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Anybody Else Get Lonely?


supreme bean

Me too,the only people i can abide for more than half an hour are the wife and 2 grown up kids-People ruin everything,i steer clear,nothing but trouble,etc.

St. Phatty

Active member
Being a grower sure can be lonely sometimes when you're going at it solo.

Maybe I should start a grow diary to talk with like-minded growers?

Very true.

I think one of the objectives of the Cannabis quasi-legalization is to separate Cannabis users.

I lived in SF for a year in 2006, when they still allowed smoking at dispensaries. A few of them had a pub-like atmosphere.

I heard even the old classic dispensary in Vancouver had to close their smoke area.


Just got told i need to give this up cause i spend too much time with my plants by my girlbuddy. Had a choice to make, one girl who nags or 7 girls who dont. Like thats a hard decision. I guess ill join you in the lonely growers club, dont give a fuck.

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yes its a lonely existence being a serious grower,
gotta be thankful for these forums for us guys i say ..

ive had to isolate myself for over 10 years now ,
this is the only place i can chat freely and be myself ,

but eventually things change and we can rejoin society,
and we realize we dont really want too anyhow and understand why we escaped to begin with ,, hehehhe ...


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
I really can't stand many people. It's hard getting lonely when you enjoy being alone.


Thank you so much for starting this thread. I feel the same way. I've been getting better and better at this. A couple years ago I got into a really nice house. I live a really easy life with a lot of free time. Training martial arts is the only thing that keeps me in a semi routine. Very strange lifestyle, but it fits me perfect. I get very very lonely. I have a dog. You might want to get something small. I used to have a pit bull. If you have a pit bull you look like a crack dealer. People judge you. If you have a little dog, people will just think you're a pussy. lol My dog is the best friend I've ever had. He keeps me a little more busy.

I've never had one party here. Our daily routine is the same. What happened was, I spent a lot of time on icmag. Learned so much. Too much. Moved maybe 20 minutes away to a nice town into a really cool place. Most of my old friends either work their asses off for peanuts, or live with their parents. I become more and more of a hermit every day. And, I get less and less patience for peoples bullshit.

It's like i could have typed that exact same reply myself. Down to the martial arts and dog and everything. Shiiiieeeet

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
step 1 to not being lonely is always having cannabis. You can go to a bar and smoke outside and then order coke or a Shirley temple or other non-alcoholic drink. Or you can go to the movies, smoke right before. Never run out of weed my friend. Never. Get out and do things

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard


Being a grower sure can be lonely sometimes when you're going at it solo.

1 year ago I quit my job and began scouting for a house to buy with my savings.

6 months ago I bought my first house, began remodeling it and setting up my grow room.

I've sacrificed a fair amount of my life to pursue this as a profession. I live on the complete opposite side of town of all my friends (2 freeways and 30-45 minutes depending on traffic) and because of how busy I've been I almost never socialize anymore. Haven't been a relationship with a girl for over 2 years now.

Only person I really see on a regular basis is my dad who has been helping me on my house remodeling, which I am very grateful for, but we don't talk a whole lot like you do with friends, ya know?

Most people would love to have their own crib and throw parties, BBQs, etc, but I am too paranoid. I have been around the cannabis scene for over a decade now and seen way too many horrible robberies and have learned that privacy trumps partying every day of the week. For that reason I've only had like 2 friends over to my house so far (both of them growers).

The daily routine can get pretty damn boring:
gym (if time permits)
home remodeling projects
filling rezs, plant maintenence

I run perpetual and am really trying to establish myself with some local clubs so I have been very OCD with trimming and presenting a beautiful product (not to mention I have all my money invested in the house so don't have any extra bucks to pay trimmers with), and as such there is always something to trim. I pull down every 3-4 or so weeks, and it usually takes me that much time to trim up that batch (around 2 bows).

Trimming can be mind-numbingly boring. I've been listening to George RR Martin books on tape which has helped pass the time, but fear what I'll do once I'm done with those.

Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy just being in my house all day (going to the gym helps a lot). I'd love to get a dog for companionship, but need to finish my house first and establish myself financially before taking on such a huge responsibility. I'd also love to rescue/adopt a dog, but all the places I researched require home checks to see if they're fit for the dog, which I'm too scared to do because of the grow.

Seems like a lot of the other growers I know have partners. 2 of my good friends run a little warehouse together so they're basically inseparable. I envy their companionship for sure as there's always someone to shoot the shit with. On the flipside I know working with a parter often leads to disagreements and quarrels, which can really fuk up a friendship as rifts arise and widen. I've always been the sort of person to go at a venture by myself personally.

I imagine many people on this site have been in similar situations. Guess I just wanted to vent some...

Maybe I should start a grow diary to talk with like-minded growers?

