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Anyone using coco-can ?


I bought a bag of coco-can last week and Im not sure what to do with it. I made a blend with sum perlite, more ewc and FFOF and planted one girl that just started flowering in it. I ph'ed the water to 6.2 and now the second day I see some twisting of leaves. This is why I just put one plant in it to see what happened. If you've used this stuff can you gimme some feedback on it. Should I just stick with pure coco with nothing added and then maybe mix it with perlite and treat it like hydro ? The only other brand that shop carries is the sunleaves compressed bails. So its gonna have to be one or the other if I wanna try a coco run.


Active member
coco-can, I love the stuff, I used it stright with canna a and b works great, no pre washing is nesesary and no mixing with any thing. I grew coparison plants in ffof and the coco can. the coco kicked ass. Glad to see someone else has found it. need any more info pm me.


Active member
To tell you the truth I never once checked the ph. Last time I did it was around 6 to 7 out of tap city water. Had no problems. so if yours is around that you should be ok.


well the ones I transplanted dont look so good, twisting folding leaves. I think since they spent a month in promix/perlite/ewc that the sudden change was too much for them. I prolly should have PHed em a lil higher to instead of all at once, live n learn. Now I dont know whether to stick the rest in my reliable mix or take a chance int he coco with a higher PH to start. Gettin ppl top reply to my threads on here is like pullin teeth sometimes, thanks guys !


Active member
boost I have been trying to get some feed back on coco can for over three months and no responses. Belive me its good stuff, I went from rapid rooter clones stright to it and also started seedlings in it with great results. It out proformed ffof in all ways. I know it has ph buffers in it and I had no burt or curled leaves. Did you hit them with a hot mix of nutes after transplant? that might have been the problem.


nothin but plain water straight out of my small boy filter PH'ed to low 6 range. Most of them are lookin ok now but that bag ran out fast ! So I gotta go get another bag and finish up my transplants. Not only will this by my first coco run , it will also be my first run with LST only and no topping. I usually top em and then tie em down LST. I intentionally let them get a lil stretched and then transplanted them to one side of the containers allowing room for me to tie em down the other way. Should be interesting to see how they turn out in those lil 2 gallons. such a shame that ppl dont reply enough to threads unless its a super popular subject.


Active member
don't sweat it boost, its just that no one else has tried it yet. I really cant figure why your plants burned the way they did. I f you don't mind try one with un ph water. Stright coco can and plain water. see what happens.


Ya one out of the 8 I did so far looks a lil droopy but the rest look fine. Im gonna transplant the rest and LST em tommorow and cross my fingers. I find it hard to belive that no one else is using this stuff. The drainage is superb and the textture seems perfect with the FF bign chunky perlite. I think I might try some different nutes then the Botanicare/EJ/FF regimen I use with my soil. Gotta find some of that canna round where I live, might have to take a drive.

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
Did someone say Coco Can?

Did someone say Coco Can?

I feel like Candyman. You said three times that no one replies to your thread, and now here I am, * evil laugh*

Ok, its obvious I am stoned. Bear with me-

I have been growing in DWC for a few years. Before that-soil. Now, I am in the process of transforming "Firebase Mary" into a coco op. I switched from hydroton to CoCo can in my net pots a while ago, and that switch planted the seed (no pun) in my head to grow entirely with the crouts.
At the moment, I have two Lemon Skunk Fem From GHS, a Pot Of Gold seedling, and some bubblicious clones (GN). I just placed some Fem Cali O from DP I think. The LS and POG are in beer cups, that are layered Coco Can and Coir. I placed the only uniform layer on the bottom-for drainage and some air. The layers throughout the cup are staggered levels of coco, usually taking up no more than half of the layer-and even that half doesnt have too much croutons on it either.

I am using PBP, Cal Mag, LK, Silica, and later Sweet. Right now I am feeding a diluted seedlings solution, recommended on the bottle. So far, the seedlings are lovin it. I do not have roots on my clones yet, so that test remains to be seen.
When I transplant to 6" sq pots, I will be using the same layering technique there as well.
I pre-soaked the coir, but I did not, or have ever soaked the croutons. I will be re-using them after this cycle, for sure.

Have I Ph'd the setup? nope. I know, I know, but I will be indulging that oversight for the sake of this first experiment.

I'll get some more pics up soon.

Press on, and make this strain your own co co recruiting poster! :headbange

Mr. B out.


I toyed with the idea of gettin the cococan croutons but thought Id start real simple at first. Im likin the cococan/perlite mix so far, everything looks great. I LST'ed most of em and within a few hours they were pointin right back up, amazing. I'll LST the rest after a few days just to let the roots set a lil. Whats PBP tho? And what would another good alternative be if I cant find canna a/b ?

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
PBP-Pure Plend Pro by Botanicare

PBP-Pure Plend Pro by Botanicare

B00st3d I toyed with the idea of gettin the cococan croutons but thought Id start real simple at first. Im likin the cococan/perlite mix so far, everything looks great. I LST'ed most of em and within a few hours they were pointin right back up, amazing. I'll LST the rest after a few days just to let the roots set a lil. Whats PBP tho? And what would another good alternative be if I cant find canna a/b ?

You will find many good alternatives on this board-too many to name! More importantly, what is it you are trying to achieve? Taste, yield, etc. I have heard others using General Hydroponics brand with the LUCAS formula for feeding, and with positive results. Do you prefer organics or chem nutes? I am slowly transitioning to an organic nute program, but for my first grow in coco I am utilizing the PBP line..

Good luck
Mr. B out.


I have the GH stuff right here that came with my waterfarm so maybe I'll give that a go. I been usin the botanicare line more lately in my dirt and Im likin it. I found out that I cant get canna around here just like I cant get AN stuff either.I was thinkin maybe the flora nova too. I'll do the GH for the next few weeks and see how goes it for now.

Mr. Burgundy

Active member
coco/crouton pics..

coco/crouton pics..

Here are some pics of my GHS Lemon Skunk (fem). It may be difficult to see the croutons in the mix, but the roots seem ok.

Watch your 6,
Mr B out.

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