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Any rave/techno fans here?


I'm going to Halloweenball in Vegas again this year. I went in '09 and was nuts, though way too crowded. This year they moved to South Point and a much bigger room. Went with my buddy in 09, maybe solo this year...wooooot!


IMO raves were cool before they were corporatized, and streamlined artists like deadmau5 and skrillex began repping the 'rave' crowd (and Jersey Shore promoted the fist-pump).

if you have to pay to get in, and there are signs or posters promoting it in clear view of everyone, its not a rave. Its an electronic music concert.

The best raves I went to were open parties in the fields of Holland and S. France, mid-late 90s. had to know someone to find it. good times...


You're right. I was mistaken to call it a rave.

not rippin on you buddy; just expressing my thoughts toward the whole marketing scheme of the electronic concerts nowadays.

To answer your question though, I'm a huge trance fan. not big on house, and D&B is cool when i feel like changing it up.

I grew up with a lot of classical music so my appreciation for trance lies in the way the structures take their time and develop much like classical music does. If Edvard Grieg was a robot he'd have composed trance epics.


IMO raves were cool before they were corporatized, and streamlined artists like deadmau5 and skrillex began repping the 'rave' crowd (and Jersey Shore promoted the fist-pump).

if you have to pay to get in, and there are signs or posters promoting it in clear view of everyone, its not a rave. Its an electronic music concert.

The best raves I went to were open parties in the fields of Holland and S. France, mid-late 90s. had to know someone to find it. good times...

i was in France and holland in the 90's maybe we were at some of the same parties:wave:

the best "rave" i went to was in Nimes 95 Borialis with The Orb live then a few dj's Jeff Mils and Darren Emerson from Underworld played it was commercial but it was in a roman ampitheater.

That was AMAZING as the sun came up i was Dancin on the top wall trippin balls and luvin life.

what an Experience...

but yea big parties are all about money so are all the clubs good nights are RARE...sad state where i'm at now.

the real Music isn't dead or is it like deadrat

Marco Baily & Tom Hades

InJoy Your Day


Stoned Coder

Went to many east coast raves in the 90's from NYC to Miami.

Still enjoy the music but I just don't want to be the old guy in the club.


The best raves I went to were open parties in the fields of Holland and S. France, mid-late 90s. had to know someone to find it. good times...

Oh Yeah !!! FreeParty is the way :party:!!!! in 90's Spiral tribe come of england to S.France with good vibration and spirit :dance013:! result ? A new life for me !! and the best electronic music know !!



Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Lost in my little but not that controlled Portugal you can still find some proper raves.
100% unlicensed,only word of mouth and networking to get there, and the usual rave massacre while a self-taught chemist in some caravan cooks all the shit that we can ;)
Nowadays i live in the UK and i know a few old skool ravers, Exodus collective and some others even before that, that keep saying to me that went the rave scene went massive it was already big business with plenty of illegal activities involved.
This said there are plenty of good electronic music gatherings all over the planet.
Freedom and Boom fest in Portugal
Universo Paralelo in Brazil
Sonnar in Barcelona
Just to mention a few
I went through a very hardcore peroid of caning on candy at underground parties in old train sheds, fields (all either Melbourne suburbs or outer suburbs, Aus) and basically anywhere my crazy step brother and his crew felt like organising them. This was way back in the 90's though and haven't been round the scene for a long time although I sometimes see flyers for Two Tribes and the big commercial parties they hold now and reminisce. The only commercial parties I ever really liked were the Gatecrasher raves at the Melbourne Dock sheds, or maybe it was just the MD that was so good at the time and all the disco bicky's were A grade, I don't know. Got really screwed up on MD and 2C-B or 2CT-7 can't remember it was that long ago but it was the last great party period of my life, still remember trippin balls so hard that I thought some G and K might calm things down... silly me, ohhh, silly me, silly me...
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Active member
IMO raves were cool before they were corporatized...

if you have to pay to get in, and there are signs or posters promoting it in clear view of everyone, its not a rave. Its an electronic music concert.

The best raves I went to were open parties in the fields of Holland and S. France, mid-late 90s. had to know someone to find it. good times...

i remember we were saying the same shit in the mid 90's, that raves are too corporatized blahblah

just as it was then, it is now, there are always underground parties, at least in the states

there are small fliers and they do ask you to pay a small amount, but they are rave man, moontribe on the mojave desert under a full moon as the sun comes up with wonderful djs like brad and treavor and john kelly and mr. annand *yum* ...here's a ton of mixes btw:

lol, don't tell me those parties aren't rave ;) i've raved under the full moon in forests and deserts and in hidden warehouses and lofts, rave it up!

as far as op, i'm not really into the massives and whatnot too much personally, every once in awhile i would go hit an electric daisy carnival or jujubeats or something along those lines and i usually have a blast just loving that gigantor massive speaker setup, so much dubstep and fidget and whatnot though i'm just not too into it, i'm jaded i suppose but i miss the days of carl cox on 3 turntables, drc, richie hawtin, juan atkins, stacey pullen, jeff mills, etc. etc. tearing it up, some real teched out TECHNO


New member


You're right. I was mistaken to call it a rave.

Meh, terms evolve. We know what you meant. :)

Last "rave" I went to was last years Nocturnal. I got in for free and it wasn't worth it. The crowd is different and the music is way different. I think the straw on the camel's back for me was when Little Jon started yelling at me at a "rave" lolwut

I like the type of parties where "security" is smoking a bowl at the door checking for guns and knives in some warehouse deep deep in some industrial complex where there are just simply no "neighbors" or whatever to complain or even know about the party.

I haven't taken the chance to hit up a desert burner though. . . yet.


Active member
doc martin, sublevel, deep warehouse vibes, just got back and chomping on some cereal, phat thumpin' deep house beats were yummy, gonna' take a shower and puff on some purple kush then knock out


The best Raves were always in warehouses, or fields. I remember more than one where we actually just broke into an abandoned warehouse, and through a party. I always called them parties. I never liked the sound of Raves. I always thought it sounded gay. It still amazes me how openly everyone was using, and selling drugs. There were no cares in the world about the Police. They would show up, not see booze, and leave. Dumb fucks. This was early 90's. where I was they had no idea about X, or Acid, GHB, Nitrous, Special K, etc... They were just looking for booze. We had an entire year or 2 where we through a party in this field right downtown in the City I lived in. A wide open empty field with a street running through it. This was before curfews. The cops would come through, and not see booze. Then they would leave. It was private property, and we used a generator. I have no idea why they let it go in so long. This was right in the middle of downtown of the Capital City of the State. Who knows. I had a lot of fun there though.

I remember when you couldn't get bad X. It did not exist. :)
I love hearing people now talking about taking 3,4,5,6, pills. If you had good X you would need 1, maybe 2 for the entire night. 20 years later I still look at ecstasydata.org to see what shit people are taking. Shit usually being the key ingredient. :)


Active member
hey organicozarks! that's pretty cool, man right in the middle of the city like that, i can't believe they'd leave due to seeing no booze either hahaha, sounds like some great stuff man!

yeah rave sounds ghey lol, i still call 'em rave though, party is in my vocabulary quit a bit too

haven't taken x's in years, but man i remember the pures we'd get in the 90's were so legit, and you would seriously only need 1! rollin' balls phat thudding basslines pulsating through your body for hours on end haha


Active member
...listening to some mid 90's happy hardcore mix as i plant some clones hehe, i heart cheese, anyone from southern california area into that stuff remember paulina taylor? haha makes me smile *BOOM*

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