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Hello all I was just wondering if I can leave my weed in the filling chamber in between sessions ?. I ask because I can get about six bags from each chamber when I put in about half a gram and this is to much for me to consume in one sitting. Could I just do a couple of bags leave the weed in the filling chamber and come back to it in a few hours ? or would the weed degrade in that time and become less potent. Many thanks.


Hey Clive, how's everything?.

It would degrade fast depending on the temperature but that may also be what you like because some of the thc will degrade into cbn which is a lethargic, relaxing high. THC is an oil and oil suck up oxygen and heat speeds up this process so it all depends on what you want but I don't think it's worth it for that much herb if you do it everyday. You can maybe do that once or twice a week and mix the aged herb with some fresh herb if you want the high with the relaxing effects. This is mostly what people are feeling when they use their left over vape remains because a lot of people don't vape at high enough temperatures to get most of the thc out of the herb, save the herb which gives it time to degrade, and cook with it and this is what they are feeling. I feel it's a waste but to each his own.

Like I stated in the perfect vaporizer thread, .5 a gram is too much when using a vaporizer, if it's potent, and you need way less.


HI truthman hope your well. Yeah its just recently iv been going back up to half a gram again I dont know why but it just seems to hit me better and give me a much stronger head high. Iv noticed I can achieve a similar high when I vape at temps of 155 for one bag then shoot temps right up to 220 for the second bag using just enough weed to cover the screen. But I wasnt sure of the damage I could be doing to my health going straight up in temperature like that. I know with vaping your supposed to go up gradually.


If you go straight up like that and only using enough to cover the screen, it isn't too much of a problem because you aren't using a lot of herb so you aren't burning a lot of the lower temperature oils. Remember you are using so little herb AND you're vaporizing plus using water to cool the air that the negative effects are very minimal and that is if there is a problem. Now if you were using a lot of herb or using high quality hash then I would not think it's that great for health due to more of these oils being burned and in the case of hash even if it's small it can still be a problem due to the hash having WAY MORE of these oils than the same size in bud but even then it's better than dabbing or smoking if you start at mid vaporizing temps due to the other methods being so high in temperatures and oxygen from using a bong which burn and oxidize these oils and create other compounds which some are carcinogenic. Not bad once in a while but I wouldn't do it daily.


Another reason why you aren't getting a stronger head high may be because you aren't getting a more concentrated hit when you go up gradually this is why I gave the trick in the other thread of filling one bag using different temperatures. I don't know if you remember but it goes like this, You pick the temperature to start with, you put the chamber on the volcano for 5 seconds to heat up the herb, then snap the bag on for around 5-10 seconds, stop the fan while leaving the bag on to capture the residual vapor being released, then up the temperature 10 degrees, snap the bag off and repeat the first step to heat the herb and then snap the bag on and repeat. Keep doing this until you get to 210f-220f. This method allows you to get a concentrated hit meaning flavor and high in one bag with no burning of the lower oils. You just have to adjust how long you heat the herb and fill each bag depending on how much vapor is being produced at each temperature which is dependent on your herb. I think this one method will make people look at the volcano in a new light because no other vaporizer allows you to get everything in one hit without any degradation besides the magic flight launch box because none of them heats up as fast as it does BUT a lot of people don't know how to handle this speed and end up burning their herb or not going high as they can with it and leave a lot thc but if you know what you're doing the magic flight is NICE.

The volcano being that it has a bag and a stable temperature can help you get this same effects if you do the method I described but more easily done without too much thinking involved.


Active member
What he said. Pre-heating the herb for a few seconds before snapping on the balloon (along with using a temperature setting high enough) is a key to thick, tasty vapor that'll kick your ass.


Iv just been trying the new method you suggested truthman and I think it works much better than filling balloon after balloon. This time i only put in about .1 of weed grown by myself called G13 so it had lots of resin on it. I started at 185 and worked my way up in 10s until I got to 220. This time the vapor wasn't so overly thick and had that nice intoxicating mist to it their was also lots of flavor in their this time as well. The high is really nice and pleasant with that nice head buzz you get I gave it fifteen minutes then regrind and did another bag at 220 which has given me a nice heavy feeling around the eyes. The onset of the high is a bit quicker but the real best thing is that im not breathing in bag after fucking bag for 20 mins or so.

Also have you ever tried vaping Autos ?. Thats what I was vaping earlier when I was having to put lots of weed in the chamber. For some reason they just don't seem to get me as high at what non autos do. Thanks again truthman.


Glad you liked it.

No, I haven't tried auto's but I heard exactly what you stated and that is they don't really get you as high as regular herb. I remember when that strain made a resurgence and the first thing I thought was watch someone try to mix that type of cannabis with regular cannabis just to get sells and a few years later it actually happened. I think it's because cannabis ruderlis isn't as psychoactive so all it adds to the genes is the flower aspects but being that we are used to blending phenotypes that are high in psychoactives and when mixed actually make a stronger version, cannabis ruderalis genes are not wanted as much unless you need autoflowering for whatever reason but maybe there will be so much mixing that it will be able to hang with the big boys..