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Anyone use Humate Supreme™ Humic Acid Plus ?


I did a search and found many threads listing HUMATEs but not one that specifically uses this product.

So my question is, Has anyone grown cannabis with Humate Supreme™ Humic Acid Plus ?

The Manufacture says
I find it hard to believe that just one product can provide all the nutrients that cannabis needs considering all the different strains and feeding regiments. I have my doubts, that's why I am asking if anyone had used this product.


Some further info on the company that makes the product. Nothing more or less. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the product.

These are the marketing companies for Humate Technologies.

Humate Supreme Humate Supreme®, a product from Humate Technologies, Inc.

"uniquely formulated for medical hemp plants"

The Green Earth Alliance

Happy Plant Happy Plant ®, a product from Humate Technologies, Inc.

Further info on Bluewater Investment Group purchases and mixes the raw materials per Humate Technologies, Inc.

click on Current Ventures tab.


Someone at the web site sent me this::''



Soil Preparation: We recommend a soil preparation if planting in trays, tubs or raised beds. The formula is 70% good top soil, 10% worm castings, and 20% mulch such as mushroom mulch, peat or composted manure. If you have access to Perlite, you can use 10% Perlite and 10% mulch, peat or composted manure. We recommend sterilizing the soil to kill any seed and all living organisms, larva, worms, eggs, mites, fungus, etc; by heating the soil to 250 degrees, for a minimum 30 minutes.

Add ½ cup of Humaform™ Potting Soil Activator per 20 lbs of the blend as outlined above, and mix thoroughly. Place 3” of gravel or ¼” stone in the bottom of the tub or tray, making sure you have a perforated bottom or holes to allow for proper drainage. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly and place in the tray, tub or raised bed; depth depends on whether you’re growing starter plants for transplant, or if you’re going to allow the complete growing cycle in the same container (large tub) or raised bed.

Starter Tablets: Place one starter tablet approximately 2½” deep, and approximately ½” to the side of where the seed or clone will be in the soil. This is the basis of Root Zone Feeding and places the nutrient rich plant food tablets where the plant can best utilize the nutrients…in the root zone.

Seed or clone planting: Insert seed or clone into center of tub, tray or raised bed; approximately 2” deep, ½” above, and ½” to the side of the starter tablet.

Watering: Water with Humizer Nutrient Tea Concentrate, at the rate of ½ oz to one gallon of chlorine free water. We recommend chlorine free water because chlorine kills good bio-life which promotes good soil and healthy plants, of which Humate Supreme™ products help create and maintain. Most bottled drinking water, or spring water, purchased at a store is chlorine-free, and not all that expensive. You can de-chlorinate water by running it through a charcoal filter, or let it sit overnight in an open watering container to bleed off most of the chlorine. For greenhouses and hydroponic systems, place a charcoal filter on the hose or incoming waterline. These can be purchased at most hardware or garden stores.

Temperature: Keep the temperature at 72 to 80 degrees.

Grow Light: Use a grow lights indoors are recommended, once the plant breaks the surface of the soil.

Tablets: When the plant is 30 days old from breaking the soil add three (3) Humate Supreme™ plant food tablets pushed down into the root zone around the plant, continue to water. In another 30 days add a 4th tablet to finish the growing cycle.

Moisture Meter: We recommend using a moisture meter to determine when to add more water, as over watering can be as damaging as insufficient water. You can continue to use the Humizer Nutrient Tea at ½ oz per 2 gallons of water for best results, or just water with chlorine free water.

This program will grow a vibrant, healthy plant, from seed (or clone) to maturity, in the same tub, tray or raised bed. There is no need to transplant, eliminating transplant shock, unless you’ve started the plants in shallow starter trays. If you’ve started the plants in 5-gallon containers (or larger), or raised beds, you can continue growing them until harvest, without transplanting.

Do not discard your soil mix at harvest, as it is nutrient-rich with humic acid, natural nutrients, bio-life and organic matter. You can plant new seeds or clones, using your soil mix as the base material for your next crop. You can also store it for future planting, as it will not lose its properties.

