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Any U.S. Semi-Cannabis Freindly Spots


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Upstate Newyork!!!!!!!

Upstate Newyork!!!!!!!

I smoked out a dep officer while steelhead fishing the salmon river~! sillyphilly :joint:


Active member
I had to hitch-hike for gas in Trinity County and a US Postal Inspector picked me up and I smoked him out for his trouble.

In Humboldt County a rancher picked me up and gave me another ride for gas and when I tried to kick him a bud, he gave me some of his... I was astonished, he pulled out about a QP from inside his jacket pocket LOL...

I was medicating outside a Subway restaurant in some small town up there with 3 cops across the street in cruisers and they didn't even sweat me and it was OBVIOUS I was smoking weed. Hell I had a clone on the dash of the car....

NorCal is where it's at.



mmm420socal said:
I had to hitch-hike for gas in Trinity County and a US Postal Inspector picked me up and I smoked him out for his trouble.

In Humboldt County a rancher picked me up and gave me another ride for gas and when I tried to kick him a bud, he gave me some of his... I was astonished, he pulled out about a QP from inside his jacket pocket LOL...

I was medicating outside a Subway restaurant in some small town up there with 3 cops across the street in cruisers and they didn't even sweat me and it was OBVIOUS I was smoking weed. Hell I had a clone on the dash of the car....

NorCal is where it's at.


Wow...Where I live people get taken to jail for having a bowl in the car.


No matter where you are, or how tolerant it is, your neighbors, Landlord, your behaviour, and immediate surroundings will determine your relative safety. Even in Norcal, with Prop. 215, by NO means is it a cakewalk, and accommodations are scarce and costly. Ripoffs are even more of a problem, when all know what is going on. Folks feel OK making comments, or being nosy and asking questions, expecting answers, amazingly enough.

Eternal vigilance on all fronts, least of all the challenging growing climate, are required to make a go of it. Most fail.


New member
Mississippi has now passed laws de criminilizing small amounts of weed(under 30 g) for perosnal use, and no laws specifically about growing...and the ones that are there about possessing more than a couple lb's are usually not engoforced anymore as they dont' have any place for all the pot heads to go since most of the big jails on the coast were demolished...by katrina..

moving there next year....can't smoke in public, but @ home is perfectly legal;)
It's just a matter of time before you will be able to grow for personal use there...when that happens I will probably jump with joy!, but until then i keep my mouth shut.


Active member
Trinity is that spot!

Trinity is that spot!

mmm420socal said:
I had to hitch-hike for gas in Trinity County and a US Postal Inspector picked me up and I smoked him out for his trouble.

In Humboldt County a rancher picked me up and gave me another ride for gas and when I tried to kick him a bud, he gave me some of his... I was astonished, he pulled out about a QP from inside his jacket pocket LOL...

I also heard Trinity County is the most weed friendly place in the US. Is that Northern or South Cali. I know when I leave where I'm at now, that's where I'm heading. We should all head to Trinity, make it ours. If only we could make it independent of all the other states, where Fed laws won't count. I guess everyone would be flocking there, so they'd never do it. lol It's still a good dream though.


the keeper of the creeper
Head to BC for a vacation.. just dont try to bring ANYTHING BACK with you. Southern BC is hippy land, as well as Vancouver has a large Pot smoker community.


::clicks hills together::

theres no where humboldt
theres no where humboldt
theres no where humboldt
Ann Arbor is still very friendly, although the fine has been raised to $100 for up to an ounce from $10, but that is just inflation



New member

It's not called the emerald triangle for nothing... Seriously your not going to find a better place in the states.


San Fran-fuckin-cisco!

One of the best things about SF is being able to smoke a J pretty much anywhere - on the street, in some bars, even smoking hotel rooms. The only exceptions to this are places where there's lots of tourists (downtown, Ocean Beach, the Wharf); places that are still under federal jurisdiction (the Presidio & some of the parks); and places where you might get jumped for your stash (Tenderloin, the Mission, Southern parts of the city like Hunters Point).

However it's more chill than any other major US city I've ever been to, and I've been to almost all of 'em. Where in some places the locals actually call the fuzz on you, in SF the prevailing attitude is "whatever". And even if they do call the cops, the cops aren't that likely to much much more than take your weed and take/destroy your pipe. Most San Franciscans are just happy you're not smoking crack.


New member
ayekappy said:

It's not called the emerald triangle for nothing... Seriously your not going to find a better place in the states.

Ah hah! Someone finally stole my nickname! Was it from that one place or the pokemon ball being throwin WWII image??? :D


New member
California for sure. The police are a little more calm and understanding in the North. Someone said something about the Emerald Triangle up in Mendo, which is always a good bet...

I wonder why a travel agency hasn't started to offer trips for med patients up through places in California...


hey now lets not forget the very cannabis friendly state of colorado!(we all know about cali) the police here are more than likely to turn a blind eye to personal useas long as you act like an intelligent being, while in most cases oblige protection for medical patients. denver boulder, nederland, durango, alta, paioina, carbondale and montrose are great places to get some excellent herb. on the contary telluride is not an easy place to find meds,althogh the bit you do find is excellent. remember some of the hippies who din't make it to cali stoped in colorado.
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