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Anyone knows how to rip online radios?


I downloaded couple of programs but they are not recording anything.

Is it the programs fault or something wrong with sound settings???

I can hear it on my computer but it doesnt record anything :confused:


The Voice of Reason
On Mac OS x there is a program you can download called iRecordMusic which works quite well...
Don't know for PC or linux...


Mr.G I didn't know you were a Mac person. Good Stuff. I was thinking they ought to make a tivo like device for car radios that would allow you to repeat one or two songs at least. I know when I am driving and catch that song that brings up my spirits I want to hear it again. Anyway along the lines of the thread I don not know of any such software but will keep an eye out fer ya.


Uncle Jesse

Active member
I been using windows professional media edition

and i know a guy who uses a PC to high end vcr for up to 6 to 8 hrs of recording time.
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Traktor driver
That's just the first link that came out of a google search, like I said just enter internet radio ripper or something along those lines into google and it'll give you enough options :wink: