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anybody else feel like Perez Hilton is a walking bag of puke?


Freedom Fighter
it is exactly this kind of apathy that allows a scumbag like this to succeed.

i imagine you wouldn't feel any differently unless he was posting
nasty things about YOU.

you know, just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it.

i don't know why some skinhead hasn't already 'fixed' him for being so nasty.

Apathy?? Yeah, "Lack of Interest or Concern" would describe my stance on Perez--
Now...why are you so worked up about this guy, when Harvey Levin/TMZ is doing the same thing...times 100!!
You obviously have issues with him personally, since hundreds are doing the same thing he is...but you wish him physical harm from your skinhead buddies....maybe a li'l homophobic??:chin:
Don't wish somebody dead...just because he hurts feelings...that seems kinda hypocritical to me--:tiphat:


Active member
Apathy?? Yeah, "Lack of Interest or Concern" would describe my stance on Perez--
Now...why are you so worked up about this guy, when Harvey Levin/TMZ is doing the same thing...times 100!!
You obviously have issues with him personally, since hundreds are doing the same thing he is...but you wish him physical harm from your skinhead buddies....maybe a li'l homophobic??:chin:
Don't wish somebody dead...just because he hurts feelings...that seems kinda hypocritical to me--:tiphat:

you're entitled to your opinion dude as you are entitled to draw any conclusions you wish.

i'll say it again.

all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing,. . .you know, like you.


Freedom Fighter
you're entitled to your opinion dude as you are entitled to draw any conclusions you wish.

i'll say it again.

all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing,. . .you know, like you.

You are the one who wanted conversation about it...don't get mad when you get it-- No hate bro (Not saying you think I am hating, just clarifying), I'm just saying that if you feel so strongly about fighting "evil"...why pick such an insignificant target??
Lots of Evil in the World bro....you are obviously a passionate person...I just think your efforts would be far better used on something that actually means something-- :tiphat:


I don't think I'll have any difficulty boycotting those advertisers...I've never even heard of them :laughing:
Haha that's what I was thinking...but seriously OP I couldn't come up with a better description of him if I tried ("Walking Bag Of Puke"). The dude is a fucking scumbag.


Active member
You are the one who wanted conversation about it...don't get mad when you get it-- No hate bro (Not saying you think I am hating, just clarifying), I'm just saying that if you feel so strongly about fighting "evil"...why pick such an insignificant target??
Lots of Evil in the World bro....you are obviously a passionate person...I just think your efforts would be far better used on something that actually means something-- :tiphat:

this does MEAN something man, i'm surprised you can't see that.

it's the principle, as citizens, we need to band together to ostracize scum like this.

...and i am well aware of how much evil there is in the world, this is just a suggestion that maybe, as good citizens, we might band together as a community to send a message to ALL who spew this kind of garbage that we are tired of it.

just one small step, to scrape the shit from our 'shoes', as it were.

our country is in such dire straits because so many of us are so complacent we won't even take a stand against a scumbag like this, despite how insignificant he is, in the grand scheme of things.

it's the principle, he deserves to be shunned by all.
if enough people become disgusted and send e-mails to the advertisers, he would lose money.

just 'cause some people want kiddie porn doesn't mean
we should allow it.

If enough people send emails to the advertisers, negative emails or not, they will recognize that they are getting publicity by sponsoring him and will continue to do so. Every person who bothers to write an email correlates to hundreds of others who really dont give a shit, but now know their business name thanks to Perez.

No one said people want kiddie porn, people want info and embarrassing shit about celebrities. Its a dumbass arbitrary distinction that makes it an issue, this would be perfectly fine if she was a few months older. Calling something like this kiddie porn is a degradation to when child pornography actually occurs.