If you choose not to use your soil mix for a future crop, it can be used as a potting soil for other crops, such as vegetables, flowers, shrubs, etc. Cannabis/Hemp plants are not unlike all other plants, in the sense that they all thrive in good organic rich soil that has sufficient micro-nutrients and beneficial bio-life. While Humate Supreme™ is formulated specific to growing exceptional cannabis plants, the tablets are loaded with humic acid, and 70+ micro-nutrients, which are beneficial to all plant life, and as such can be used in all other growing applications.

What are these???
Humizer Nutrient Tea Concentrate and Humaform™ Potting Soil acttivator

more products to buy


Active member
you can use ... 10% mulch, peat or composted manure

Never thought I would ever see these three options in the same list. Sort of like at Halloween, saying "kids, you can have the apple, the nail clipping, or the drop of water". Non sequitur sequitorum, right?

My nose tells me these people are full of shit.


New member
Hello All,

I appreciate the talk about our product in this forum. I would like to invite you back to our site to take a look at a few new things going on there. Check out our new video on the home page. After it's done it will automatically take you to a new page with some real results. http://www.humatesupreme.com

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Humate Supreme


Please let us know if you have any questions.
I've spent a decent portion of the last few months researching for a project and a decent amount has been spent on humates. My understanding is that the step goes from peat to lignite. Actually have not looked closely at that but think that's the case. So you have virgin humate, and a multi million ton source at that, and not leonardite so please describe the difference.

Do you see something wrong with leonardite?

Which laboratory would you recommend for testing a humate product and which test method? From what I understand there are 4 different methods. As for fulvic acid I talked to one lab that's been in the ag testing business for about 40 years and they said if I could find a good method for testing fulvic acid they'd love to have it. Seems a place like Cali won't let you distribute products with a claimed fulvic content on the label because there is no accepted test at this time which seems to confirm what the lab told me. I also talked to one ag researcher and he basically told me the same thing about fulvic acid testing.

I totally agree about root zone feeding and after years of messing with growing canna ended up with a simple mix and relied mostly on bottom layers and spikes for ferting...really the way to go IMO.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Hello All,

I appreciate the talk about our product in this forum. I would like to invite you back to our site to take a look at a few new things going on there. Check out our new video on the home page. After it's done it will automatically take you to a new page with some real results. http://www.humatesupreme.com

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Humate Supreme
I have a question about your products and that is how does your product stand up against products from BioAg.com for example? Either their humic or their fulvic acid products.

Just curious as usual.



I have a question about your products and that is how does your product stand up against products from BioAg.com for example? Either their humic or their fulvic acid products.

Just curious as usual.

Heh heh...BioAg has THE best humic extract products around IMO. I'm still of the opinion though that micronized humic matter is the best but BioAg's stuff is really close and can be used in ways a micronized product can't such as in foliars and in hydro. Foliar applications of micronized humates still works though. Any conventionally extracted product is pretty much denatured. Using a micronized humate in the medium provides many times more the activity than a conventionally extracted product. BioAg uses a slow cold microbial fermentation process which I think is ingenious :biggrin:. Dr. Faust has also built a custom dryer for his powder products.

I talked to someone in the humate business today about the whole 'virgin humate' thing and he just chuckled. He was pleasant in his response but basically I say sounds like BS. Some substantiation would be nice. Not saying your product does not work but easy to put together a formula that will be effective as how you recommend using it.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Heh heh...BioAg has THE best humic extract products around IMO. I'm still of the opinion though that micronized humic matter is the best but BioAg's stuff is really close and can be used in ways a micronized product can't such as in foliars and in hydro. Foliar applications of micronized humates still works though. Any conventionally extracted product is pretty much denatured. Using a micronized humate in the medium provides many times more the activity than a conventionally extracted product. BioAg uses a slow cold microbial fermentation process which I think is ingenious :biggrin:. Dr. Faust has also built a custom dryer for his powder products.

I talked to someone in the humate business today about the whole 'virgin humate' thing and he just chuckled. He was pleasant in his response but basically I say sounds like BS. Some substantiation would be nice. Not saying your product does not work but easy to put together a formula that will be effective as how you recommend using it.

They have the absolute best customer service of any company regardless of what products or services they offer.

