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Anyone Killing it w/ LEDs in terms of Commercial Yields?


Firstly, merry Christmas everyone!

Now back on topic, I presume the cost of LEDs is prohibitive for most to use them for commercial grows, but I did see a few on here. Thrillspan had a nice grow w/ vertically hung LEDs which I saw on here.

That said, in general I haven't seen many growers attempting to replace HPS w/ LEDs for larger-scale grows (i.e., equivalent of 3000 HPS watts +). Perhaps I am not looking in the right places?

So I'm curious -- anyone killing it w/ LEDs on a commercial scale? If not, why not?

I've read that the penetration of LEDs isn't good, but I'm not sure if this is true? Thoughts from the community appreciated...


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
yes most reason why is the start up costs / amount of panels needed to replace 1000's

there is many running big watts, but you might not find them.

not true for say, all depends on setups / style.. most commercial cut half undergrowth anyways

so what are you wanting to know, or are you just wanting pics?


ruger 500
pictures would be nice ,at a grand a light it would suck not to get yealds I would need three or four to replace my 600s


Active member
hid is still cheaper. led would be good for scrog or sog . led penetration is weak compared to hid. I can either get another car or convert to led. lol. if your grow is dictated by plant numbers the led aint the way to grow. I can grow way bigger plants with hid,if I went to led I would have to increase my numbers a lot. that said I will jump in when the prices drop and the leds get more power


Thanks for the replies guys, but I'm not sure this is really answering my questions, unfortunately.

I agree that the best chances given the alleged penetration problems are indeed SOG or SCROG types of grows where you can really manage the canopy to be on an even level. I still don't know of many threads in which someone has done this and pulled 5+ pounds.

In the long run if you're growing for commercial purposes it seems like LEDs would be the way to go. In particular, you'd save on the electrical costs in terms of watts required for PAR and subsequently temperature management. It just seems strange that there aren't many examples in which anyone had actually done it...

Eureka Springs Organics

All of the warehouses out here are running LED's. :)

It's all HID here. The LED's are just not there yet. Maybe in another 5 years, but honestly the most efficient way to grow is greenhouses. For production costs greenhouses can't be beat.


Anyone Killing it w/ LEDs in terms of Commercial Yields?



New member
There are some big commercial LED growers, but only for the big investors. The prices are just too steep unless your in a area where electricity is exorbitantly expensive. There are actually places in the world some in Canada that actually pay over a dollar per Kilowatt hour.
I just started growing with LED on a very small scale, and you can grow some impressive plants with LED. I think the tech and prices will continue to improve and drop.

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