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Any U.S. Semi-Cannabis Freindly Spots



Anyone know any places in the u.s. that are cannabis freindly?

I doubt there is, but I don't travel much so I wouldn't know


in Northern Cali its as friendly as your prolly gonna get in the states


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Time Travel

Time Travel

If you gfet into your time machine you could go into the past and smoke a joint freely walking down the mall in Washington, D.C. like I did many times in the late '70s...

Sadly that would be insane now!

Southern California comes to mind... Ocean Beach is a great place for hippies and is very cool.

Grew this on my porch in Amsterdam... now there's a smoking friendly spot!


Colorado has two initiatives on the ballot nov 1st. In Telluride and in Denver.

for more info http://www.saferchoice.org

did not meen for this to look like a campain ad. I live outside of denver, so am not even voting for it.

The denver/boulder area is pretty chill, but you can't light up while in public.


Alaska is by far the most cannabis cool state in the union. If you dont mind the cold and growing inside as the photoperiod makes it impossible to flower anything short of ruderalis outside.
You can have up to 24 plants on your property and 2 dried pounds. I might be there in about 3 years from now. Ill use a couple 1000wers to heat my house in the winter :D


I second msober. CO has made some big strides in the last few months. That initiative in Denver passed by a good margin and the cities DA made a public statement saying he would respect the law if it passed. Now the only problem are those f*cktards at the Federal level, democracy my ass!!


California. Its all about California. I think the current count is around 190 pot clubs state wide. Almost 90 of them concentrated in the Bay Area, LA/OC, and San Diego.


Woot Woot!! SUN DIEGO
San Diego is pretty laid back as long as you don't make a scene.
Generally speaking, LEO is tolerent with prop215 and sb420.
I have been asked for identification/recomendation.
When I checked out ok, they told me to take care. :joint:


California. Its all about California. I think the current count is around 190 pot clubs state wide. Almost 90 of them concentrated in the Bay Area, LA/OC, and San Diego.
i heard oklahoma was mad chill.......just kidding

hey weedmafia
i used to heear crazy stories about people who lived in ann arbor
sucks its not so chill anymore

youre best bet i think is alaska or cali


New member
I am not sure if there are better or more firendly places then Cali, because it is all I have experience with, but the state has been good to me. I have had three contacts with law enforcement related to weed in Southern California. I have had my weed confiscated twice, but with no paperwork or court proceedings to follow, and once I got my weed back. I don't have a medical license or anything.

As for the Nor Cal/ Verse So Cal debate in terms of friendliness, I would say as a smoker most anywhere in the state is all good, but for growing Northern California is where you want to be.


Active member
hillbillieonpcp said:
in Northern Cali its as friendly as your prolly gonna get in the states


I will second that motion ;)

Go to Siskiyou, Shasta/Trinity, Mendo, Humboldt... Those counties are super low-key.



cannabis enthusiast
In California I see that anything over 28.5 grams is a misdemeanor with a $500 fine with possibility of jail time that doesnt seem very nice. Do they actually enforce the laws that bad? I can carry 3 times that amount in Ohio and get a traffic ticket if caught :joint: .



Active member
Ohio is fairly friendly on paper but the reality is that combined charges are more severe and are often made. If you happen to be near a school, have paraphernalia,scales, have it in more than one bag etc...it will probably be more than a fine. Still it is easier to sleep at night in Ohio than nearby states that is for sure.

My concern over med mj states like CA is that due to the hypocracy between state and federal law....feds can and will have a literal "field" day or "sweeps" because they are easy pickings...because people actually feel sort of safe and relaxed and are thus more open about it. I would be more paranoid to live in a county (humboldt etc...) where everyone is aware of what to look for and knows someone or is someone who grows, uses etc...until federal law learns to accept the will (votes) of the people.