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Anybody not smoking currently?


This is probably the one of the worst forums to ask this because it is a cannabis forum but perhaps there are a few others besides myself that read here even though they aren't smoking.

Well let me tell you my situation. I have been on probation for 6 months and I've been smoking the past 5 months and have been diluting my urine tests because I was too paranoid to bring in clean urine. They never watched me urinate for every drug test except the last one I took a month ago, they don't watch you here (Texas) unless you come up diluted or adulterated. It sucks because I am a medicinal user, I smoked because of extreme insomnia and anxiety problems. It worked really well and I had been smoking for 6 years every single day until I was on probation and even then I only quit for 2 days before every meeting. Now it has been about a month since the last time I smoked and I decided just to quit until September 2010 when I get off. My probation officer has been pretty cool about me coming up diluted I told him I drink about 2 gallons of green tea every day because of my diet, which is true but I decided to quit because he told me the last time I went to a meeting that he has the option to extend my probation for a year for all my diluted results so I told him I wouldn't drink so much green tea so I could have a non-diluted result.

I refuse to use drugs like xanax or ambien for my problems because I used to have a script for ambien and that is the whole reason why I am on probation because I woke up in the middle of the night and drove my car and blew my tires out and got arrested for a DWI. I wasn't even drunk I was just so zoned out that when I was arrested I apparently never said anything when he asked me to blow into a breathalizer so I got charged with not blowing and DWI and even though I spent 14 thousand dollars on a lawyer he still could not get me off or my charge lowered because I also got arrested for possession of 2-4 ounces 2 years ago when I was with someone else and they were stupid and didn't refuse a search and acted really nervous in front of the cop. I am so unlucky because I got arrested for a DWI just a couple of days before my dismissal hearing. I figure with my luck I might as well just not smoke until I get off.

So anybody else not smoking right now? It sucks but I would rather have insomnia and anxiety than to be addicted to benzos or do something stupid while I am taking them.

If you are smoking, then by all means burn twice as much to make up for me! :joint:


Now it has been about a month since the last time I smoked and I decided just to quit until September 2010 when I get off
Suggestion: Now that you're straight, just stay straight until they get off your case. Otherwise you are at constant risk from the piss tests.

For the anxiety and insomnia, you might want to get a script for a mild benzo - say 1 mg Clonazepam, which does not hit you as hard as Valium, and which has smoother effects over a longer period of time. That should help for the time being, and low-dosage Clonazepam should be easy to taper off from, especially if you go back to mj after this thing blows over. I take Clonazepam myself, and it is quite mild compared to a lot of that other stuff they throw at you. I find it to be effective enough for my own problems with anxiety and insomnia.

PS - Maintain a low profile until your situation resolves. Avoid people, places and situations which might get you into trouble. Keep your nose clean at all costs. Not a lot of fun, but remember that it will not a whole lot of time before you are in the clear, and you can put this behind you and move forward.

As for me - I haven't smoked for about six months; mj is not my favorite by a long shot, and I get tired of worrying about pigs and narcs.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
I agree with j6p, try and stay clean now till you're signed off, I'm sure It must be hard as you medicate yourself but you need to get from under this, I hope it works out for you.


The Hopeful Protagonist
Nothing worse than having time to walk-off.....

I know plenty of cats that would just max out their time because of it.

I agree with the suggestions above...GL man.


Gro :joint:


Stay clean if you have to, you'll have less to be anxious about if you don't have to worry about tests and all that. And grow a huge tree for Sept. 2010 and blaze it the moment you get through all the stuff you're going through now.

For me, I haven't had a smoke for about 18 months (sick of dealers selling short bags and shady deals that end up costing me more.) Find something to take your mind off smoking and the effects it has. Take a walk around the block, bike riding or some other exercise will help the insomnia and take pot out of your mind for a while.

And will power!! Be strong!:dueling:


I am currently not smoking - since last nite.

I hope to end this severe dry spell tomorrow.

Heavy sigh...


Suggestion: Now that you're straight, just stay straight until they get off your case. Otherwise you are at constant risk from the piss tests.

For the anxiety and insomnia, you might want to get a script for a mild benzo - say 1 mg Clonazepam, which does not hit you as hard as Valium, and which has smoother effects over a longer period of time. That should help for the time being, and low-dosage Clonazepam should be easy to taper off from, especially if you go back to mj after this thing blows over. I take Clonazepam myself, and it is quite mild compared to a lot of that other stuff they throw at you. I find it to be effective enough for my own problems with anxiety and insomnia.

PS - Maintain a low profile until your situation resolves. Avoid people, places and situations which might get you into trouble. Keep your nose clean at all costs. Not a lot of fun, but remember that it will not a whole lot of time before you are in the clear, and you can put this behind you and move forward.

As for me - I haven't smoked for about six months; mj is not my favorite by a long shot, and I get tired of worrying about pigs and narcs.

Thanks for the help man, I will go see my doctor and ask him about that. I used to take xanax, about 2mg a day and it worked quite well but I had pretty bad withdrawl symptoms and my anxiety was twice as bad when I quit taking it. I have heard of that and apparently it does all the good benzos do but without feeling retarded.

Yeah it sucks about pigs, narcs and shady dealers. Before I was on probation I would get a pound or so of some real high grade and sell it to my friends for like 40 an 8th and 300 an ounce just so they wouldn't have to deal with shady people. My dealer(who wasn't shady at all) got his door kicked in by the police and had a quarter ounce of hash and like a pound in his house and now he is facing 1st degree felony possession of a controlled substance for the hash.. Which is ridiculous because in Texas hash is more illegal than many hard drugs. Now my friends have to go buy crappy commercial bud for 65 an 8th and like 400something an ounce.

