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Anyone Tried Green Dragon?


I found a recipe somewhere on the internet and decided to make some. I made it the easy way without using the stove, so it'll b ready in about a week. Anyone have any experience with it? I'm curious wut kind of results i will have.


wife uses it occasionally for pain, she says it works really well.. she takes it sublingually (sp?)


spelling.... sublingually (she drops a couple drops under her tongue)


Ackrite said:
I found a recipe somewhere on the internet and decided to make some. I made it the easy way without using the stove, so it'll b ready in about a week. Anyone have any experience with it? I'm curious wut kind of results i will have.
wellll... what is it?... :confused:


(opens new tab, and goes a searchin'.. even though she needs to go to bed....
??? curiosity gets the best of me, sometimes)


Active member
I've wanted to try some, but haven't got around to trying to make any.

Ms.Grat3ful: If your asking what green dragon is, it's an alcohol/THC based drink.


Thank You Clear, I was askin'... i really had no idea...
and well, now that I know, I think I'll pass :wink:


Never had that,but i have made alcoholic drinks with MJ.I used to go every year to this big party-BluesFest- called The Rooney Fest(awsome 4 days n nites),and i would pre mix Absolute Citron Vodka,and add an OZ of killer buds n let it soak fo a couple days or longer if you want,then strain..Stuff tasted like terpantine,(sp?)but made ya so buzzed n spacey.i only made it once a year.Great if you wanna blitz everyone right off the bat at a big bash and have them lookin like they've been partying for days... :joint: DWW
I have a bottle on hand at all times.I fill a QT. mason jar w/ bud trimmings and the little pop corn buds. Cover that w/ ever clear and let sit for about 6 weeks. 1 shot in a 16 oz glass w/V-8, a little salt pepper, worchester sauce ,and of coarse a few drops of tobasco. The perfect bloody mary. Don't mix this with any other alchol or it will spin you out LOL I found out the hard way. hehe


actually DWW i was kinda lazy and thats pretty much how im makin it...Even used Absolut Vodka. :smile: I can't wait to try it!


(Y) e s i have knot juan love

(Y) e s i have knot juan love

i have used vanilla extract and lotion bottles with a double boiling action to cure/brew my medicine

very effective to use a lipid extract FIRST and then heat gently with a little vannilla extract, TOP I CALL

juan love


New member
I made some about a year ago,I took 1 oz of trim soaked it in water for a day to take out some of the "green" drained it in cheesecloth and squeezed out the water, soaked it in a mason jar w/ everclear for a month,then reduced it by half in a slow cooker,I found the taste to be god-aweful,it was different.I at the same time also made a batch of grape wine,I also soaked the trim in water for this as well.I liked the wine much better and it seemed to have a trippier kind of buzz then the everclear batch, to quote leftover salmon "but I think it was the wine".


Original Editor of ICMagazine
There are Green Dragons in Oregon

There are Green Dragons in Oregon

Or there were anyway, when I had a green dragon smoothie at the oregon country fair... what a blast that was. There were whirling dervishes and belly dancers, what a fine time it was indeed.
Green Dragons are great!


i used to read about a fellow on overgrow who would distill the vapor of his medicine thruogh hard liquor and then use this solution as tincture.

he had lab glass distillation equipment, but none of it is too hard to get on ebay.


New member
I have made Green Dragon with some fine rum. Even so, that shite burns going down and the taste could gag a maggot on a gut wagon. I have to follow my oz. with an immediate wash of about 6-8 oz. water. When you swallow the GD, it kind of helps to cut off your smeller until the stuff is down. GD will get you off, for sure. Overdoing it will have you chatting with unseen entities--and understanding what they are saying.


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