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Anyone see 20/20 last night? Kudo's Marco of TY

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Wow this is what you guys got from watching the show a spoiled brat that needed a good spanking? No wonder we are where we are in this world with these problems.. With this attitude things are never going to change EITHER!!!!! Headband707


I hold El Roacho's
I know drinking liquor in a safe place like your home and not driving is great or toking at home or not driving and when your children are in bed but we would all have our kids taken from us if we gave them liquor so even though I'm all for helping any child I don't believe wether it's a brownie or a chocolate cookie with cannabis should be given to any minor child period.

I believe a behaviorist professional who studies children with severe cases of OCD along with Meds and schooling would help these children and teens rather then feed them brownies and reward them with video games would be the proper route to take.

OCD is not a short term problem and has major effects on a childs life if not corrected and treated properly.


Im late to the party but anyone that didnt get a chance to catch this when it aired it's available on hulu, link below.

I thought this presentation was a real piece of crap, seems like 20/20 has gone down hill. Aside from the interview with doctor from "The Union" not much solid info was put forth. I agree others the retarded kid seemed like he could really use a backhand and even his mother admitted his tincture doesnt do much but she wants him to feel euphoria because no other children want to play with him. Im all for MMJ, I dont think it should be used on children but I also dont believe drugs like ritalin should be handed out as frequently as they are either.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Geez I could not be more disappointed in the reation of this thread and of all the ppl to react this way is you guys holy shit.. You have obviuosly not worked with these type of kids or seen them struggle with their chemical imbalance of the BRAIN....which they struggle with everyday what kid would actually choose this? then to play a happy everyday life with friends etc? This boy was taking tincture can have very low CBD's depending on how and what you make it with.. It's was the other Boy from Marco's TY mag the one that was dying that took the brownies .. So you would have to take that up with his mom about not giving his son the brownies to SAVE HIS LIFE.. perhaps even read the article.. Headband707


It's was the other Boy from Marco's TY mag the one that was dying that took the brownies .. So you would have to take that up with his mom about not giving his son the brownies to SAVE HIS LIFE.. perhaps even read the article.. Headband707

That was the one really good example they used, but they only gave that kid like 30 second of air time. I just think they could have found better examples of people/kids to show. The OCD kid his mom said it didnt work all that well, but she likes him to feel the high feeling. Out of all the sick and dying in med states I just thought they could have found a few more people worthy of putting on tv. This episode wouldnt really make the case in alot of peoples minds. And the 3rd kid they showed hadn't even tried MJ therapy and they didnt mention any sort of follow up, but I guess you cant expect too much from a 30 min show.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Needless to say this is what I think of that answer :

Needless to say this is what I think of that answer :


