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Anybody here been through asset forfeiture?

If anybody is willing to share tricks of the trade, I'm all ears.

How thorough are they, generally? Are they going after 1K televisions, or 40,000 dollar trucks, or all of it?

What are your strategies? Do you go so far as to lease your vehicles, or intentionally stretch out loan lengths?

Tough decisions here..



They unsuccessfully went after my vehicles.
Don't put anything in your name, and don't pay it off if you can't show a legit way for doing it.

I told them, those are in my dads name, and it's actually the bank that owns them.


This thread belongs in Security and Legal issues.

Thread moved.
They unsuccessfully went after my vehicles.
Don't put anything in your name, and don't pay it off if you can't show a legit way for doing it.

I told them, those are in my dads name, and it's actually the bank that owns them.
Word, thanks. Positive vibes/reps, etc.

I have a bunch of stuff that my family has co-signed. I wonder how that will work. Ponder a guess? I just don't want them in the legal crossroads, as I'm sure you can understand.

My attorney's butthole puckers up whenever I ask him these kinds of questions, so I'm very ignorant. I know, I know; get a new attorney. I would but the man is a God in the courtroom.

I'm facing a tough financial crossroads. I want "things" (a new truck and a new to me boat), and can swing it at the moment. I'm just trying to figure out how to do it. Leasing them seems like losing the financial battle before you even get popped.

Sure, I could put it in my dads name, but then I'd imagine it would be on him to justify the purchase all the same. Seems like passing the buck with no reward. Am I wrong?


Sure, I could put it in my dads name, but then I'd imagine it would be on him to justify the purchase all the same. Seems like passing the buck with no reward. Am I wrong?
Unless you're living with him when you get busted, it should be fine.

IN my case it only went as far as showing they were titled in my fathers name, and that they both had large loan balances left.

I never heard another word about it, and they didn't mess with my tvs or anything like that, just a new motorcycle and newer car.

This was almost 15 years ago, and I'm no legal expert, but that was my experience with it.


The Tri Guy
Worst case scenario, your assets get seized, (this means anything where the ownership name is yours). Any outstanding debts are still outstanding, and those that were co-signed by family members, they will have to clear, even if it means their assets get seized in order to do it. Any money spent would technically need to be clean, or just the act of spending it is proof of illegal activity. Even if that activity is only tax evasion.
Thanks GMT.

I guess I need to somehow research just how likely it is that they are going to nit pick, or, as you say, bring the worst case scenario into fruition. I guess they could probably go after every little television, set of rims, and previous debt (credit cards, student loans) payed for with monies unaccounted for.


I still don't think it's worth leasing your vehicles.


Tropical Outcast

If it's really that much you got to "worry" about this is how you (should) do it:

Register a legit, hard/impossible to trace CASH related business such as handyman service, roadside fruit stand, lawn service...you get the point, just be creative. ;)

Remember it gotta be a CASH related business, unless YOUR (real) customers pay you by check...which I very much doubt they do. ;)

Take SOME of your proceeds and make regular CASH deposits in to a BUSINESS account.

File your taxes on the part of your income you have been depositing.
Enjoy tax benefits & write offs. ;)

Have a SMART CPA handling your stuff.
That CPA will cost cost you but hey it is one of your many write offs.

Use your BUSINESS account where you have made those deposits for paying your expenses such as car, electricity etc. or make legit transfers to your private account.
Hey you even will have BUSINESS CHECKS to pay for that crazy @$$ ELECTRICITY BILL you are running up every month!

It is best to ask that SMART CPA you will get what you can use that money for since it is a BUSINESS account (or as I already said make legit transfers to your private account).

I could write the above list almost indefinitely.

Be SMART and USE YOUR HEAD and you will be BETTER OFF than having to bang your head every month how you're gonna hide your profit from your "hobby".



New member
^ Lotsa good advice right there! Simple cash businesses are the way to go for small/medium cash flow operations. Anything big though and you will have to get real creative/go for a couple businesses...


Active member
i know a few people here in cali raided for growing and none had their cars seized..but then again none of their cars were worth more than 15 or 20 grand....

i saw on the news another growop got raided and the dude had a new porsche SUV on rims....you can garuntee they took that shit!

i know up in humbolt county they are scared most about property forfeiture..so they get around it by having the owner "lease" to someone else and not live on site...and the guy who leases it is the one who is liable in case the cops come find the outdoor garden.....this is what im gonna try to do. put some property in my name...."lease" it to somebody and its all on them what they do...as long as the monthly payment gets paid..


Tropical Outcast

i know up in humbolt county they are scared most about property forfeiture..so they get around it by having the owner "lease" to someone else and not live on site...and the guy who leases it is the one who is liable in case the cops come find the outdoor garden.....this is what im gonna try to do. put some property in my name...."lease" it to somebody and its all on them what they do...as long as the monthly payment gets paid..

No need to do it that way.

Put your land in a trust w/ another person on the name of the trust.
That person should not be related
(such as a brother, wife etc) to you.

They cannot take the land from you if the other person on the trust cannot be brought in connection with the grow.
Strainhunter is right on the trust and make sure that the chairperson/director cannot be brought into connection with the grow.

This is where it gets dicey because if they can prove that the parties in the trust had knowledge of illegal activity then you could get hit with rackateering and conspiracy charges which carries a ten piece


Active member
Go balls to the wall, use all your cash to stack gold/silver (which can be bought in cash and hidden really easily) and wait for the US economy to fail (a few years at most), then buy anything you want afterwards :)


No offense intended but if StrainHunters list was not one of the first things to come to mind.... good fucking luck.

Asset forfeiture? Shieeeeeeeeeeeetttttttt. Don't let it even become a problem to begin with.
