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anyone bowl?


Don Cotyle

I bowled for years, had all the goodies that go along with 3 league teams a week. I had a 205 average but had to give it up after the 6th surgery to my knee-hip-and back. I can't make a decent aproach to the lane or get the power behind the ball to throw my hook anymore. Bummer :badday: Oh Well, now I just spend my free time fishing and target shooting!


I had a 235 game once in college,but routinely score in the high 90's now :redface: I'm friggin' awesome.....


Registered Cannabis User
my work goes bowling every so often...a bunch of cooking stoners...go figure...

last year I got a 179 I think it was. down to seventy something at the end of the night. Damn alcohol!!! :bashhead:


Active member
i bowled competitively as a kid. in the last 10 years ive bowled like 3 times. highest avg was 190 when i was 14. bowled a 300 before but highest in game play was 297.

i wouldn't mind bowling again


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'd bowled alot of years but only once have I ever cracked 200,
I was 14 years old and bowling with a friend Vince, and a group of
older folk in the lane next to us. As they say in bowling 'I found
the groove' that night, three games, 157, 188 & 228 being my best,
I clearly recall that whole group of bowlers next to us focusing on
me & cheering me on after each strike. Cool for a kid only 14 yrs
old, sucks to peak in your bowling career so damned early though.......

For yrs after that day I'd still have many folks wander over & ask
how the game was going and had I been thinking pro, I guess the
usual crowd had singled me out for some potential, had they known
that Vince & I liked to get high then go bowling they'da banned us
from the lanes. I was a damned good bowler, bowled only 5, 6, or 7
times a year so I never got to reach my potential.

Hell, like I said before, it was more of an excuse to get high, either
my mom or Vince's would drop us off at the Brunwick Bowling Lanes
on Central Ave. in Yonkers NY, our moms might be gone shopping for
4-5 hours. The BrunsBowl as we called it had a great grill, game room,
52 lanes, pool tables, proshop, and a 4 acre parking lot we'd get high in.
Most the other kids ran outside to sneak a ciggarette, we'd spark up
one of each and keep walking.

Damn....... to be 14 again:deadhorse:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
They like us, they really like us.......

They like us, they really like us.......

I was thinking to myself that it'd be nice to get an
ICMag/Tokers Den Bowling team together in time for
next yrs leagues, first thing we need is some team
bowling shirts so I went looking on the web for hopefully
some leaf green shirts when I found this one. As I had a
look at the text on the back I thought to myself it looks
like it says Bowling Stoned!

Sure as shit click to enlarge & there it be
Now who out there can design an ICMag
pocket patch for this classic? Give them
the graphics, they'll embroider it for free.

They really do like us these days.......

What do you say Gypsy, you willing to sponsor a bowling team?
It might be cool to find some interactive intl. bowling website &
set up our virtual team from the live membership here.......

The Official USA Bikini Bowling Team



im in S4L...

theres 4 of here not n leagues. 2 in. we go tuer/thurs. just starting to go regularly. been like 8 times now. i got the lane mgr high and now all free lanes and shoes...lol. hes happy.
I bowled a lot in high school. Our school had a team, which meant free bowling. We would get there early and blaze in someones car then bowl for a few hours.

My best game was 219 and I left the tenth frame open.

Don Cotyle

twojoints said:
don- the way you worded that it makes it seem like your surgeries were BECAUSE of the bowling... clarify a bit>???

Not from bowling, how do ya get hurt from bowling??? Back in 1980 some asshole run a stop sign and smashed my right knee into the engine of my 47 knucklehead. Busted up my knee,upper leg bone, pelvis and screwed up my back, took 3 years to get back on my feet. Still ain't right, and yea I still ride, here's to electric starters!!! :headbange
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Full contact bowling is a rough sport,to many rules in todays leagues!!But I will never forget the first time I seen someone get whacked in the head with a 16lber.....were ya think they got the term grannies teeth from?Old bitch better think twice before entering no full contact bowling match! :rasta:

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