For the past several years, many psychiatrists, sociological researchers, and parents have recommended that we seriously consider banning the physical punishment of children. The most important reason, according to Dr. Peter Newell, coordinator of the organization End Punishment of Children (EPOCH)1, is that "all people have the right to protection of their physical integrity, and children are people too."2
1. Hitting children teaches them to become hitters themselves. Extensive research data is now available to support a direct correlation between corporal punishment in childhood and aggressive or violent behavior in the teenage and adult years. Virtually all of the most dangerous criminals were regularly threatened and punished in childhood. It is nature's plan that children learn attitudes and behaviors through observation and imitation of their parents' actions, for good or ill. Thus it is the responsibility of parents to set an example of empathy and wisdom.
2. In many cases of so-called "bad behavior", the child is simply responding in the only way he can, given his age and experience, to neglect of basic needs. Among these needs are: proper sleep and nutrition, treatment of hidden allergy, fresh air, exercise, and sufficient freedom to explore the world around him. But his greatest need is for his parents' undivided attention. In these busy times, few children receive sufficient time and attention from their parents, who are often too distracted by their own problems and worries to treat their children with patience and empathy. It is surely wrong and unfair to punish a child for responding in a natural way to having important needs neglected. For this reason, punishment is not only ineffective in the long run, it is also clearly unjust.
3. Punishment distracts the child from learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. As the educator John Holt wrote, "When we make a child afraid, we stop learning dead in its tracks." A punished child becomes preoccupied with feelings of anger and fantasies of revenge, and is thus deprived of the opportunity to learn more effective methods of solving the problem at hand. Thus, a punished child learns little about how to handle or prevent similar situations in the future.
4. The phrase "Spare the rod and spoil the child" is not from the Bible but from Samuel Butler's "Hudibras", a 17th Century satirical poem. The poem, like his novel, The Way of All Flesh, was written to expose and denounce violence against children.
While the "rod" is mentioned many times in the Bible, it is only in the Book of Proverbs that this word is used in connection with parenting. The book of Proverbs is attributed to Solomon, an extremely cruel man whose harsh methods of discipline led his own son, Rehoboam, to become a tyrannical and oppressive dictator who only narrowly escaped being stoned to death for his cruelty. In the Bible there is no support for harsh discipline outside of Solomon's Proverbs. By contrast, the writings in the Gospels, the most important books in the Bible for Christians, contain the teachings of Jesus Christ, who urged mercy, forgiveness, humility, and non-violence. Jesus saw children as being close to God, and urged love, never punishment.3
5. Punishment interferes with the bond between parent and child, as it is not human nature to feel loving toward someone who hurts us. The true spirit of cooperation which every parent desires can arise only through a strong bond based on mutual feelings of love and respect. Punishment, even when it appears to work, can produce only superficially good behavior based on fear, which can only take place until the child is old enough to resist. In contrast, cooperation based on respect will last permanently, bringing many years of mutual happiness as the child and parent grow older.
6. Many parents never learned in their own childhood that there are positive ways of relating to children. When punishment does not accomplish the desired goals, and if the parent is unaware of alternative methods, punishment can escalate to more frequent and dangerous actions against the child.
7. Anger and frustration which cannot be safely expressed by a child become stored inside; angry teenagers do not fall from the sky. Anger that has been accumulating for many years can come as a shock to parents whose child now feels strong enough to express this rage. Punishment may appear to produce "good behavior" in the early years, but always at a high price, paid by parents and by society as a whole, as the child enters adolescence and early adulthood.
8. Spanking on the buttocks, an erogenous zone in childhood, can create in the child's mind an association between pain and sexual pleasure, and lead to difficulties in adulthood. "Spanking wanted" ads in alternative newspapers attest to the sad consequences of this confusion of pain and pleasure. If a child receives little parental attention except when being punished, this will further merge the concepts of pain and pleasure in the child's mind. A child in this situation will have little self-esteem, believing he deserves nothing better. For more on this topic, see "The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children" (also in French).
Even relatively moderate spanking can be physically dangerous. Blows to the lower end of the spinal column send shock waves along the length of the spine, and may injure the child. The prevalence of lower back pain among adults in our society may well have its origins in childhood punishment. Some children have become paralyzed through nerve damage from spanking, and some have died after mild paddlings, due to undiagnosed medical complications.
9. Physical punishment gives the dangerous and unfair message that "might makes right", that it is permissible to hurt someone else, provided they are smaller and less powerful than you are. The child then concludes that it is permissible to mistreat younger or smaller children. When he becomes an adult, he can feel little compassion for those less fortunate than he is, and fears those who are more powerful. This will hinder the establishment of meaningful relationships so essential to an emotionally fulfilling life.
10. Because children learn through parental modeling, physical punishment gives the message that hitting is an appropriate way to express feelings and to solve problems. If a child does not observe a parent solving problems in a creative and humane way, it can be difficult for him to learn to do this himself. For this reason, unskilled parenting often continues into the next generation. Gentle instruction, supported by a strong foundation of love and respect, is the only truly effective way to bring about commendable behavior based on strong inner values, instead of superficially "good" behavior based only on fear.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
That was the one really good example they used, but they only gave that kid like 30 second of air time. I just think they could have found better examples of people/kids to show. The OCD kid his mom said it didnt work all that well, but she likes him to feel the high feeling. Out of all the sick and dying in med states I just thought they could have found a few more people worthy of putting on tv. This episode wouldnt really make the case in alot of peoples minds. And the 3rd kid they showed hadn't even tried MJ therapy and they didnt mention any sort of follow up, but I guess you cant expect too much from a 30 min show.

Yeah that boy was pretty severe when I came in the room and seen him it looked like he had a few problems going on... and he definately needed to be calmed down.. I really had to feel for the mom she looked exhausted dealing with his problems and he looked so unhappy too. I agree 30 min isn't enough time I think they were trying to show how bad it was with him aswell. There a various degrees of autisum for example "Rainman" was autistic and brilliant at the same time played next to Tom Crues.. So the brain is there it's just imbalanced but they are very smart.. you just need to tap into what they are smart with.. peace out Headband707

Oh I just wanted to make a comment on the fact that the kid liked and played video games ARE YOU SHITTING ME?? You mean like every other kid I know out there at every fucking age now a dayz!!! That melt their brains infront of the tube with this shit so Nah him getting into that meant nothing....
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