One good thing about not smoking is you find out really quick who your true friends are and who are friends with you just so they can get stoned for free.
I'm feelin ya.

I'm not on probation but i am being called back to work and will have to pass a piss test. Considering i'm a legal caregiver sitting on a house full of pot.....it's extremely difficult to not be tempted.

On the other hand....unemployment just hit 15.2% in this state (and is only going to get worse)....I'll gladly keep clean a while longer in order to go back to work right now (fuckin ain't easy though!).

Hang in there bro...you're doing the right thing.


i'll tell ya what man i was on probation and i failed just about every piss test i took. if i dont wanna quit smokin weed i'm not gonna do it for the man. of course i had to sit in time out for a little while but as many people will tell you if they give you an option to take probation or jail, depending on the situation, i'd take the jail time. probation is designed for you to fuck up eventually. just my 2 cents

however, i have taken the time to piss clean for jobs before. but thats different in my eyes

i've been trying to stop smoking lately though, just because i dont want to spend so much damn money on it. the plan was to quit until my current crop was ready but with job stress and what-not i've just kinda toned it down to less than 1/4 of what i have been buyin. been doing more drinkin though which probably isnt good


Active member
I dunno if xanax would do me good, I have tryed some once, and when I woke up, no memory of anything whatsoever. It was fun tough.

The problem would be getting accustomed to them.


Hey all- sorry to hear about your issues with Texas' "finest" there Hail, I know all too well how things run in the lone star state. If I was you I would either quit completely or smoke very occasionally, maybe once or twice a week at most- and one or two hits. Ambien has some weird ass side effects, I'm honestly not suprised to hear about your nighttime Ambien adventure, my friend took Ambien and almost the exact same thing happened to him, only a cop had to bust out his window because he fell asleep at a stoplight with his foot on the brake after he sleepwalked and sleepdrove almost 10 miles from his house........weird shit man, stay away from Ambien.
I agree about a light dose of a benzo... Cloneazepam is good, also I take .5 mg of xanax every other day or so, not enough to knock me out like whiterabbit described, just enough to take the edge off on those overly-anxious days. As long as you don't take it everyday and it is a small dose such as .5 mg there shouldn't be any significant withdrawal symptoms.
Just my two cents, -spy


Active member
i cant smoke for the next year because im on drug court (which is in my opinion wayyy worse than probation).. and better yet, im going back to jail next week because i missed a counceling appointment today because im sick (i even called in beforehand and they said they need 24hours notice. i fucking hate jail it gives me the worse anxiety and stress doesnt help with staying clean at all.. im so sick of being trapped in the system
being stuck in the system FTL. IMO.

Fuck probation. I been on probation for 19 months now. I got 24 for some dumb shit.

I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then i got arrested for some weed (dumb as hell, but LEO was on some bullshit!!!! even though peeps sed it wasn't mine, they wanted me bad....)

Needless to say, I am scared to leave my residence at all for anything.

I need to get out of this system, been stuck here too long.


do you still drink gallons of tea each day?

and you wonder why you have anxiety and insomnia? sheeesh!

don't drink any stimulants like tea or coffee after 2 pm each day, exercise in the afternoon and you will sleep just fine.

or do what others have stupidly suggested and take a pill to wake up, one to make you happy, another to make you zonked, one to make you cope and another to make you sleep at night and then change your name to Michael Jackson or Hugh Ledger.


Active member
I'm feeling for ya, Hail
I've been smoking everyday for the last 20+ years,ALWAYS had a pipe and bag in my pocket.
Well,I got me some legal problems,got suspended from my job.So I figured I better clean myself out.I might be going to jail and if not,i'll be getting probation for sure.
Since April 20th,I've done three hits of weed.Its killing me,not being able to smoke.
But I guaren-damn-fuckin-tee you,when all this is behind me,i'll be hammering away,just like before.
Hang in there bro,it will be all good again.


do you still drink gallons of tea each day?

and you wonder why you have anxiety and insomnia? sheeesh!

don't drink any stimulants like tea or coffee after 2 pm each day, exercise in the afternoon and you will sleep just fine.

or do what others have stupidly suggested and take a pill to wake up, one to make you happy, another to make you zonked, one to make you cope and another to make you sleep at night and then change your name to Michael Jackson or Hugh Ledger.

Not everyone is the same Chamba, I wish I could sleep as well as you. I work out almost every day and I do sleep better but I only sleep about 3 hours a night when I used to only sleep for about 30 mins a night it is a big step. I have been like this since I was a small child. I don't take any pills like I said in my original post.
Yep, almost off probation again and said fuck it. Just waiting for some dumb pig to get poked.

I'd really pity the fucker coming to pick me up, mostly die trying. It seems they had brigades on speed dial for my summer school.


New member
I've got anxiety and depression problems with ADD and all that junk. I found anti-depressants to be worse to get off of than the anti-anxiety med's, I've been on anti-depressants since 16, ritalin for 3-4 years from 11-15 was a real hell to get off of, but the anti-anxiety meds caused memory loss and lack of concentration and stuff, along with putting me to sleep.
Maybe try watching your diet and read up on some health-food/herb stuff that you can add into your diet.
I'm only an occasional smoker for the last few years, I appreciate the relief it gives me when I have some though.

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