Active member
those businesses are in the hollywoodland/los angeles area

it would be more effective to poster it up bashing the guy that way, than emailing

emailing will just let the advertisers know that they are being seen, which is what they are paying for

disturbing posters up all around the physical business would have a much more "close to home", "this guy is gross wtf is wrong with you for doing business with him" effect

your physical location shouldn't matter much, you sound like a person on a mission, many people on a mission get themselves physically closer to where the action is occurring in order to make a more realistic impact, rather than some person in some other part of the country reaching out across the www ether


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
i don't even know who this is.

thank you ICMag, for yet another sign that i'm living my life right ;)


Active member
If enough people send emails to the advertisers, negative emails or not, they will recognize that they are getting publicity by sponsoring him and will continue to do so. Every person who bothers to write an email correlates to hundreds of others who really dont give a shit, but now know their business name thanks to Perez.

No one said people want kiddie porn, people want info and embarrassing shit about celebrities. Its a dumbass arbitrary distinction that this would be perfectly fine if she was a few months older. Calling something like this kiddie porn is a degradation to when child pornography actually occurs.

so do nothing.

but,what he does is UNSEEMLY, like a porn site.

it isn't about Miley or Carrie or anyone in particular,
it's the principle of the thing that counts.

it's about taking a stand, publicly, to shout out that this
kind of garbage goes way beyond the bounds of public decency.

like i said, all that is needed for evil to triumph is for
good people to do nothing.

...so just keep doing nothing.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
The internet is full of crap. You'd have to boycott the whole world. Perez is just one of many....


Freedom Fighter
No one said people want kiddie porn, people want info and embarrassing shit about celebrities. Its a dumbass arbitrary distinction that this would be perfectly fine if she was a few months older. Calling something like this kiddie porn is a degradation to when child pornography actually occurs.

Not to mention....
1- When he was told that the picture could possibly be illegal, he pulled it immediately--
2- There are other pics from that night that show she was wearing panties...therefore, there is no crime--

(I only know this because of this thread, I went and investigated..oh, and I heard it on TMZ-- lol)


Active member
you are all missing the point.

it doesn't matter that there may be a billion other turds just like him.

it doesn't matter that what he does isn't illegal.

it doesn't even matter that i, personally take a stand against him and his ilk.

it only matters if you agree that what he does is in bad taste.

...and then only if there are enough people who are offended
enough to shout it out publicly.

and the only 'public' we have any power over is the advertisers.

if we scare them away, Perez will go broke, if enough
people are offended we could make a difference, if even only a small one.

btw, while i agree that TMZ is garbage television, it is in no way as offensive as Hilton is.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Go broke? How much money does he need for a laptop and free wi fi @ starbucks? He doesn't need advetisers, he just has them for extra money.

Gossip sells. Look at how many magazines, shows and internet sites there are. People demand it. There are more who want this entertainment than don't want it. I don't think we are missing the point at all, just tryin to tell you you are going about this in the wrong way.


Active member
Go broke? How much money does he need for a laptop and free wi fi @ starbucks? He doesn't need advetisers, he just has them for extra money.

Gossip sells. Look at how many magazines, shows and internet sites there are. People demand it. There are more who want this entertainment than don't want it. I don't think we are missing the point at all, just tryin to tell you you are going about this in the wrong way.
people want heroin too.

...and what way would you suggest i go about it?

other than to ask like minded people to join with me in speaking out against this shit.

so far all you've said is that there is so much shit on the floor that it's a waste of time to even TRY too clean it up...oh yeah, and that my way is wrong.

would you do nothing if you saw your neighbor emptying 55gallon drums of unknown sludge into a hole in his own back yard? ...if his house was right next door to you?...or would you try and stop him?

...and would it be ok if it wasn't next door to your house but only next door to mine?

imagine the concept of moral obligation, that's the point you've missed.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
I did not say that. You implied i said that. I meant exactly what I wrote, nothing more, nothing less.


Freedom Fighter
You seem obsessed with this, can you please tell us exactly what he is doing and saying that it is so morally wrong...that you feel he needs our wrath more than the thousands of truly bad ppl out there??
It is ok if you get specific--


Active member
i didn't start this thread looking for conflict, i actually thought
there might be others here who would agree he is objectionable.

i guess i was wrong.