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anyone been to prison?...and white boys w/ dreadlocks?

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one thing I know works for sure, is to know law, and know it well. The jailhouse lawyer is everyone's best friend, and not because they are afraid of you, but because they need you as their friend.

I remember being sent down from Santa Rita, temporarily. I had dreads at the time. I'm white, too. I'm not the toughest dude, but don't take much shit, either. I just don't give a fuck, but i'm careful.
I was a bit scared at first. Big hulky Mexicans with shaved heads and goatees and tattoos everywhere, not regular tattoos mind you, but prison tats everywhere. All gang lettering across their chests. Then the blacks who hate the Mexicans, so being white, you don't get too close to either race, they warn you right away, woods stay with woods. BUT, when appreciated by all, everyone respects you, pretty much.

I had a conversation with my cell mate, and at lunch break I was called over to the big boys table. They wanted a word with me. Never a single bad vibe, it was like, "Hey man, I hear you know the law stuff pretty well...do you think you could help me out a little? "

I was like......"of course, man, no problem."....

and from there on, it was truly no problem. But then again, I was only there for a short time.

to be honest, I would say, I actually felt protected, instead. Respected and protected. But of course, you can't let them know you appreciate that, either. Anything you are given, you are expected to repay. Don't take any apples as gifts from anyone. Good advice, but your same color bros will probably tell you that when you're in there.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
^at this point in America dont think it is worth staying here to serve a prison sentence. If you are a felon what is the point of living in America? you lose all your rights in the eyes of the law. Especially if you live in Shit hole Harris county, Texas. You are much better off leaving the country IMHO. The globe is seriously huge. Pry off the ankle bracelet and leave maps around of a place that you are not going too. Leave evidence to throw them off, so when they come looking for you they waste enough tome for you to get away.

FAKE YOUR DEATH. Leave a Suicide note... Dear whoever. if you are reading this then I am already long dead.......... I leave my things too........ I'm sorry, bla bla bla. I just couldn't face prison.


Active member
^at this point in America dont think it is worth staying here to serve a prison sentence. If you are a felon what is the point of living in America? you lose all your rights in the eyes of the law. Especially if you live in Shit hole Harris county, Texas. You are much better off leaving the country IMHO. The globe is seriously huge. Pry off the ankle bracelet and leave maps around of a place that you are not going too. Leave evidence to throw them off, so when they come looking for you they waste enough tome for you to get away.

FAKE YOUR DEATH. Leave a Suicide note... Dear whoever. if you are reading this then I am already long dead.......... I leave my things too........ I'm sorry, bla bla bla. I just couldn't face prison.

why do you say this? america aint all that bad! I hear the UK is worse

jw, im gonna start training harder in case I gotta jack some dudes up in the joint!


why do you say this? america aint all that bad! I hear the UK is worse

jw, im gonna start training harder in case I gotta jack some dudes up in the joint!

Because in some states possession of even 20 grams of cannabis can land you a felony charge, which will prevent you from voting, owning firearms, finding gainful employment...all over some herb. That is the goal of the power elite, disenfranchise as many people as possible with differing viewpoints.


mate i dunno bout the U.S but prison in the U.K was like going on a all expenses paid trip with my mates from school, 3 big nice meals bed tv smokes if only i hqad bud i woulda moved in oh and the fact your locked up sucks but otherwise i didnt mind it, i know i sound like a prick, fact is when i got out i tripled the ammount of plants i have just cos im not worried about getting caught to much, well i am worried but not as worried as i was b4 i went to jail, lol so its the goverments fault ive got 75 strains now lol

id never go to jail in the u.s its to hardcore fuck that right offf
Hash Zepp speaks true words. If you dont have kids fuck it whats the point of turning yourself in for any length of time. Peeps flee the US everyday to get away with crimes. The question is would you be willing to start a new life in foreign country?


Registered Med User
my folks jus got out of prison, did 9 years, had some long ass dreads when he got out.... oh wait... you said white guy. He told me that some white folks would be with the blacks or claim 'other', they would say they were mixed. Others would be hella cool with other races but when fights break out you gotta roll your race. Natives usually roll with the whites too. Id hate to haveta go to the big house.. been to the little one and thats not fun.


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ICMag Donor
My lawyer advised me to shave them before going before a judge and prison. I did but they would have got cut anyway during processing. Started growing em back while still in never had a problem. They are long gone now as is my youth :)

Everybody forgets Bob was half white...
Being a Rastafarian was a religion last time I checked, sounds like a religious exemption to me. Don't expect the aryan dudes to ever leave you alone about it.

