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Anybody ever had an electric meter moved?

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hi there. The title says it all really,
Basically, Ive got a good cupboard under the stairs which would be ideal, but the electric meter and fuse box are in there. This cupboard would be easy for me to hide its existence altogether, but if I have to feed the meter some time(key meter) or a light bulb blows and i need to flip the breaker up when ive got company then the stealth would be gone.
I know getting the fuse box moved isnt a problem, any spark can do that, but I would imagine national grid need to move the meter if they even do it at all.
So basically has anyone had a meter moved, or does anyone know if they do it. Im hesitant to call them and just ask in case it raises any red flags.


you need to get the big boys in to move what they state as their property,and as far as i know,restrictions of the existing incoming feed cable(length),determines where else in the property it can be re-located.Give them a call and express that you want to use the cupboard for a fridge/larder and need the depth that the meter/fuse box currently takes up...expensive though Harry..hope this helps.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
In the U.S. it's easy. Just call the power company and have the power dropped, most utility companies can do it now a days from the office with the new smart meters.
Worst case they have to send a guy to the transformer to pull the fuse.

They don't even charge for it where I live but we have to get a state inspection to have it reconnected. Last one I helped move we pulled the meter ourselves and moved everything inside and wired it to a new meter box and then called for the inspection before having the utility come move their weather head and lines. Then it was a simple matter of taking the old meter box out and it was done.
But be prepared to be without power for a couple weeks cause moving and rewiring a service box takes time.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Cheers stray...
I guess I could get a spark to move the breaker box and just make sure the meter is well fed so it never needs feeding when company is present.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
What do you mean "fed"? You have to feed it coins like a parking meter or something?
I don't get what you mean...


Active member
catch 22

catch 22

Harry i used to live uk ive heard they occaisionaly check key meters .
If you had a perfect exscuse for moving it i would ask them.
If you own the house i know theyll be happy to change you to standard 3 mnthly bill meter n put in a white box on outside wall.A


if its a council house its a hard job getting them to replace a key meter with a standard one
but you can phone in your readings which stops you getting a chap at the door.
try saying you need it moved so you can get your mountain bike put in there and other stuff.


New member
if your worried about having to flip the breaker back on, put a bigger fuse in your fuse box, if your worried about bulbs blowing get energy saving ones, if your having company top up your meter before hand.

or if you own the house do what andyo said.


Cheers stray...
I guess I could get a spark to move the breaker box and just make sure the meter is well fed so it never needs feeding when company is present.

sounds a good option...pesky meter readers would be your only problem there.....maybe go online and submit your meter readings if you can with your supplier.

What do you mean "fed"? You have to feed it coins like a parking meter or something?

that EXACTLY!!! if that fails we grow by swan vesta!


Well-known member
I've enquired about getting mine moved....They wanted 400 quid five years ago. I didn't get it moved.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Hey there ppl,
Yes stress test, its almost exactly like a coin meter, except its a little electronic key which you put cash on at the local shop then put in the meter to put credit on your meter,it was already in when i got the place and the companies like having people on the meters as you're not on the very cheapest rate then-plus you cant run up a bill and not pay, so they make a lot of hoops to jump through to get it removed.
Im not concerned about price difference of the key meter as British Gas now have the key meters on the standard tariff-no extra standing charge like other firms(still not as cheap as direct debit but i cant risk that-getting a bill rise and being without food for a fortnight doesnt really appeal)). I asked about getting the meter swapped for a normal quarterly bill-but its a real ball-ache.
Regarding calling them with meter readings-Id do that anyway as I know ppl who've ended up paying hundreds over the odds through the course of a year by just paying the companies "estimated bills"
Whats really annoying is the gas is on a normal meter, why oh why not the other way around.
Just saw your reply Rude dog... 400 quid...
guess the meters staying where it is then eh LOL 400quid, feck Id want a Donna Duke to change the meter and blow me after for that


hey up Harry Gypsna just spoke with a pal ov mine and he got his moved from the same place as yours to outside and it cost him nothing last year or the year b4 with same company british gas :tiphat:

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Just saw your reply Rude dog... 400 quid...
guess the meters staying where it is then eh LOL 400quid, feck Id want a Donna Duke to change the meter and blow me after for that

All Electricity supply companies have a Statutory Right Of Entry to get to their equipment, if you refuse they have the right to get a magistrates warrant and come back with the police ..... at any time of the day or night

You have the right to refuse under the Human Rights Act but you're just drawing attention to yourself

At some point they will require access to the meter, it's never going to be 'convenient' when they call

Pay to get it moved, it may well cost nearer a grand but you don't ever have to let anyone but you look into that space .....

How much do you value a clean record, etc?

"An official of a gas or electricity company may enter your home if:

You agree to let the official enter.
A magistrate has given the official a warrant authorising the official to enter.
There is an emergency and the official has reason to believe that there is danger to life or property .
(you don't have to be present)
A gas or electricity board official is entitled to ask to enter your home, or to apply to a magistrate for a warrant, in order to :

Inspect, substitute, re-install a meter (including a pre-payment meter).
Add, alter or repair supply lines or pipes and other fittings.
Remove from a pre-payment meter money or tokens belonging to the supplier.
Inspect any other fittings.
Disconnect the supply or remove a meter or other fittings in certain circumstances."

Just get a quote for moving it first then get pissed off at the price

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ICMag Donor
Hi there. The title says it all really,
Basically, Ive got a good cupboard under the stairs which would be ideal, but the electric meter and fuse box are in there. This cupboard would be easy for me to hide its existence altogether, but if I have to feed the meter some time(key meter) or a light bulb blows and i need to flip the breaker up when ive got company then the stealth would be gone.
I know getting the fuse box moved isnt a problem, any spark can do that, but I would imagine national grid need to move the meter if they even do it at all.
So basically has anyone had a meter moved, or does anyone know if they do it. Im hesitant to call them and just ask in case it raises any red flags.

Ask for the meter to be moved to the front of the property. they love that stuff ,, then they dont have to gain access in future for the meter readings :yes:

personally we do NOT let ANY strangers into the house. just leave them standing while we jot down the numbers. its much safer ,, and legally valid in this day n age

Hope this helps

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I think you might be right there doc... Ill see what they say about shifting it. If anything Id have it right inside the front door where they can read it from the step, although outside is probably more likely due to the current location and amount of available cable.
Out it goes then-if theyll shift it fer nowt.


bear in mind that the metre is connected to the consumer unit and if u want the consumer unit moving its gonna cost u big time ..

also if u want the metre moved u will have to have the main incoming supply rerouted ,,not cheap either and definatly not free .

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Cheers Hazy.
I was thinking maybe be proactive, and tell Brit Gas that they can come to check the meter on a specific date every year, and plan my grows around this.


Cheers Hazy.
I was thinking maybe be proactive, and tell Brit Gas that they can come to check the meter on a specific date every year, and plan my grows around this.

get them in to check the metre the week b4 u want to start and then note it on the calender for next year


I can't believe they waste all that time and money coming in people's houses to check the meters...

I also can't believe that they let you report the numbers without actually seeing them... Do they do anything like that in the US? People go to great lengths to steal power and your just gonna take their word on it?


It costs around £50 a 1' of distance moved, so be wise put it far away from the grow room as you can afford!

You can have it all moved 100 yards to a garage if you Pay for it,,,

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