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Any Wordpress savvy peeps?


Active member
So I am looking for someone who has lots of knowledge regarding anything wordpress and themes.

My issue is - on my homepage..when I make a post goes to the bottom of the page where all the other " blog" posts are. BUT..the posts TITLE is not an active link and I cannot seem to find how to make it a link. I want the title of the post to have a link so the reader can go to that page, or an archive of strictly " blog" posts.

I dont blog, in fact i hate it. I just use that feature to show new pieces that ive done , storyboards etc. The top of my home page is a Web Comic, that part is static and stays there till I update the next comic. Its below that where I make posts about updates and other illustrations, but it seems I cant click those post titles like I see in other blogs/sites.

If anyone is out there that can help, and trust me Wordpress's codex..their search tool is coming up with blanks, or things I cant comprehend. I end up reading the same sentence 7 times and go cross eyed.

Would love a little love:artist:


ICMag Donor
there are a ton of resources on the web. you will just need to alter a short piece of code in your themes template. should take a few minutes. what theme are you using. i may be able to help.


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
How is your wordpress website setup? Is it a wordpress.org install on a webserver or webhost? Do you have your own domain and hosting plan or you using a wordpress install on subdomain?

If your using the free wordpress.com/yourblog that is the reason the links won't work. If you've purchased a hosting plan with a webhost and installed wordpress via cpanel or etc your links should be working. If you purchased a hosting account and manually installed wordpress via wordpress.org download. Then your links should be working as well.

Basically I would guess your blog is a wordpress.com/blog not a www.yourdomain.com wordpress install.

There are 2 ways you can have a wordpress blog

1. You can purchase a domain name and hosting account and install wordpress via cpanel or simular or even manual install to your webhost account via ftp from the wordpress.org download.

2. You can go with the completely free blog option and setup a wordpress subdomain install which cost you nothing. This is however limited because they block links on subdomain installs.

The only fix is to purchase a domain name and webhost account and install wordpress via cpanel or download the wordpress install from wordpress.org and upload it and install it manually via ftp. Unfortunately the free hosted wordpress blogs will block links.

If you are not using a free hosted blog via www.wordpress.com/yourblog and you do have a webhosting account and domain name and wordpress.org install just let me know and I can help you get the links working if you have a free hosted blog I will not be able to help you any further other then directing you to a hosting provider and guiding you thru installing wordpress on your own domain.
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Active member
It use to be my clothing store, tshirts. its a .com, Authorize.net stuff, e commerce. But im over all that now, just focusing on my manga, webcomic, and story and sound boards.

I am using Inkblot and their plugin Webcomic. Its all rather tricky for me, and I know wordpress codex has all the info, just tough weavin through it all.

I pretty much have been stumbling upon all my questions and figuring them out as I go, refresh, huh?,tweak, refresh, oh okay, delete, refresh, okay there... LOL. Thats about the right pattern there.

And i always had some webmaster running it. But its time for me to learn it.

You guys agree Posts are better for the SEO over Pages? Seems so with the tag feature in posts opposed to pages?

You know whats really fucking with me now, are Menus. lol..I know what they are, but my mind starts bending a little when trying to create a proper menu lol...grrr


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
I personally think the best option on wordpress is to use categories instead of pages and that way you can attach post to categories.

This allows for a nice site with multiple pages but each category page can have individual post with tags. So essentially using category pages you get a nice navigation menu for different category pages, which can then have multiple post attached to each category page. Then you can have multiple tags for multiple post on multiple pages. To me it's the way to go on wordpress.

A category page can be setup just like a normal page only difference is you can attach post to categories and choose which category a post is visible on. You just change the menu navigation around to list categories instead of pages and then when you make a new post you can choose which category to attach that post to and add tags for the post. I'd highly recommend giving it a try!


Active member
MAN! This is exactly what I needed. I need to re read this when I wake up I think because its slightly over da head! BUT , i do know what each thing is you are talking about. I just need to digest this, GREAT f'ing explanations dude...You know how some people may say something the same as another person, but person A just seems to make more sense. THANKS LOL! helped a ton, ill refer back to this. You have no idea, ive been plugging away on this for several days, from when I wake up to around now lol, 4am.

Best cliff note ever dude, ty.


Active member
You just change the menu navigation around to list categories instead of pages

the wall begins. this is exactly what I'm going to do today. I will try and search it out, but its that Nav Menu with Pages that I can't seem to get rid of.

If I delete all the pages that are below the HEADER, will the Categories appear in nav? Im going to try and see:dunno:


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
the wall begins. this is exactly what I'm going to do today. I will try and search it out, but its that Nav Menu with Pages that I can't seem to get rid of.

If I delete all the pages that are below the HEADER, will the Categories appear in nav? Im going to try and see:dunno:

No deleting the pages won't add categories. You can create categories on wordpress the same way you create a page. Then when you make post you can choose which category or categories the post is applied to and shows up on.

You will need to add the categories to your nav menu for this to work right. It's a little tricky at first but once you get the idea down it's easy!

If you have trouble figuring it out let me know and I can assist you.


Active member
Hey bud, my bad..I understand about pages and deleting. That was noob of me to say.

When u mention nav menu, are u talking about the bar below the header?

i started to add some Test categories on the right side. Prob need some sort of simple coding to put Categories in that little bar below Header? Where the pages are as of now?


The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Hey bud, my bad..I understand about pages and deleting. That was noob of me to say.

When u mention nav menu, are u talking about the bar below the header?

i started to add some Test categories on the right side. Prob need some sort of simple coding to put Categories in that little bar below Header? Where the pages are as of now?

Yeah you will need to add some code to the bottom of your header.php file. It all depends on the theme on how to go about modifying the menu nav or nav menu.

Yes I do mean the menu below the header. That is the nav menu. By default categories are listed in the sidebar in bullet form. You will need to remove the categories from the sidebar, then modify the coding to show categories in the nav menu instead of pages, then you will need to modify the code to display the category pages in the nav menu properly horizontal instead of the default vertical, lastly you will need to make sure that bullets are not added so you don't end up with a bullet beside the category page in the nav menu.

All this depends on how the themes setup currently, For example your theme may not list categories in the sidebar or there may not be any bullets. Just depends on the theme your using.
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Active member
Yea the theme I am using is a Parent theme, and it also comes with another two themes( Child Themes, is what they call them I guess) that are very customizable. At this point I am only messing with the Parent theme, cause I dont know any coding. I do know theres tons of tutorials about putting what where in terms of that code stuff. You know they say what line to go to and paste this there etc. I am not there yet in terms of grasping lol.

I will poke around the " child themes", and look into the nav menu stuff.

One thing I noticed in the current theme im using. Is when I go to create a Menu, it says, this theme only takes one theme in the Nav bar. So it looks like I may have to poke around those Child themes soon. dfqsfedqwetr

Thanks Blazed, alot!

You should never smoke any Indica when doing this stuff btw.