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Anyone with knowledge of flouro setups?

Hey, I have just started 12/12 on my plants and would like to take some clones. My closet is only setup for flower right now, no veg. I would like to make a veg. chamber of some sort in another part of my house but I would like it to be very, very small, and discreet. The four foot flouros are way to big for what I am looking to do. All I need is to basically have enough light to get these clones to root. They will only be under these flouros, for a week or so or whatever time it takes them to root. I am only going to have four clones under these lights and I don't care about getting them huge or pounding them with light while they root, I just want them to survive and stay green til they root, then flower room they go. So basically, I am asking you guys if you know of a very small, flouro setup that will do what I need for this situation. I am talking about something like a bulb or two that will fit in something small like a filing cabinet, not something long setup on a table like most of your four foot setups. Thanks everyone


Go buy rapid rooter plugs with a humidity dome, a 18 gal rubbermaid tub and a 13 watt CFL. Run power cord through the lid and you are now in the clone business


Active member
Your Basic Flouro Lights should work fine.... ... take another closet in your house.... Get a Fish tank, Plastic tub... or something along those lines.... Place the flouro ontop of the fish tank and your cuttings inside whatever your choose on using. Then Just Spray them once or twice a day...Its pretty Easy and you could have alot doing it that way.... I dont know what method you use... but i go with what works for me and ive had the best success cloning with jiffy cubes straight in soil. I just treat them like they were small plants in beer cups... IT takes longer this way... but they actually root for me and thats the most important thing. Of course I havent been doing this whole growing thing for long but when i do change my method it will be for a sure fire cloning machine.... All of the stuff you need is at walmart and really shouldnt cost you more than 10 bucks. Come Flouros are even marketed as "grow lights"... I use those.... they are like 9 bucks or something. I think they just are rich in Blue Spectrum or something... im not sure.... but very little light is needed to clone anyway...... if im not mistaken... Too much light could be bad for clones trying to root....Someone want to Agree or Correct me on this?
Thanks Madd. Is it cool to use Solo party cups, with another smaller cup over it as a dome? I have a rubbermaid tub already which is sweet. What does the 13 watt look like, just a bulb or is it long? Do I need some kind of socket too? Can I get these at home depot? Is the C for cool or compact? Thanks bro


420ofcourse said:
Thanks Madd. Is it cool to use Solo party cups, with another smaller cup over it as a dome? I have a rubbermaid tub already which is sweet. What does the 13 watt look like, just a bulb or is it long? Do I need some kind of socket too? Can I get these at home depot? Is the C for cool or compact? Thanks bro

Sure the solos will work just fine. The key is humidity don't spray the clone directly spray the inside of the dome twice a day for 7 to 9 days. I love the rapid rooter plugs because they are completly idiot proof and work for both soil and hydro. Once the clone is rooted it is a breeze to transplant into 4" pots. The 13 watts is just a bulb-clones like lower wattage. Yes on socket with plug -you can get everything you need at Home depot


Check out my almost finished mother clone cabinet I built... It will be stealth... as soon as i get the top drawer from my buddy that donated the dresser. I use Compact Fluoros in my cabinet. I just hooked up a power strip got some plug to light socket converters and 3 25w CFLs. Then theres another CFL for the lower clone area. It took me one night to get it this far! Just dont forget a blower. I used a dayton but a bathroom fartfan should work good too for cheaper.
You dont need to powerful of blowers to keep a CFL cab cool... its more for ventilation. I recon my dayton could keep a 150w HPS cool though maybe a 250.

Thanks Madd- Good stuff to know.

Dub-Nice stealth setup you got there. I am going to get one of those bulbs you have from Home Depot. Is it better to get the cool or warm? Also, is there a special socket that this bulb needs or a standard will work fine? Thanks


It fits in a regular socket. Cool white is best for veg (arround 6500K color temp) and warm white is good for flower (2500K color temp). I use these ones by lights of america called sunlight or daylight or something along those lines. They are cool white and are real good. They make 15 20 and 25 watt versions of them. Sometimes with the CFL "cool white" doesnt always mean it has a high color temp so watch out. I would suggest either the sunlight bulb or otherwise the biggest highest actual watt bulb you can find.

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