I've had Dr. Faust's assistant call me from HIS cell phone to answer a rather esoteric question I had about their golden liquid fulvic acid product. I couldn't believe it because I had sent them an email outlining the parameters of what I was trying to accomplish and they called me during business hours. Pretty amazing folks.

BTW - some (not all) of their products are being rebranded and marketed by Down-To-Earth Fertilizers. I noticed it at an 'indoor garden store' up in Southeast Portland. The packaging was nice and they had 3 or 4 of BioAg's powdered humic acid products as well as gallon and quart bottles of their fulvic acid.

The pricing was fair even BEFORE the obligatory, universal and necessary 'discount' from the dimwit behind the counter. I've become convinced that young wannabe growers that washout from selling used cars and term life insurance policies end up at grow stores as a means to get the 'real bro deal' on equipment and nutrients.

Then again it takes a huge set of balls to pass off crap like Advanced Nutrients, Dutch Gold, Fox Farms and the rest on unsuspecting medical patients who for the most part have never grown a house plant and they are depending on these jamokes to get them dialed in on a 'nutrient system' and that's where the fun begins.

BioAg's fulvic acid is $48.00 (gallon) in Portland and that's enough for about 6 months for my 5 plants and $15.00 (100 grams) of their humic acid lasts me about a year or so. Probably longer.

My soil mix cost me $6.25 per 1 cf and you can add about $.75 for a general fertilizer mix and mineral mix so I top out at $7.00 per cf of soil.

Hit the plants every 10 days as per Ryan at BioAg both as a soil drench and as a foliar application. Simple. Cheap. Effective.

Then again I could go down to see 'da dude' at Butt Crack Garden Centers and drop $1,500.00+ on the latest whiz bang crap from AM and get on the grower/grow-store treadmill.

I'll pass.



Yeah I've chatted with both Ryan and Dr. Faust and both very nice to work with. The people at Mesa Verde Resources (humate products) are also very good. Joel Reed is incredibly knowledgeable, very helpful and plain and simply just nice and the quality of their humate material seems to be excellent. Would also recommend people look at their stuff. TeraVita is another company but I'd stick with BioAg or Mesa Verde but that's just me.

As for the esoteric stuff...kind of makes my day more fun :biggrin:

Clackamas Coot

Active member
TeraVita is another company but I'd stick with BioAg or Mesa Verde but that's just me.

As for the esoteric stuff...kind of makes my day more fun :biggrin:

I bought a pound of the Tera Vita product from CT Guy's web site. As things turned out I gave all of it away to indigent MMJ growers up at one of the groups in Portland meaning that I only used it a couple of times and given the fact that CT Guy uses this product and given the fact that he's well known in the AACT circles (in fact some of the photos used in the "Teaming With Microbes" book are shots from the tea that he brews) I felt comfortable recommending this product to others.

I'm sure that it's a great product and at the pricing levels that CT Guy charges it's a real 'win-win' deal for small time growers like myself.



Clackamas Coot

Active member
Is what you're calling virgin humate simply carbonaceous shale?

Looks like the same product:
That's the deal-killer for me - the shale sourcing.

As you know probably better than I do, the actual 'source' of humic acid products is the beginning and end-all.

I would/do reject any humic acid product sourced from shale and other petroleum-based sources.

Just an opinion as usual.



i've tried CT Guys humic powder, bio ag's golden liquid ( great stuff) and now have a bottle of Terra Vita's LC 10 which is by far the most amazing shit i have ever used.

The stuff is truly the first time i've used anything that i would call pixie dust, except it's in liquid form.


New member
Response Pending

Response Pending

Hey Guys,

I just checked back in and noticed the responses. I'm waiting on a response from the experts behind Humate Supreme to get back with you.

I will admit that the humate substance is the same as what is found in the Happy Plant product. However, the Humate Supreme product has a specialized formula for cannabis needs.

We have had people trying our product that are extremely skeptical. In fact if you look at the case study page, the guy from Colorado threw the Humate Supreme tablets that his partner gave him in some trash plants that were going to die. He couldn't believe their recovery from just adding in the Humate Supreme and some water.

As soon as I get a response I will keep you informed.

Humate Supreme