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Anybody catch this Gem.

I don't put it past "them" using this as another excuse for wanting every address on thier little list.
Mayor of mission now pressing for the list along with all the other mayors n groups looking to get hier hands on it.
I'm still not convinced the feds won't hand it over in the greater "interest of public safety".
Still too early for anyone to feel safe from these chumps imo.



Active member
so since I will be destroying meds,I wonder if I can claim it on my taxes as a medical loss...at police pricing of 10 a gram of course...max storage amount...
wow talk aboot bullshit, typical of governments tho

keep dancing folks as 'your' leaders pull the strings and watch the puppets dance.

Fools and lemmings who go with the flow..

btw did you know only dead fish go with the flow.

love, laugh and learn
it's our lives to live


cut my strings long ago
suggest you do the same


ill be moving my dried product mid march...lol
do they really think we are going to destroy our meds?im sure some will,but most wont......maybe ill call the local police district come late march and say i have a few ounces to destroy,so they dont have me on the radar!


I have my govt' ticket to produce and possess...if they take that away it will mean a court battle...if enough folk "battle", this BS will fail...or you kin just "sheeple-up"!!!!!

my .02

Hate to break it to ya, but if you handed over your BIRTH NAME to be on thier little list, you've already been hearded.
Not like you can burn a birth name like a safe addy now is it.
Sure it's a good plan for the "dumbest criminals" dumb enough to think they're loop holes would stay open for ever, n are now pretty well fucked, but that doesn't excuse how they're screwing all the patients with 'em.
Meh, that's what happens when ppl are "sheepled" into think HC had any rights to regulate them or thier meds in the 1st place.
HC is an industry regulatory watch dog to make sure everything on markets is safe for canadians.
They're not a patient policing force in any way or right what so ever.
It's not thier mandate or rightfull position in any way.
Never has been.
If you wanted to fight the time to do so has long passed.lol
Not much to fight about after signin what equates to a compliance contract to follow thier rules.
Now thier rules are changing n being non compliant makes one a criminal like the rest, with the cdsa or any other actual laws being necessary at all.

Kinda bad taste calling ppl who'll try n follow the nxt batch of unnecessary regs sheeple when you've already allowed yourself to be 1 under these no?

cheers all,........................................................gps


hmmmm...lemme see if I got this right...I rid myself of 90% of threats to my grow...who wouldn't????...and if what I "heard" today is accurate, our licenses will be able to be renewed for 2014...either way...I'll continue on my garden-adventure as long as it helps me(life-long growing at this point...so I'm in for ever)...I'm just tryin' to cover my ass as much as possible...I'd suggest the tag would fit those who fear the govt'...no???

I don't fear the govt'...but don't trust it either....



Active member
I have my govt' ticket to produce and possess...if they take that away it will mean a court battle...if enough folk "battle", this BS will fail...or you kin just "sheeple-up"!!!!!

No, that will not help.

What is needed is one applicant, on a fixed and limited income, who has multiple sclerosis and is barely able to look after their own grow needs - but who is able to do so after having invested what little money he or she had for that purpose -- and who simply cannot afford MMJ under the new rules.

This is not a quantity argument -- it's a quality argument where the facts will win the day. If we get some "attaboy stoner" as the applicant? That will be about the worst thing possible.

These cases are won and lost on the facts.

Judges want to do the right thing. Present them with facts that scream out injustice and they will react favourably. Present them with technicalities and they will yawn.

Unfortunately, most cannabis activists don't get this.
Have to agree with you.
The toughest part is whoever does get arrested having the fortitude to fight the fight instead of basicly pleaing out by getting paper work filled n falling in line with the gov's regs.
Either that or if it's enough of a slam dunk case n the cops or crown know as much I'd imagine they've just skipped charges alltogether plenty of times just so they don't get trounsed in a court room by a judge who sets some new precedent that THEY than have to start following n allowing.

N GS I'm hardly suicidal by any stretch.
Not like I'm not perfectly secure till and after april fools.
Never needed the gov's help making my meds till now, n I won't any time soon either.
Too much work anyhow with too little time as it is.
Too much weed to smoke, n never enough time to smoke it all.

That said it's 30,000 ppl obvious at this point that not everyone has fully realized thier rights to this med even if you do include the huge number of ppl in that amount that aren't actually sick enough to get papered if they were actually scrutinized by a doc.
So ppl should know the gov has never had any right to do any of what they have till now other than what ppl have allowed them to do by signing up.
IF that makes me a sad sack n suicidal than by all means call me that while I spark another n chill without any worry of what the future holds for me lol.

cheers all,............................................gps
No, that will not help.

What is needed is one applicant, on a fixed and limited income, who has multiple sclerosis and is barely able to look after their own grow needs - but who is able to do so after having invested what little money he or she had for that purpose -- and who simply cannot afford MMJ under the new rules.

This is not a quantity argument -- it's a quality argument where the facts will win the day. If we get some "attaboy stoner" as the applicant? That will be about the worst thing possible.

These cases are won and lost on the facts.

Judges want to do the right thing. Present them with facts that scream out injustice and they will react favourably. Present them with technicalities and they will yawn.

Unfortunately, most cannabis activists don't get this.


That would for sure result in the opposite.

what makes you say that?i mean they know i grow so it wouldnt be any news to them....i had a cop knock 2 months ago....i have always been under my numbers and obeyed the mmar rules....
what makes you say that?i mean they know i grow so it wouldnt be any news to them....i had a cop knock 2 months ago....i have always been under my numbers and obeyed the mmar rules....
what makes you think they are going to check up on you after your licence expires? You would be under no obligation to let them in at that point anyhow, just tell them get lost.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
1- they need your concent to release your medical info, unless stopped by leo and they validate your script

2- they would still need a warrant to search your house

we are not yet america
