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anyone have experience with Real Water - Negatively ionized super growth enhancer

My growshop guy just sold me on this stuff. It's called Real Plant Water and its supposed to change your positively charged water to negatively charged. This helps the plant uptake the nutrients more readily. They claim 50% faster plant growth and 30% increase in yield.

I've been using this in my last 3 feedings but since this is my first grow, I have no point of referrence to compare my results to. Has anyone else in IC land ever used this stuff. I was having some salt issues and did a flush. My first feeding after the flush I had added this stuff and my plants completely turned around. It was a huge difference. I dont know if it was from the negatively charged water or if it was from the flush.

Anyway, their website is here http://www.realwaterus.com/ Hopefully someone else has some experience with this stuff. I'm hoping I didn't get suckered into buying some snake oil. :pointlaug
I actully use it and drink it I haven't really made a side by side grow using it but drinking it I actully feel better.When I first started to use it I seen a difference and I continued to use it but I will have to do a side by side test
Yeah, the guys at th grow shop had the drinking water as well. I didn't try it though. Maybe I'll have to get some the next time I go there.

It seemed like it made a huge difference but like I said, I had also done a flush as well right before adding Real Water to my nute res. I used 1oz per gallon of water per their instructions. A side by side comparison would be great. I'll definately try that on my next grow and journal my results.
You have been scammed.


Based on what? Have you used this before? If you're gonna tell me that I've been scammed, back it up with some evidence to prove so. Otherwise you're just as good as the one who is doing the scamming.

The guys at the grow shop showed me using a meter how the regular tap water has a positive charge. The meter showed that tap water had a charge of something like +200 (I'm guessing on that number as I can recall exactly what it was). The Real Water had a negative charge of something around -118. When they added a few drops to the glass of tap water, it dropped the charge from +200 down to match the -118 that the Real Water was at.

I'm not a plant biologist so I don't know how negatively ionized nutrients are better but I believe it has something to do with free radicals. I did read an article somewhere on the net to that effect but I can't remember where it was. I'll look for it and post it once I find it.

So Dongle, if you have some experience either yourself or from someone you know to show that I got ripped off, please share. I'll be sure to let my shop keeper know.
That's what I was looking for Dongle. I think I was writing my response at the same time you were.

Thanks for that info.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
That web site kinda didn't seem all that truthfull

1 They sell water filters.

2 They say " We are a registered Goverment supplier.

3 In the article it says."Yet there is not one mention of this "Amazing Drug" on any goverment medical website such as FDA,CDC,EPA.

I'd bet theres none on cannabis either.


Check around google if you can't handle that site.
It is alkalized water and it is a scam.
I can back up dongle's claim...I have a good friend that was recently caught up in a pyramid scheme dealing with the same thing and after enough research I am more than confident to say...SCAM

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
O NO it was still enough for me!!!!!!! I didn't say that i don't believe them.....he he

Good to know ,Thanks

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Yeah cc ,,,I wouldn't try it ,We all been using it like it is no need for me to change,,LOL
Well I read the entire website and it does say that this water does nothing...for humans. It didn't say anything about what it does for plants though. I'm definately not going to be getting any more of this stuff but if anyone else has anything on the affects of negatively ionized water on plants, let us know.

Thanks all!


Overkill is under-rated.
MMM, snake oil! Ionized water, what a joke. Didn't anyone take chemistry in high school?


H2O is neutral...no extra positive or negative ions floating around. If one were to create them then you would have what is known as free radicals which are not good for plant or animal.

Go piss on the foot of whoever told and sold you this bullshit. Tell him it is good for him. Then find a more reputable grow shop.
thanks dongle for the info maybe it was a mind thing lol I don't no about on plants the guy at the grow shop I go to has ran it with h&G with and without it and said that it made a difference but i no that there are very knowledgable people on this site dealing with MJ and i'm still learning alot as I go so thank you all for making me more aware.


Active member
your not the only one to fall for the "advice" from the guy at the grow shop,, there job is to sell you the most they can,,whatever they can,,how ever they can..i play dumb at the shops I visit , they always try to upsell me , or make me a DEAL:2cents:

Weedman Herb

So buying stock in that company was a Bad Idea? Damn ... I thought they had reinvented water ... again ... Oh well ... that beachfront property in Arizona I scored in the 80's hasn't panned out yet either ...

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