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Anyone see a seed make twins?


It's a natural mutation called polyembryony. It has nothing to do with how the plant was pollinated. It's just like when animals have twins, conjoined twins, etc. Polyembryony is common in plants and animals, and can happen by the division of the zygote after fertilization or by an adventitious embryo forming from the somatic tissue alongside the embryo. The reason twin plants aren't seen as often is because of PCD (programmed cell death), which kills off all but one monozygotic embryo to ensure survival of the one embryo.


Active member
i just had a twin i guess u could say ...

I germinated 5 jack the ripper seeds from TGA and 2 days after they were put into the paper towel all 5 popped. So when i was planting them into their 12 ounce cups ,i noticed that 1 of the seeds had 2 sprouts.
So i planted both of them in seperate pots and its been about a week or so and they r both doing fine.

The 1 seedling is a litle bigger then the other one at the moment. The weird thing is that ive got a runt seedling u could say and the other one has 3 leafs instead of 2 like most normal pot plants...
So far its on the 2nd set of leaves coming in but like i said, it has 3 leaves instead of 2...

Weirdest thing i ever saw ...


Active member
i just found out that this is called a Triploid when a plant has 3 sets of leaves instead of 2...
Its a kind of polyploid, i was told...


Triploid refers to the number of chromosomes something has, not the number of leaves. Ploidy -- The number of the sets of chromosomes in a biological cell. Human cells are diploid, meaning 2 sets of chromosomes.
Polyploidy -- The term used to describe cells or organisms with more than 2 paired sets of chromosomes.

Examples of polyploidy in commercial wheat (wheat is normally diploid), durum wheat is tetraploid (4 sets) and bread wheat is hexaploid (6sets)

Having three leaves instead of two is called whorled phyllotaxy - which means having 3 or more leaves per node.


Active member
^^thanks for setting me straight on that info^^ ...

I did also remember reading something about whorled phyllotaxy ...

If it turns out to be a female, do u think that that mutation could be any kind of problem ...?...


Now that is a polyembryonic seed, a true twin. Are you going to leave in one pot, or separate the two plants?

vStagger Leev

Not so funny story actually.... went out camping for an evening and forgot to re moisten my towel, and they all dried out and died. Though Melting Pot is growing these genetics too and he got twins as well. Two growers popped a small amount of seed and both growers got twins! :yay: Karma said that his parents for the plant the Dominator I believe he said had twins every so often as well. Peace and love ,Stagger


I've got one going of Sam the Skunkmans freebies. 2 separate plants from 1 seed. I left them together just because I'm curious to see what happens. It's the 2nd cup from the left in the bottom row. 16 days above ground today.


Had a white berry twin, you can see it in the link in my sig. I could tell from the seed it was gonna be a twin it had 1 ahem, seedbutt, and two seedheads on it, figured two were gonna shoot out and two did. One of 'em dominated the other one...they were in one gallon pots so I hope you gave them babies a big pot.


Active member
MY Twin jack the rippers are both still alive and kickin at about week 5-6 in veg ...

1of them has stayed the runt of the group ...
last year i had a seed with a radical on both ends but no root. it just shoot out a radical instead of a root. someone ever saw that?

i ask here because thats what i had in mind when i read twins in the title.


i bred a group of afghani shark seeds that produced twins 1 in 5 seeds. did a 100 seed run on them and separated the twins into separate pots, 95 percent of them were 1 male and 1 female per seed. tried to use thes to see if the trait would pass to the next generation, but was unsuccessful!

Ultra Current

2 plants came out of one seed in CGS's Lem Chem. It took me a few days to figure out what was going on but i planted both of them in separete containers and one eventually died. It was cool though and i would have liked to grow them both out and see if they were exactly the same in every aspect but one died. Nice to see it in person though.


I got anomalously high twinning with BAP treatment. Lets say, um, several twins in a batch of seeds of two different plants. What are the odds that I would germinate several twins after setting seed and having BAP treatments while not seeing it otherwise. BAP may effect twinning, but I don't think its anything but a novelty. The resulting seedlings seem to be weaker

chief bigsmoke

Active member
Here are my lovely twin ladies. strawberry alien kush

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