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Anybody else finding IC Mag real slow today?

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Wiggs Dannyboy

Last Laugh Foundation
ICMag Donor
All day, it was real slow about 5 hours ago, still is real slow. I've gone to other websites and found the speed for loading to be the same as usual. Is there some server work going on?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
very slow, heck I put up this response only a few minutes after you started this thread.......


Cheezit- it's the cops!!!

Swallow that roach...!

(yeah it is slow, and just when I started getting settled in to a fun political "discussion"!)


Sorry about that guys n gals

Its all of us Canadians celebrating Canada Day today; people coming on left and right to find out what dank strains they're smoking

Should clear up in about 5 hours...


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Constant server errors, pics not loading on pages, I love ICM but so hard to use right now


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
..shit...I just thought it was this chronic I'm hitting.................:kos:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
The 500 server errors are getting more and more prevalent each day :cry:
JB was saying before he left for his travels that the ICMag Server's Memory and HDD were getting upgraded and there were some issues with the transferring of data across to the new HardDiskDrives, hope this has sorted out for the ICMag Server Crew.
Wish I could afford a LifeTime Membership to help out with the ongoing costs of this amazing place we all call our 2nd home.
puff puff pass
:smoke out:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
John was the tech guy whether he was the only one I'm not sure and I doubt he was on his lonesome, but what do I know, I just hope the issues are able to be sorted out, cause I'm fracked without my daily ICMag fix ;) :bigeye:


Yea, like slow beyond recognition. 5 minute pages loads or not at all


Active member
Hmmm....is John bourne our Tech Guy? If he is the IC Mag Tech Guy, that might be part of the problem. This is what Gypsy posted some days back:

"John has left us to go traveling indefinitely....so your best course of action at this time is to e-mail [email protected]"

In this thread:


If the main tech guy isn't available, could lead to a slower site.

I'm in no way affiliated with ICMAG or the crew running the show but heres my take on whats going on. I'm 100% sure it's nothing to do with John going intrepid.

500 errors typically mean the server has run out of slots. Each one of us requires a connection/slot. Server slots require hardware and hardware weither it be rented or owned requires money.

To be blunt.. This community is provided free of charge but it's growing like a weed. If we want these errors to go away during peak times we are going to have to start helping them out more with charity beans and subscriptions etc.
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I'm in no way affiliated with ICMAG or the crew running the show but heres my take on whats going on. I'm 100% sure it's nothing to do with John going intrepid.

500 errors typically mean the server has run out of slots. Each one of us requires a connection/slot. Server slots require hardware and hardware weither it be rented or owned requires money.

To be blunt.. This community is provided free of charge but it's growing like a weed. If we want these errors to go away during peak times we are going to have to start helping them out more with charity beans and subscriptions etc.

By slots, you mean memory ?

The last few weeks there have been less and less members and visitors on IC, the users and total numbers are located at the bottom of the Forum entry page https://www.icmag.com/ic/ so it is either not configured correctly by the tecchies or the hardware has been cut.

I started a thread about it a couple of weeks ago...



Active member
By slots, you mean memory ?

The last few weeks there have been less and less members and visitors on IC, the users and total numbers are located at the bottom of the Forum entry page https://www.icmag.com/ic/ so it is either not configured correctly by the tecchies or the hardware has been cut.

I started a thread about it a couple of weeks ago...


Kind of.. A server can only handle a certain amount of connections and memory/ram is a factor in this. I'm unsure if ICMAG manages the hardware themselves or if they use a third party hosting provider. The hardware's not cutting it regardless.

By the sounds of things they have made some upgrades.. I'll admit it's a pain. I recommend copy/pasting your post into a text editor before clicking submit reply for the mean time.. Until things become more reliable again.

All we can do as non-paying members of a free to use community is wait patiently to hear an official announcement.

Neo 420

Active member
Naw....This is something else...What kind of server uses slots? This platform better be on apache......
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