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anybody ever have this happen; bud soaking wet after 24hrs


This is the first time i have grown out this pheno. I grow in hempy and I did not water for 3 days prior to cutting down. The plants were ready for a good watering. The plants were about 3.5-4 feet tall. I cut them down at the base and immediately hung them upside down. The room is totally dark with good air movement and temps range in the high 60's to mid 70's. I did not measure the humidity but I am sure its a little high. I have other phenos in there as well and they are not exhibiting this. Well I checked them last night after 24 hours and the buds are soaking wet. It feels like someone misted them. Nobody has access so I know that did not happen. I did not pre-trim them but there are not that many fan leaves left and its never been like this before no matter the method. I immediately put a rotating fan on low blowing back and forth across them to prevent mold. Anyone ever experience this before. It literally feels like you could squeeze water from them. I would swear water was dripping off of them just from feeling them but I know it is not.


It never happened to me, so I probably won't help you, but I'm also interested to know the reason for this. :comfort: I would assume it was watered heavily but you said you didn't water them for past 3 days before chopping. Does the fluid coming from them feels like pure water or is it a little sticky like resin? I think as long as fan will be blowing on them and proper ventilation of room is present you should be safe from mold. But better check it once a day, especially from inside of the bud. :wave:


Thanks ciboha,

Its a wet sticky a little more watery but still sticky. Its very weird it feels just like when you heavily mist your plants. I will be keeping a good eye out for mold that is for sure.


well, it's said that a slower dry brings out a smoother smoke


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
bob, do you know what I mean by a "greasy" plant? all my best plants have a feel to them like they're covered in grease or sunflower oil when first cut/handled...

you don't mean that do you?


greasy, wow that's an interesting description. To me it feels damp, wet and sticky. But it kind of does have the viscosity of an grease or oil. Its sticky but not "i need to was my fingers sticky" it just lingers on your fingers for a little. A little oily feel with a sticky component.

A little more about the room. Its 10x10 and I have keep the window ac going. Temps are cooler than I have ever dried in before. Temps probably range in the mid to high 60s to the low 70's. I have had a lot of trouble with this strain retaining smell so I thought I would lower temps and see if that worked. I just checked them and even with a lite breeze going back and forth across them for 16 hours they are still wet. But they have not gone to that hay smell that usually happens for the first couple of days and they smell like they did when they were growing. Maybe this is a eureka moment for this strain.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
fingers crossed it is mate.. best to keep a close eye to everything just in case, but it would be nice if they just happened to be especially resinous wouldnt it?



you know it brother. I have had a lot of trouble with this strain. I am currently phasing it out but it would be nice to go out with something good.


not a stupid question. it probably is not misting the room but it is probably raising the humidity a good bit. I have 3 pheno's drying in the room and all all more wet the normal. This one pheno is just really wet. I think the cool temps and high humidity are causing this but it is still very weird.


I thought running an a/c unit was supposed to bring the RH down a little?
What would cause a unit to condense inside?
Is it broken?
Is it colder outside than in the room? I dont have much a/c experience as I never need it down there.
Could you show us pics?


i am pretty sure a window ac would raise humidity. The unit causes a lot of condensation on the interior of the unit because of the copper coils and refrigerant. It does not leak water into the room or anything but I know window ac's create water condensation that I would imagine creates humidity.


i stand corrected you are right it is supposed to lower humidity. I would have thought with all the condensation that is created it would increase it. now I am more confused.


yea no mold. That one pheno is still less dry but getting there. This is my first hempy harvest and I am not sure if its because of hempy or drying them in a much cooler environment but the buds are rock hard. I have grown these phenos before in soil and they seem like totally different plants. The plants were much more crystally this time around and like I said dense as hell dried. In soil and dried at warmer temps the buds were airy and fluffy. Not sure which is the cause. Very amazing. Its not like I was drying in 90 degree temps before or anything I just really reduced the temps this time. Before I was probably drying in the high 70's to low 80's with good air circulation. This time the temps are probably in the high 60's to low 70's with good airflow.