" a pain clinic( I have been to 5 different ones) in TO mentioned Tramadol will check into it anyhow.

As for the pain -the fentanyl is the the main opiate with morphine for breakthrough.Even with these the pain is unbearable a lot of times.Despite this-I did go off myself for 1.5 months to KNOW for myself that I could-even with my body then making it's own opiates-It was beyond evil and I literally crawled and ate meal in a can as the pain destroyed me.
I was treated for H.Pylori ages ago and I do not drink ( Celebrex high dose gave me Duodenal ulcer that ended with scarred pancreas)-they thought vagus nerve issues recently but meds did nothing-I keep my blood sugars tight and I am militant about it-there only seems to be one compound that keeps my food down ;) that or no breakthrough meds.Oxycontin helped a little more but all the docs are scared to keep providing it with all the crap that is going on.I get no 'joy" from taking the crap..just pain reduction-although I really hate how it makes me feel in other respects.

The morphine makes me dose out occasionally but for the most part-I sleep max 3 to 4 hrs a night and physically wake up ( neck/ shoulder /bed interaction) anywhere from 4 to 10 times an hour-I REALLY think that does a lot of damage.

I just hope that the political climate changes as alternative methods might allow me to drop the morphine and oxazepam.

Thank you for the feedback Headband ;)

I am sorry to hear others suffering as well-it is a pretty adverse way to live.

Sorry to hear this bro sounds like you know your track lol.. H-Pylori can come back so if you think that you might have the same symptoms go back and treat it again. Fentenyl is horrible so I know this must really suck. There is Hydro Morphine but again your going down the morphine road.. The strongest safest is the TremadolXL 300mg and higher in some cases in Canada Also called Ralivia ER is the other pill ...Good luck bro I'm sure you can get your gro together no problem don't even sweat it peace out Headband707
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LOL Actually Jarff you are really not to the point of no return as Morphine like any drug can be titrated off of and this is really the only way to do this as it is to titrate off and for the remaining time with your health I would recommend it if you think you can do this. Obviously it's somthing you have to want and work towards . As you know your body is beyond constipated and this is one of the things that this new drug doesn't have . So if you can I would try and work on this one bro your body wants to come back just do it the right way. peace out Headband707:)

LOL...Man you know yer stuff.....I can probably make a good effort to break the Morphine habit.......I broke a lot of bad bad habits in my younger days......as I liked the silver tongued devil a little too much for my own good.I,ve stopped cold turkey on different occassions never to return to them.I wouldn,t be here today if I hadn,t stopped.But alas older age seems to be more concentrated in the mind and not the body altho it is the body that in fact wears down with age....?? morphine is the stangest drug I,ve ever experienced;It almost has a mind of it,s own....(musta been the froot loops I had for breakfast)...sorry for rant but i,m sure you know what I mean......lol..just appreciate your honest assessment which is the best advice I,ve heard in a long time.
I,m outta this thread.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
LOL...Man you know yer stuff.....I can probably make a good effort to break the Morphine habit.......I broke a lot of bad bad habits in my younger days......as I liked the silver tongued devil a little too much for my own good.I,ve stopped cold turkey on different occassions never to return to them.I wouldn,t be here today if I hadn,t stopped.But alas older age seems to be more concentrated in the mind and not the body altho it is the body that in fact wears down with age....?? morphine is the stangest drug I,ve ever experienced;It almost has a mind of it,s own....(musta been the froot loops I had for breakfast)...sorry for rant but i,m sure you know what I mean......lol..just appreciate your honest assessment which is the best advice I,ve heard in a long time.
I,m outta this thread.


LOL no cold turkey shit bro .. let me explain why .. As Morphine will saturate all the muscles in your body and the longer you take it the more it saturates inside your muscles. Your heart is a muscle so if you try to stop a schedule #1 drug any of them you can screw with this and have a heart attack.. This is one reason doctors are afraid to prescribe this . The titrating must be 5 mgs or 10 every 2 weeks untill you can switch to other medication but you must do it right or you can get yourself in lots of shit.I think your going to be surprised once you do it though it's all good bro lol peace out Headband707:tiphat:
Tremadol is the new "dream drug" it seems. Unfortunately the people I know who have taken it have had very dark dreams and visions. SO if a drug is going to make you see terrible things and possibly lead some to suicide I'm not sure that it is the perfect solution for everyone. Does seem to be the top pic of medics and doctors these days though....


LOL no cold turkey shit bro .. let me explain why .. As Morphine will saturate all the muscles in your body and the longer you take it the more it saturates inside your muscles. Your heart is a muscle so if you try to stop a schedule #1 drug any of them you can screw with this and have a heart attack.. This is one reason doctors are afraid to prescribe this . The titrating must be 5 mgs or 10 every 2 weeks untill you can switch to other medication but you must do it right or you can get yourself in lots of shit.I think your going to be surprised once you do it though it's all good bro lol peace out Headband707:tiphat:

Yes I know Headband...I,ve checked it out in the past with a professional and I do realize it has to be done over time.I wouldn,t even think of trying it on my own.Thanx for the warning anyhow...
I was more referring to some other drugs from the past where I stopped cold turkey when I was young and strong....lol
Take care


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