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anybody here vaping (loose leaf) tobacco? need some advice.

Max Headroom

Well-known member
is there a portable vape that works well with loose leaf tobacco?
i quit smoking 10 months ago and have been using a vape-pen with e-liquids. but the glycerin in the liquids coats my mouth with an absolutely disgusting sickly-sweet taste like cheap artificial sweeteners. it's not very satisfying.
now i'm looking into vaping loose leaf tobacco since the IQOS 'cigarettes' (and similar systems) are very expensive and who knows what crap philip morris puts on those...

i've tried tobacco in my beloved volcano classic but didn't like the result.

i've been searching YT and the net but since the internet becomes more and more useless every year, it is hard to find anything but pro/anti vaping propaganda...

anyone here vaping loose leaf tobacco?


Well-known member
I think tars and nicotine have similar boiling points, so if it the purpose of vaping tobacco is to get the nic hit without the tars, it won't be that effective...


Well-known member
I have tried it long ago with Arizer Extreme Q and you totally get a nicotine buzz.

The problem is it's a barely noticeable vapor. Just inhaling a bit of hot air really. So it doesn't give that smoke chest feeling. This exactly the reason for the PG/VG in ecigs.

My suggestion is, if a bit of hot air doesn't keep the yearn for mama's boobie away enough, add some weed in there! That will give it a nice "cloud".

Max Headroom

Well-known member
i think they put VG on the IQOS 'cigarettes' for exactly that reason... so you get a cloud...

@goingrey: yes, good advice but i have to drive, so i can't be smoking *all* day... (driving stoned is an absolute no-no for me)

maybe i should look for other plants that have trichomes on them? it doesn't have to be tobacco/nicotine, i just wanna blow clouds! :D


Well-known member
i think they put VG on the IQOS 'cigarettes' for exactly that reason... so you get a cloud...

@goingrey: yes, good advice but i have to drive, so i can't be smoking *all* day... (driving stoned is an absolute no-no for me)

maybe i should look for other plants that have trichomes on them? it doesn't have to be tobacco/nicotine, i just wanna blow clouds! :D
Could try CBD weed maybe? I bought some CBD hash last weekend and it sure didn't get me high. They do sell hops and lavender and whatnot at my local vape shop too, not sure if actually good vaped or as some kind of legal cover.


I have tried it a few times with my sublimator and i didn't like it. The hit was dry and throat irritating. Nic has about the same boiling point as thc so it worked but the already very green mixture was a big nicotine blast. Same as vaping weed you need way less material because there is no combustion.

Maybe try to moisten the tobacco with pg or vg for more clouds.

Oh and the iqos are no real tobacco they look like recon to me
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Well-known member
Premium user
You can buy hemp cigarettes by the pack or carton on Amazon. Plus other 'herbal' cigs. Not sure how safe any of it is but you can try.

Oops, I misread the OP post. OK, I'm not sure if you're looking for a vape 'pen' that vaporizes a liquid. Or, if you want a dry vaporizer like the Volcano.

And.... you don't want to get high while doing it.

I dry herb vaporize pretty often and have and had over a hundred dry herb vapes. If you're looking for that side, you could use a portable dry herb vape (session or one-hitter style) and use hemp instead of pot. Assuming the hemp doesn't give you any kind of buzz.

If you want a vape 'pen' that vaporizes liquid, I'm not much help since I don't do that. But I used to fill carts with rosin for friends and it's pretty easy. You could make (or buy) carts with non-thc substances like CBD or whatever. I'm sure they have a whole list of available crap to vape. LOL Like you, most of those that I ever tried left that sick film in my mouth.

I have the same habit as you. I just like to puff and blow (OK, no comments LOL). I quit smoking tobacco many years ago and now, I just smoke a pack of joints every day, instead. LOL

Good luck

Max Headroom

Well-known member
thanks for the replies!
CBD or hemp cigarettes are not really a solution since i need something i can vape in public without standing in a cloud of weed-smell (even if CBD is legal).

i guess i'll try the local organic store and get some organic herbal tea like lemon balm and try it in my volcano... if i find something that is acceptable i'll look into buying a portable vape.

hey, @Ringodoggie - since you've tried so many - which portable dry herb vapes are the best (looking at reliability and build quality)?


Well-known member
Premium user
thanks for the replies!
CBD or hemp cigarettes are not really a solution since i need something i can vape in public without standing in a cloud of weed-smell (even if CBD is legal).

i guess i'll try the local organic store and get some organic herbal tea like lemon balm and try it in my volcano... if i find something that is acceptable i'll look into buying a portable vape.

hey, @Ringodoggie - since you've tried so many - which portable dry herb vapes are the best (looking at reliability and build quality)?
I like my PAX 3 best of all. Not too big. Not too small. Albeit, it is a session vape so you need to fill it for 6 or 8 hits. If you want a one-hitter style vape, I'll have to think about it. If you are in the US and intend to buy a portable, let me know. Maybe I have one you'll like for half price.

Again, good luck

Max Headroom

Well-known member
Careful, tho! Lemon balm will mellow you out more than cbd.

really? i tried some yesterday, didn't particularly like the taste. didn't notice any 'effects'. ;-)

I like my PAX 3 best of all. Not too big. Not too small. Albeit, it is a session vape so you need to fill it for 6 or 8 hits. If you want a one-hitter style vape, I'll have to think about it. If you are in the US and intend to buy a portable, let me know. Maybe I have one you'll like for half price.

Again, good luck
thanks, i'll remember the pax 3 if i buy one.
(thanks for the offer, but luckily i'm not in the US) :D


New member
Congrats on quitting smoking! I've been in a similar boat, and I get what you mean about the e-liquids. When it comes to vaping loose-leaf tobacco, I've heard about portable dry herb vaporizers like the Pax or the Firefly you can Buy Vapes Bulk here. They might be worth checking out. Just do some research and ensure it's legal in your area. Good luck on your journey!
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New member
Congrats on kicking the smoking habit! It's a huge accomplishment. I totally get what you mean about the sickly-sweet taste of e-liquids coating your mouth – not exactly the most satisfying experience.


New member
I haven't personally tried vaping loose-leaf tobacco, but I've heard some good things about it as an alternative. The PAX 3 and Firefly 2+ seem to be popular choices for vaping loose leaf on the go. I'd suggest doing some more research and maybe even visiting a local vape shop to see if they have any recommendations or samples to try out.
As for me, I recently made the switch to vaping and got myself an esix9. It's been a game-changer – super convenient and satisfying. But I totally understand the appeal of exploring other options, especially if you're looking for something more natural, like loose-leaf tobacco.
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