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Anyone in Colorado concerned about the feds in 2012?


poppin' outta control
My question is will they for sure give everyone 45 days, and if you stop within 45 days are you out w/o any penalty what so ever? Is that what happened in Cali???????????? / what was the outcome for Cali on the 45 day thing?

A few months ago, our blog reported on how the federal government launched a comprehensive initiative designed to crack down on the medical marijuana industry in California.
Here, U.S. attorneys sent letters to landlords renting/leasing property where medical marijuana is being grown and/or sold, informing them that unless they evict their tenants, they may face criminal charges and/or the forfeiture of their land.
Now, it appears as if a similar initiative/crackdown may take place here in Colorado over the next few months.
According to media reports, an anonymous law enforcement official has indicated that federal officials are currently reviewing whether to take action against medical marijuana in Colorado. Specifically, the official revealed that federal officials would likely target medical marijuana dispensaries/cultivation sites located near schools, issuing a letter instructing them that they have 45 days to cease operations or face potential prosecution.
Understandably, a potential federal crackdown has left medical marijuana-related businesses -- including Colorado's 667 dispensaries, 926 cultivations sites and 246 marijuana-infused product makers -- concerned and medical marijuana advocates upset.
"Colorado has been a model for how a state should regulate medical marijuana," said Brain Vicente, executive director of Sensible Colorado. "Our system has worked and Colorado should be allowed to continue to do so."
Federal officials have hardened their stance against medical marijuana following the release of a June memo by Deputy Attorney General James Cole, calling for the prosecution of those seeking to profit from the sale of medical marijuana.
While Cole's memo indicated that compliance with state law would not provide any type of immunity from federal prosecution, he has since clarified that both caregivers and patients should not be targeted.
Currently, 16 states and the District of Columbia have medical marijuana laws in place.
While it remains to be seen whether federal officials will actually target Colorado's medical marijuana industry in early 2012, many legal experts are clearly not surprised by the possibility.
"This has been the reality that people in the industry have been living with from day one," said Professor Sam Kamin of the Sturm College of Law at the University of Denver. "The feds have generally stayed away from people in good compliance with state law. ... Will that be the approach here?"

The state may be facing a dead-end in its efforts to pave the way for legal medical marijuana, according to a leading state lawmaker on the issue. Democratic Sen. Pat Steadman, of Denver, said there are limits to what can be done at the state level because of federal laws that rigidly adhere to the illegality of marijuana. Steadman made the remarks Saturday at the Medical Marijuana Assistance Program of America’s first town hall meeting at their new headquarters in Denver.
“I tried to take a few of the rough edges off of our regulatory scheme,” said Steadman. “I’m becoming increasingly frustrated because I’m becoming more and more acutely aware of the fact that I don’t think the solution to this problem lies here in the state of Colorado, and I don’t know if there’s anything we can do at the Capitol in Denver to actually fix this.”
Of primary concern, said Steadman, is the refusal of banks in Colorado to do business with medical marijuana dispensaries stemming from fears of federal investigations. The lack of banking opportunities is creating a recipe for crime, says Steadman.
“It’s become a cash business, and when you have that kind of cash lying around, we know what kinds of problems that creates,” said Steadman. “It’s just a ticking time bomb, and it’s just going to get worse the more we force this industry to work on a cash basis. I’ve hit a brick wall, I think, in what we can do, and whatever we try and do at the state level I don’t think is actually going to work because of federal laws around banking.”
The federal government has made it clear, says Steadman, that banks servicing medical marijuana dispensaries are involved in illegal activity.
Even if state legislation could turn the corner, Colorado Attorney General John Suthers may not be supportive, given his overall reluctance to support broader interpretations of Amendment 20, the voter-approved constitutional provision legalizing medical marijuana in 2000. Spokesman Mike Saccone said the Republican attorney general’s preference is for the approach outlined in the constitutional amendment, allowing for marijuana to be grown and used for medical purposes rather than sold through dispensaries.
“In an ideal world, he’d like to go back to the patient-caregiver system established in Amendment 20,” said Saccone. “Whether or not the toothpaste is already out of the tube is another matter.”
Steadman said he had been working on possible legislation over the summer to address the banking issue, but he now has serious reservations and is considering giving up the idea. The solution may hinge on efforts by U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colorado, who is working on the issue at the federal level, says Steadman.
“I haven’t given up yet, but I may have to, ” said Steadman. “We may have to bank on what Polis can do in Washington.”


Active member
nice read!

you know its hard to say what will even really happen, but aslong as your not a dispensary or doing some warehouse near a school it seems like you will be ok...

us basement growers shouldnt have to worry i wouldnt think. after all there not taking away mmj, there really just trying to regulate it some more... like we all expected....

but what do i kno! haha :joint:

just my thoughts! later


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I think it is safe to say ANY legal MMJ state should be concerned, ESPECIALLY if the Obama administration stays in power.

Good luck Colorado, you may need it!


Active member
nothing much has happened in cali yet. the threat alone was enough to get lots of clubs to shut down on their own and switch to delivery. still awaiting the feds response.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
The only reason why they are cracking down in Cali is because there is no registration system within the state. anyone can just get there card and operate. In Maine every patient, caregiver and dispensary are registered with the state and receive compliance checks from dea (not dhhs, which it should be)

they just want us under there control. fucked up shit either way. if your not in the system then i would buy a diesel generator and go blow it the fuck up off the grid. keep the feds and state out of your biz.


