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Any TN people?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
I could be happy with either state. The gulf has been on my mind for a long time, has just never worked out. It would be different, not used to gators exactly, but I could dig on the swamps and estuaries.

Thanks for the link. Maybe if we can get one state to go the rest of the South will crack. Best wishes ~

Gators are nothing to be worried about, unless there are many of them together. Then they might consider you a good meal, but just one of them is nothing to worry about.

I've seen so many coonass relatives of mine wading in waist deep water in the south louisiana swamp drinking beer with not a care in the world about gators, and they see them out there all the time.

Alabama is pretty close to going medical. Some of the legislature are certainly on board and most of the committee members it has to go through are in favor also. I haven't been keeping up with it this year, but last year it went much farther then they had hoped for without any lobbying at all. Haven't heard much about it this year.

Didn't know that about florida having legislation in the house and senate for a constitutional amendment. That would be amazing if florida goes medical. Got a feeling though that the local police will be ignoring the law for a while even if it passes, out of ignorance. Most states experience this to one degree or another, but I think florida will be the worst.

Mississippi is decrim, but that just means that the laws are not as bad as they used to be, they are still bad though. You will still go to jail for being caught with any amount. Possession is still a misd. You won't get any jail time, but the system will extort as much as they can from you between lawyers, fines, court costs, impound fees and getting a hardship license, anything they can do to take as much money from you as possible, thats what you can expect.

Guest 88950

fla already has a quasi-medical cannabis laws on the books.......its not an exemption or established guidelines regarding plant # in veg or flower........its not even protection in lower court.....its the Ability to argue a Medical Necessity defense.

if / once convicted on cannabis related charge (poss., cultivation) in lower court and the Defendant meets the vague guidelines to clain med. necessity then upon an appeal before the fl supreme court the conviction would be over turned and the Defendant would be permitted to posess / cultivate and use Cannabis for medical purposes.


Do your own research on this subject..........DO NOT take what i posted as a reason to relocate to fl to grow cannabis........its not like cali....not everyone would meet the requirements to successfully claim medical necessity and those who were unsuccessful would be subject to very harsh laws regarding cannabis.

edit: the gators are predictable......they want to eat so keep pets and small children away from them. gators are a part of living in fl, wether in the swamps or city......plus the are very good eating if you know how to cook it.


I've done a good bit of work in swamps on the Atlantic coast and along the Gulf. I usually time my work for the "winter". Never had a problem with alligators, although I know a guy in FL that lost his arm to one, but he got the gator's head. It's like anything, be aware of your surroundings. Just like the West and grizzlies or cougars - you're not the top predator in the field. I keep water dogs so that would call for some adjustments on recreational outings.

Sorry to steer this thread OT, just wanted to reply to STC and SSH :tiphat:

Like I said before, I'd be tickled to land in Tennessee.


Active member
Gators are nothing to be worried about, unless there are many of them together. Then they might consider you a good meal, but just one of them is nothing to worry about.

I've seen so many coonass relatives of mine wading in waist deep water in the south louisiana swamp drinking beer with not a care in the world about gators, and they see them out there all the time.

Alabama is pretty close to going medical. Some of the legislature are certainly on board and most of the committee members it has to go through are in favor also. I haven't been keeping up with it this year, but last year it went much farther then they had hoped for without any lobbying at all. Haven't heard much about it this year.

Didn't know that about florida having legislation in the house and senate for a constitutional amendment. That would be amazing if florida goes medical. Got a feeling though that the local police will be ignoring the law for a while even if it passes, out of ignorance. Most states experience this to one degree or another, but I think florida will be the worst.

Mississippi is decrim, but that just means that the laws are not as bad as they used to be, they are still bad though. You will still go to jail for being caught with any amount. Possession is still a misd. You won't get any jail time, but the system will extort as much as they can from you between lawyers, fines, court costs, impound fees and getting a hardship license, anything they can do to take as much money from you as possible, thats what you can expect.

people forget how much animals are afraid of humans.

like this story from africa.

some tourists saw 3 bushmen, with only spears, walk real casual like up to a group of lions eating a zebra.

the lions dont notice the bushmen till they are right up to the lions that then jump up and run away.

the bushmen without a hurry, cut off one of the zebras leg and walk away.

the lions just stand there with a big wtf look on their faces.

the lions know the score.

afterall, there are true tales of men taking on lions with bare hands and winning, not very many, but enough. (last one i heard, was of this south african dude that got attacked by a lion but he managed to beat it away, he got bit scarred up though (lol)
I just wish TN would be more progressive toward Marijuana. The politicians need to accept that its our biggest cash crop and decrim or legalization/medical program would be very helpful to our economy. The cops screwed me for a lot of money and I can't smoke for another 9 months over a quarter pound.

