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Anyone using ONA Blocks???



So I bought one of these things and I have to say they smell like ASS. I get a headache when I inhale this thing and I started to wonder whether or not it went bad. For those of you who have tried this id like your opinion on whether mine went bad or not.



Yeah im curious to wether these ona blocks actually work..are they non- toxic to the plants and humans?


I had the ONA gel for a while. It smelled like a pine tree and farts. I don't know how much I would trust a brown block of goo. My ONA added additional undesirable smells to the room. It stands to reason that if I can smell it, then it is highly likely that my babies have absorbed some of that fragrance as well.

It also didn't do anything to solve the smell problem.

I chucked it and went with a carbon filter. Now that the filter is going, I can't smell a thing. My allergies seem to be abating as well, likely due to the improved air quality.


I purchased some of the Linen ones a long time ago. They start out smelling bad and get better after 4-7 days. I think they may work for a small 1-4 plant grow if the strain is low odor like BCSC NL#5 but other than that they are not worth much. I have one in the room where all of my stash jars are and it helps a lot to cover the smell but I would not attempt to use them to cover the smell of an active grow.



New member
Never Bought ONA block but bought ONA liquid form 1L bottle fresh linen scent and love it, Get a 5gallon bucket and a small honeywell fan from walmart same diametr as the bucket, oh and get moisture crystals at your hydro store, In the bucket mix 1-2 parts ONA liquid 10 parts water and cup of the crystals wait for the crystals to absorb if theres liquid leftover add more crystals till everythings absorbed give it a stir,place the the face up over the bucket so its nice and snug and drill about 20 1inch holes around the bucket for inake..you can place this bucket in or jus outside your grow room..works awesome elimanates the odour completly doesnt just mask it and when it dries out around a month or longer simply just add some more water and/or ONA :)