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any of you ever try bloombastic......


20 Days of Flowering, using Bloombastic - DWC setup

20 Days of Flowering, using Bloombastic - DWC setup


Here is a shot from the lower bud sites.


Friday, April 30, 2010 Video update.


At the time of video:

16 days into flowering cycle 12/12 (400 watt Hortilux Super HPS).
44 days since purchasing clones.
28 days of vegetative cycle (400 watt Hortilux Blue) - started with 24/0 for 5 days, 20/4 for two weeks, then 18/6 for the remaining veg cycle.

6 plants total


Active member
I notice all the people knocking Bloombastic haven't actually used it.

For adding bulk and resin, there is nothing like it, it works fantastically well, claiming it is just carbohydrates is nonsense, it's primarily a PK booster, the other stuff in there is secondary to it's prime function - PK!

However, despite the fact your plants will be bigger and frostier and look amazing, it has a detrimental effect on smell/taste, it does leave a taste behind and it reduces smell, not sure why, but it does, I have grown plants with it that looked absolutely fabulous and yielded much more than with other PK boosters, but the smell and taste were lacking. That is the sole reason i don't use it anymore. If they can fix the smell/taste issue then it's a must have imho.


That's very disheartening to hear (again) about the smell/taste issue. That is one of the qualities that makes my diesel sooo in demand.

Does it impart a taste of it's own or does it just lessen the original taste/smell.

The plants are still mega stinky!


Active member
Bit of both, it leaves a slight taste and also seems to mask the natural taste.

It does add incredible yield and resin though, visual bag appeal is much enhanced.


Bit of both, it leaves a slight taste and also seems to mask the natural taste.

It does add incredible yield and resin though, visual bag appeal is much enhanced.

100% Right! It does work well, but fades taste... and it modify's the plants original taste and smell..... But its true that people shouldnt bag on a product they havent had the chance to use!
If your growing commercial... Try bloombastic.. it works for bag appeal! Not for self satisfaction:)



Active member
Oh yeah, for commercial Bloombastic is exactly the right thing, you get big, dense, resin encrusted flowers that are impressive to look at, it could make Top44 look like White Rhino, but people growing for personal pleasure who care more about smell/taste then give it a miss.


Huge resin covered buds vs. smaller better tasting/smelling flowers?

I'm under the understanding that more trichomes = higher quality / more potent.
I'd gladly sacrafice a bit of taste/smell in favor of MORE higher quality nugs.

Maybe I'm crazy, but when it comes to cannabis potency and yield are my top WANTS.

I have not harvested my current Bloombastic run, but smell and aroma has NOT been effected as far as I can tell. Cant tell yet on taste since its not done, but will be sure to try to compare to un-bloombastic smoke. I'm really not seeing any quality reduction visually - just really heavy, dense, frosted colas. (even with 600w lights).

I typically vap so flavor is not "that" important. The 1st few bags give me some good taste, but bowls provide a much better experience as far as taste is concerned.

The higher it gets you the better and I dont think anyone can dispute that.

note - the 4k trays in my sig has not been bloombasticed yet. My bloombastic experience is from another grow that I've been unable to remember to take the camera for. Will get them up asap as they'll be coming down very soon. It is the 1st grow with bloombastic used every watering later stages of bloom.

See below link for day 40 of a bloombastic grow (just one application). Takes you directly to day 40 post. Cant say it was because of the single dose of bloombastic, but I was definately pleased at the results.


View image in gallery

I will be using less bloombastic then I am currently because things are SO DAMN DENSE I worry about bud root.. and just overall TOO TIGHT of flower which makes a pound look like a half pound visually. I want to continue to replicate the cola above..so I think LIGHT Bloombastic usage is where its at.


Huge resin covered buds vs. smaller better tasting/smelling flowers?

I'm under the understanding that more trichomes = higher quality / more potent.
I'd gladly sacrafice a bit of taste/smell in favor of MORE higher quality nugs.

Maybe I'm crazy, but when it comes to cannabis potency and yield are my top WANTS.

I have not harvested my current Bloombastic run, but smell and aroma has NOT been effected as far as I can tell. Cant tell yet on taste since its not done, but will be sure to try to compare to un-bloombastic smoke. I'm really not seeing any quality reduction visually - just really heavy, dense, frosted colas. (even with 600w lights).

I typically vap so flavor is not "that" important. The 1st few bags give me some good taste, but bowls provide a much better experience as far as taste is concerned.

The higher it gets you the better and I dont think anyone can dispute that.

note - the 4k trays in my sig has not been bloombasticed yet. My bloombastic experience is from another grow that I've been unable to remember to take the camera for. Will get them up asap as they'll be coming down very soon. It is the 1st grow with bloombastic used every watering later stages of bloom.

See below link for day 40 of a bloombastic grow (just one application). Takes you directly to day 40 post.

I will be using less bloombastic then I am currently because things are SO DAMN DENSE I worry about bud root.. and just overall TOO TIGHT of flower which makes a pound look like a half pound visually.

Here is my Atami Bloombastic grow:


I agree, I prefer resin covered, very potent, and sticky buds. I could care less about the size of the nugs, its the high I am looking for. But if I can get potent big nugs then right on:tiphat:


Here are some Bloombastic shots I could manage. Really crappy photos because they are from a cell cam, but pictures none the less.

Nearing harvest. Colas may be a tad smaller in size, but definately a lot tighter and heavier. Quality in my opinion and as far as I can tell was not effected.



Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
all of these grown with bloombastic....next run I'll use molasses and try to see if there is noticeable differences.




Delahaze (hydro)



I have followed along this thread and want to thank all the contributers. I will definitely give the Bloombastic a try. And the molasses as well. Not a nube but, a slow learner. Gracias amigos.


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