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Anybody had a LEO plant something on you?

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Anybody had a LEO plant something on you?

Awhile a go I was pulled over and my ride was clean/legit and was doing nothing wrong. The cops were young black guys and im a older whiteguy. I was a smartass from the start really giving em a hard time. He asks me to submit to a DUI test. I say yes because I knew I was complety sober. While im doing the test his partner says he found some meth near my car door and he said I must of dropped it when getting out. I knew this was complete bullshit.They put me in cuffs and hual me to jail. Now im dealing with a contolled substance charge and super angry that those PIGS planted that shit on me. I feel they were mad because I was chewing them out for pulling me over for no reason. Anybody else expierence this??? this was in LA


Invertebrata Inebriata
I'm not not not saying you deserved it, but why would you give cops shit? It's just asking for it. Don't poke the bear.


Cop tore up my back porch and walked away. Cop on the record 'found' some grow shit just sittin out in the open. These 2 boys who should send me a thank you every birthday they hav......... I watched it all... wonder why I hate? oh yeah one of the many here that day like my porn selection he left some evidence behind..... wonder why I hate???

BTW Bud? color don't matter.. I hate em all...


weed fiend
I've been driving for 33 years. I've had 13 speeding tickets, a half-dozen seat belt violations and one unsafe-move violation. That's 20 infractions I dealt with w/o having to get out of the car. I wonder how many times I might have been busted had I got froggy with all those cops.
That the prison industrial complex essentially runs the country is now well-known even by the working class majority...and your dumb ass thought it cute to poke the biggest, most discriminatory, hateful prison system in Western Civilization with a fucking verbal stick?

Are you clinically retarded bro?

Nobody deserves to have shit planted, but you kinda almost do. Sorry to be a dick but jesus F'in Christ bro, get with it..


shut the fuck up Donny
That the prison industrial complex essentially runs the country is now well-known even by the working class majority...and your dumb ass thought it cute to poke the biggest, most discriminatory, hateful prison system in Western Civilization with a fucking verbal stick?

Are you clinically retarded bro?

Nobody deserves to have shit planted, but you kinda almost do. Sorry to be a dick but jesus F'in Christ bro, get with it..


I'm not gonna say you deserved it but its comical if you were surprised that this happens, especially in LA of all places.

I always chuckle when I hear stories like this as well as people who swear if they ever get pulled over for some bullshit they will go off on the cops. Ya good luck with that lol.

This is also why the whole "keep your mouth shut and don't say anything" isn't always the best way to go with LEO, it totally depends on the situation. They are in control and if you piss them off, they will fuck your shit up.


The only guaranteed way to beat the system and "stick it to the man" is by not giving them any reason to mess with you. Many years ago, as a naive and idealistic young man, i was very overt and cavalier with my criminal activity and general disdain for law enforcement. Now i realize that standing out in such a manner only resulted in trouble. I've found that the more you appear to be a law-abiding, upstanding citizen, the more you can ultimately get away with when nobody is looking.

Space Toker

Active member
yeah I don't like cops either but you are NOT a SMART pothead for acting like that, giving the rest of us bad names. But when I looked at your other posts, it seems likely that this never happened and you are some kid troll looking to provoke people. What some will do for attention.


Active member
Yes sir, no sir, thank you, sir. Anything else is too much unless asked a direct question.

Never had anything directly planted, but years back I got arrested for driving while license suspended and the cop comes in as I'm being processed by his partner and claims I stashed a few grams of shitty Mexican weed in a baggie between his seats. I didn't, and they didn't charge me, but if they don't clear their vehicle after EVERY arrest, it could happen to you.

I wanted to tell him I would'nt even make ISO out of that shit....but I didn't, lol.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I think the bases have been covered. Shame to get busted or framed but, poking a sharp stick into the eye of the lion will get you eaten alive. Don't poke the lion.
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