When people find out you grow herb you will have plenty of friends if you choose, growers are somewhat respected in the joint if you teach others about the plant instead of the usual prison politics everyone gets caught up in. Definitely don't try to chill with the dreads and become "one of them" they don't mix races at all it's just a rule and it will get you fucked up. I would not call it a racist system but it really kind of is even if you aren't. Be well and stay strong. :canabis:
if you think prisons arent racist you havent been there.lol....the most segregated place on the planet.
the aryans are the ones to watch out for...they will view you as a traitor because you are trying to emulate a black culture with the dreads, you can pretty much garuntee they will test you..

i visited san quentin prison on a school trip once...didnt see a single white guy with dreads, or anyone with dreads. the aryan nation guys were the scariest of the bunch by far...the blacks were the chillest IMO, easier to talk to and not tripping too much off race shit. but those aryan guys just stare at you and say nothing, pretty scary shit.

alot of guys were super religious muslims...saw a bunch of dudes praying to allah during dinner...my guess is get on some religious shit with a religious group and they might protect you, find a work job quick so you can be under supervised work, etc....i believe joeschmoe is white and he said he passed the time by finding a job in the gardening department or something like that...
the number one thing i wouldnt do in the big house is to pretend i was of a culture that i wasnt.yer average white guy in the joint hates little white guys who try and be like blacks.its embarrassing and looks sissified..stay with yer race..
Respect your views but could not disagree more. I am not trying to E-thug, but I only mention for perspective that I am a very large white man who has been told looks "rough around the edges." Even from this disposition, the last thing I would want to do is get involved in prison politics (ie, hustling). The last.

Every cent of potential laundering money is already spoken for before you arrive. If you try and cut in, you have to literally "cut" your way in my experience.

All due respect, I think your advice is irresponsible, 100 percent wrong, and a good way to get a naive white guy stabbed or worse..

I dunno where you did time but it was a different world than where I did mine, that is for sure.

Also, to the thing about inmates having curiosity and respect for growers: that was the old days. A decade ago, growing was much more underground (as of course you all know). The "how to's" were very much confined to people in the know, which were basically small communities. Now a days, especially out West, everyone knows the weed game inside and out. Everyone and their momma grows. It's no trade secret anymore, and unearned "crime respect" has dropped accordingly IMHO.

EDIT: I won't post more in this thread, sorry if it reads like E-posturing. I just felt the need to rebut the aforementioned claims in the hopes that OP does NOT follow that advice.
i agree that as a new guy on the block you dont need to be gettin into money deals too soon. coffee,cigs,dope,gambling, are a lot more important on the inside that on the streets..
i would not do anything to draw attention to myself.

shave em off, put your head down, and do your time.

don't try and hustle like the one guy suggested unless you wanna end up dead.

growing may not be a curiosity out west anymore or get the same respect it once did but it still does in parts of the south
good advice rudolph.i seen more fights over a fkn tv show than anything else..
it really depends on what state you're in and your custody level. in mine the white male is a target mainly cuz of commissary. the vast majority of people in state penitentiaries are broke and do whatever they can to get by in the system. as far as, getting punked(rapped) it happens but, not like you'd think. most dudes get punked or mess with punks cuz they want too. it's plenty of dudes who like messing with boyz. that shit is in style. the question is are you a man or are you a boy? if, you're a man you're gonna act like one! boyz get lonely and need comfort. it's some sick shit going on in jail and what's really fucked up is these punks have wives and girlfriends who never know their "boy" is getting punked @ night or in the day. that shit is sick!!! then you got shims like ledgirl walking around with their titties out looking like the tranny's in the hangover 2. jail is the whackest shit ever. that shit is for the birds!!!!!
cap,i seen some weird lookin shit in lockup..one time i was bein taken to the dr and a black person with a dress on and tits was in one of the seg cells next to where i had to wait....i swear to god i still dont know what that was..
one thing I know works for sure, is to know law, and know it well. The jailhouse lawyer is everyone's best friend, and not because they are afraid of you, but because they need you as their friend.

I remember being sent down from Santa Rita, temporarily. I had dreads at the time. I'm white, too. I'm not the toughest dude, but don't take much shit, either. I just don't give a fuck, but i'm careful.
I was a bit scared at first. Big hulky Mexicans with shaved heads and goatees and tattoos everywhere, not regular tattoos mind you, but prison tats everywhere. All gang lettering across their chests. Then the blacks who hate the Mexicans, so being white, you don't get too close to either race, they warn you right away, woods stay with woods. BUT, when appreciated by all, everyone respects you, pretty much.

I had a conversation with my cell mate, and at lunch break I was called over to the big boys table. They wanted a word with me. Never a single bad vibe, it was like, "Hey man, I hear you know the law stuff pretty well...do you think you could help me out a little? "

I was like......"of course, man, no problem."....

and from there on, it was truly no problem. But then again, I was only there for a short time.

to be honest, I would say, I actually felt protected, instead. Respected and protected. But of course, you can't let them know you appreciate that, either. Anything you are given, you are expected to repay. Don't take any apples as gifts from anyone. Good advice, but your same color bros will probably tell you that when you're in there.
every word of this is true.
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