Awesome thread and im glad you started it just went back and read whole thing from start to finish.

Firstly re the dog; just get one if you want one man. Dogs are amazing. I have two cats and a dog and i couldn't imagine life without them. Why wait for the future. Today is here, you own a house, get amongst the animal kingdom! (not like that lol). Thanks to stoned trout for mentioning being hard against animal cruelty too nothing boils my blood more than this.

Secondly and this one is a bit negative but i really do have to say something about this.. Taking a couple of weeks to trim a few Ps is nothing short of incredibly lazy holmes. What, so you drip feed your dispensary or do you wait until your've done it all? You said you quit your job and put everything into this and then when harvest comes along you clearly are not applying yourself at all. I can perfectly hand trim a p with nothing more than a good pair of scissors in 4 hours, and believe me i am not fast, more like full OCD. I peel out a room your size by myself in 2 full days work, maybe 3 days at worst. Time to go pro & commit to this thing and also automate more as someone suggested because running 5kw should so not be taking all your time up. Pleeeease don't be another lazy grower there is already far too many of these.

Sorry for the neg bit there but felt like it needed to be said. I hope you take it as tough love because that is exactly what i was aiming for


p.s is a bow what i was thinking or is it more? i never heard that word used before but i think i like it!
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mr. gt

Active member
Being a grower sure can be lonely sometimes when you're going at it solo.

1 year ago I quit my job and began scouting for a house to buy with my savings.

6 months ago I bought my first house, began remodeling it and setting up my grow room.

I've sacrificed a fair amount of my life to pursue this as a profession. I live on the complete opposite side of town of all my friends (2 freeways and 30-45 minutes depending on traffic) and because of how busy I've been I almost never socialize anymore. Haven't been a relationship with a girl for over 2 years now.

Only person I really see on a regular basis is my dad who has been helping me on my house remodeling, which I am very grateful for, but we don't talk a whole lot like you do with friends, ya know?

Most people would love to have their own crib and throw parties, BBQs, etc, but I am too paranoid. I have been around the cannabis scene for over a decade now and seen way too many horrible robberies and have learned that privacy trumps partying every day of the week. For that reason I've only had like 2 friends over to my house so far (both of them growers).

The daily routine can get pretty damn boring:
gym (if time permits)
home remodeling projects
filling rezs, plant maintenence

I run perpetual and am really trying to establish myself with some local clubs so I have been very OCD with trimming and presenting a beautiful product (not to mention I have all my money invested in the house so don't have any extra bucks to pay trimmers with), and as such there is always something to trim. I pull down every 3-4 or so weeks, and it usually takes me that much time to trim up that batch (around 2 bows).

Trimming can be mind-numbingly boring. I've been listening to George RR Martin books on tape which has helped pass the time, but fear what I'll do once I'm done with those.

Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy just being in my house all day (going to the gym helps a lot). I'd love to get a dog for companionship, but need to finish my house first and establish myself financially before taking on such a huge responsibility. I'd also love to rescue/adopt a dog, but all the places I researched require home checks to see if they're fit for the dog, which I'm too scared to do because of the grow.

Seems like a lot of the other growers I know have partners. 2 of my good friends run a little warehouse together so they're basically inseparable. I envy their companionship for sure as there's always someone to shoot the shit with. On the flipside I know working with a parter often leads to disagreements and quarrels, which can really fuk up a friendship as rifts arise and widen. I've always been the sort of person to go at a venture by myself personally.

I imagine many people on this site have been in similar situations. Guess I just wanted to vent some...

Maybe I should start a grow diary to talk with like-minded growers?

I have been in your situation. Partially with the growing aspects. What I've learned from very wise men is that the key to life is... balance.

You need you time. Time to do what you love. Time to explore the world. Time to laugh with others and forget everything that's going on in your life.

I've always kept my circle small and will always keep it that way. I've learned to let my money work for me duplex's ect. if you can save up the down payment once im sure you can do it again


Well-known member
yeah, a pit bull or german shepherd will make folks (& LEO) look at you closer. a weiner dog or mini schnauzer looks more innocent, but will still serve as an early warning system. plus, a dachshund will eat someones ass up if need be, them little fuckers are bad to the bone...:biggrin:


Well-known member
what a thread!

yea all the people thinks that all the cannabis growers are "dealers" and has money to buy everything and travel around the world on first class.

the true is that we work a lot for the money mostly alone cause of security reasons. I've seen many of my friends turned to enemies cause they want my profit, my seeds and all what I have... they want my life, they'd eat me LOL ...and your friends envy will makes you lonely, nothing else. cause when you reach that point when people are envy to you, so than you have no friends anymore. thats the reality

"friends" are greatly overrated. "A" friend is incredibly valuable. but dogs are cooler, cats too. they won't run by the store for you though...