Active member
Obama just signed the NDAA on the 200th anniversary of the bill of rights.
All Hail the new military-police state!

What do YOU think?


Active member
The only reason why they are cracking down in Cali is because there is no registration system within the state. anyone can just get there card and operate. In Maine every patient, caregiver and dispensary are registered with the state and receive compliance checks from dea (not dhhs, which it should be)

they just want us under there control. fucked up shit either way. if your not in the system then i would buy a diesel generator and go blow it the fuck up off the grid. keep the feds and state out of your biz.

thats why i am still free and not on some list. i will stay here for now. couple more years till i go back east to live again. i do miss the market prices back there and the cheap water and electric.


poppin' outta control
thank you everyone that has responded so far!!! that NDAA thing is ridiculous, cant believe it went through. thanks superman for answering the cali question


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
nothing much has happened in cali yet. the threat alone was enough to get lots of clubs to shut down on their own and switch to delivery. still awaiting the feds response.

DUDE! Do you even LIVE in Cali, what do you mean nothing much has happened??? Are you high? Christ in my county alone 10!!! dispo's have closed, they even are putting massive pressure on WHAM which was a medical marijuana collective before ANY of this was even legal!!! Sacramento County has closed EVERY dispo. Their is a thread of the damage being wrought in Almidor County..wow! I don;t know what you consider "much happening" but this has been a complete reversal of movement for MANY people and patients!
In Maine every patient, caregiver and dispensary are registered with the state and receive compliance checks from dea
Are you fucking kidding me? Compliance checks? Are they actually implementing this or just talking about it? Somebody would have to be a complete moron to put themselves on a list of people growing a schedule 1 narcotic subject to DEA inspections. I would be 100% illegal before I ever considered participating in a medical system like that! Especially in Maine! Maine's laws are so lax, I don't think I would even bother with being medical. 99 plants and 16oz or less are both class d misdemeanors. 2.5oz possession is a non criminal civil violation punishable only by fine. Maine's current ILLEGAL position on MJ is better than most state's proposed "LEGALIZATION" campaigns!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
lol not kidding one bit me and everyone of my caregiver buddies with the exclusion of a few have had compliance checks. mine resulted in a class c felony for only having 31 plants over my 12 plant limit. the 99 plant count misdemeanor is bullshit even with a good lawyer they still stick it right up your ass. and its not DHHS doing the checks/inspections its the MDEA a state drug enforcement agency

they have complete control over the MJ program in Maine and thats why the feds stay out of our biz cuz the state is already up in it!
lol not kidding one bit me and everyone of my caregiver buddies with the exclusion of a few have had compliance checks. mine resulted in a class c felony for only having 31 plants over my 12 plant limit. the 99 plant count misdemeanor is bullshit even with a good lawyer they still stick it right up your ass. and its not DHHS doing the checks/inspections its the MDEA a state drug enforcement agency

they have complete control over the MJ program in Maine and thats why the feds stay out of our biz cuz the state is already up in it!
You knew this and you still participated in the program? If what you're saying is true the MJ program should just close down from non participation. This is the first I've heard of this though and I'm not sure if I'm buying it 100%.


Active member
DUDE! Do you even LIVE in Cali, what do you mean nothing much has happened??? Are you high? Christ in my county alone 10!!! dispo's have closed, they even are putting massive pressure on WHAM which was a medical marijuana collective before ANY of this was even legal!!! Sacramento County has closed EVERY dispo. Their is a thread of the damage being wrought in Almidor County..wow! I don;t know what you consider "much happening" but this has been a complete reversal of movement for MANY people and patients!

i live in sd and know a few disp owners. the feds didnt have to show up and do anything . just make threats. that alone was enough to get some clubs to close but not all and they didnt really close they switched to delivery. i have been involved with the med scene here since the beginning and am fully aware whats going on. when the feds show up in person is when the shits gonna hit the fan and lots of folks arrested.


Active member
ah a card and six.
stay home and let no-one know.
the hoops they make you jump through to supply dispensaries are designed to keep them informed of the money you're moving.
used to be the black market...now it's oppressive governmental intrusion.
keep the green.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ron Paul FTW... The county of Sac closed many for various none compliant reasons. Many closed out of fear mainly the landlords. The City of Sac still has many dis still open..


Re: Anyone in Colorado concerned about the feds in 2012?

Everyone should be concerned regardless of state or regardlessof whether or not you are doing ANYTHING illegal. Pay attention war was declared on every person in this nation. There's alot more to worry about than weed


DUDE! Do you even LIVE in Cali, what do you mean nothing much has happened??? Are you high? Christ in my county alone 10!!! dispo's have closed, they even are putting massive pressure on WHAM which was a medical marijuana collective before ANY of this was even legal!!! Sacramento County has closed EVERY dispo. Their is a thread of the damage being wrought in Almidor County..wow! I don;t know what you consider "much happening" but this has been a complete reversal of movement for MANY people and patients!

I really wish you would quit spreading that bullshit around about all of the dispensaries being closed in sac county, you have no clue what the hell you are talking about.



I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Jan 25th was not a good day in Colorado, care to bet there are many more to come in the near future?

They were mailing the overstock out of state anymore is the story in the news.

And I have been mailing a few grams stash to my motels on trips, so I don't have to carry thru airports anymore. BASTARDS!!!



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