I do enjoy that the state is growing as whole since we have a low cost of living and generally friendly people. I think the increase in population will give more artists a reason to come through on tours and my favorite thing to do is attend sweet shows.


New member
Sunshine Dreams, I agree I thought with the influx of Californians we've had in the last 10 years things would have loosened up a bit. My California friends lament the attitude that prevails towards pot in Tn. However, they prefer Tn over Ca anyday (southern ca that is)

MJ is a huge factor in farming/politics/law enforcement has been for a long time here and I hail from Middle tN, not out east where it is really a big deal
Out of curiosity, what do they not like about southern california?

I'm in middle tn as well. I have some friends that know some metro area cops and they said that they are pretty easy on users but they do go after dealers. They know she smokes but they said its not really a big deal. I just found this interesting considering that is from the perspective of law enforcement.

I just think this state could become that much better if we legalized considering if I've heard correctly, we are one of the biggest non-medical pot producing states in the country.


New member
From the way they tell it, Southern California is nearing 100% Mexican (they are anglos) people are fake, crime is high, everything is expensive.

I don't know much about Metro cops, I've found them to be better trained and more professional than other Southern locals, I don't know what their priorities are in terms of crime, I would have to investigate how their budgets are structured to determine how they prioritize marijuana/growing.

Tn is a nice place, or at least it has been in the places I've lived. I'm outside the country now in a very non-friendly pot place, so I don't even pursue it. Middle Tn is a challenge to get even good Mexican brick, a lot of fancy pretty stuff that is just to overpriced and too indica for me. I've lived in the great lakes region as well and found there to be much better distribution for lower priced mexican sativa which is all I like. Tn is sketchy and pricey and growing your own is way too big a risk I think.


New member
From the way they tell it, Southern California is nearing 100% Mexican (they are anglos) people are fake, crime is high, everything is expensive.

I don't know much about Metro cops, I've found them to be better trained and more professional than other Southern locals, I don't know what their priorities are in terms of crime, I would have to investigate how their budgets are structured to determine how they prioritize marijuana/growing.

Tn is a nice place, or at least it has been in the places I've lived. I'm outside the country now in a very non-friendly pot place, so I don't even pursue it. Middle Tn is a challenge to get even good Mexican brick, a lot of fancy pretty stuff that is just to overpriced and too indica for me. I've lived in the great lakes region as well and found there to be much better distribution for lower priced mexican sativa which is all I like. Tn is sketchy and pricey and growing your own is way too big a risk I think.
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From the way they tell it, Southern California is nearing 100% Mexican (they are anglos) people are fake, crime is high, everything is expensive.

I don't know much about Metro cops, I've found them to be better trained and more professional than other Southern locals, I don't know what their priorities are in terms of crime, I would have to investigate how their budgets are structured to determine how they prioritize marijuana/growing.

Tn is a nice place, or at least it has been in the places I've lived. I'm outside the country now in a very non-friendly pot place, so I don't even pursue it. Middle Tn is a challenge to get even good Mexican brick, a lot of fancy pretty stuff that is just to overpriced and too indica for me. I've lived in the great lakes region as well and found there to be much better distribution for lower priced mexican sativa which is all I like. Tn is sketchy and pricey and growing your own is way too big a risk I think.

I agree, I'm hoping the Alabama people vote yes this year. I'm making plans to work there and be home on weekends. Be careful with brick, its being used for phytoremediation, and contains arsenic and mercury to name a few.


Looks like I'm heading to Cali, maybe Santa Cruz area. I've got to breed some high CBD strains. Mom has cancer, and people are sick all around me. Only choice of legal meds makes you feel like a Zombie.

I'm growing legal this season, even if I have to sleep in a tent! My Mom's life may depend on my ability to provide tinctures rich in Cannabidiol. :comfort: