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Any lessons from last year...?



Got any tips that are going to make me say...

"Damn I'm glad they told me that"

Later OH


Active member
well, for amsterdam in general,

Dont Feed the Junkies!!! (im not talkin bout food, just sorta ignore em, most of em are harmless enough but ive had a few bad experiances with some of em, just sorta dont look at em, if you aknowledge 'em they will zero in on ya and bother you, but usualy if you ignore them they wont even try) take this advice for pushers too, sometimes they can be up in your face, you ignore em and they might act pissy but they will just move on to the next sap. and when in doubt, just say no, im sorry(the key to this one is to look away right after and keep walking), or act like you dont speak a language they would understand maybe, my favorite is to slur your speach and talk gibberish.

no pictures in redlight or coffeeshops(tho with the later some people wont mind if you ask first.)

pre-rolled joints usualy have tobacco in em so look out.

sauces at the fast food places are gold apparently, they wont give em away willingly, you gotta ask, and if you want more then one they are gonna charge you for em so you might as well ask when your payin. usualy its like .15 or .30 cents. each. if your a real ketchup freak or somthing, i would suggest just goin to the supermarket (im pretty sure theres one just off dam square) its about the normal price for a bottle so if you eat fast food for your 3 squares you might save some pocket money.

When your leaving amsterdam, a great place to unload your leftovers is with a begger in the train station, they arnt as bad as redlight pushers, and standing in the cold all day hoping for some donation, id want to be given a few joints, and its good karma too ;) (or you can always eat it)

when your wasted and you gotta go, you gotta go, fortunatly Dutch people are so smart, for us guys who like to free p*ss (if theres a wall lets write out names, if not lets flood the streets kinda guys) they have these spots where you can go, if you see a metal thing you can walk in, if you looked at it from above it might be a @ shape or a c with the ends curled more to provide privacy, with a slab of cement in the corner and a hole at the bottom, thats your answer, you figure out the rest ;) ive also seen a thing that just has four sides to it and no real shelter from people watching, you can figure it out im sure when you see guys lining up to face a side for a min then dipping off youll understand.

theft can be common if you dont use common sense, keep valuables on inside pockets or places you can secure. a good rule of thumb, if its out in the open and its not bolted down someone will steal it, if it is bolted down, they'll try to steal it.

Dutch reastraunts include thier gratuity in their tabs, unless they were exceptional or you had a large group, theres realy no need to tip.

chilling at coffeeshops is what its about, but if your planning on stayin there, buy more then just a gram or two of weed, remember drinks or snacks, their in business, they gotta make money somehow.

beware Gremlins, they migrated from germany many years ago for the flowers and good weed, but they stayed for the beer. They tend to drink too much and cause problems at brown bars alot, im convinced thats why people are always so grumpy when you go into one.

LOOK OUT FOR BIKES AND TRAMS!!! they are a stoners worst nightmare if your all hazed out and tryn to cross the street, Imagine Frogger on drugs!

most space cakes arnt as strong as you think, least thats been my experiance, so if anyone finds some nice strong ones let me know, k?
i used to eat space cakes before the plane ride back, now i just eat hash.

dont buy from street dealers.

dark alleys are not your friends.

dont carry too much stuff round with you, filling your pockets and then getting high and trying to find stuff in them is a nuisense.

Febo is not your friend.

most coffee shops are smaller in size so dont bring a huge over filled backpack or anything. it makes it hard to navigate safely.

sharing weed is great and all but i dont see many people sharing joints in coffee shops, but if you think about it, why should they? theres enough to go around.... it also keeps from spreading nastys.

well, thats all i can think of for now, i got a whole list of things i wrote up for last trip because i was bringing people with me, when i get home i'll check it and see if i left anything important off.

see ya there!

make some copies of your passport picture and leave them with a friend at home in case you lose you passport in Amsterdam

purchase a glass bong/pipe after you check into your hotel- most shop's pipes are really dirty
oh yea, and drink plenty of water


Bubblegum Specialist
My first thing is getting from the airport to Grand Central station. Taking the train will save you about 40 euros each way.

Rent a bike if you are a decent rider as Amsterdam is one big flat bike riding track and they usually get around much faster than cars. Just remember that while the bike is king in amsterdam the tram is the EMPEROR!!! They will run you down. :eek:

Junkies should be watched but don't hesitate to give alms to the poor if they seem to be innocent and hurting. It is risky to be kind but sometimes you should be kind to the poor instead of just thinking that they should get a job. They probably should but it is sad to see a man sleeping in an alley so be merciful if you can while remaining safe. After all we are fortunate enough to be on holiday with our friends getting high while many suffer so do something nice. That's all I am saying...it isn't safe to be kind.

Have a reservation at a hotel or hostel somewhere or you could be sorry. There is usually space in a hostel somewhere but finding a room on a weekend is virtually impossible in amsterdam downtown area. So plan ahead.

Bring a slicker and a warm coat. The weather is unpredictable and often damp.

Expect to spend plenty and expect to have the best time ever!!! :D BOG


another item

another item

Get yourself a good waterproof map. Preferably something laminated so that the wind and rain do not destroy them. Second i usualy a tram pass at schipol when i buy my train ticket to cetral station. I buy a tram pass for as long as i will be staying in the dam. Once you get the hang of riding on the trams you will love them. Thats why a good map is so important make sure the one that you buy has bus and tram routes on it!

:friends: :joint: :friends:


I would have to recommend not to eat any hash unless your sure it was ico-lator hash. The import can be hand rubbed and the ppl who make it spit on their hands alot and you could contract a disease if ingested. So be careful with that Hash friends.




Don't forget to eat.
Fruits in the morning will help you throughout the day, and help replenish lost vitamins.
there is a good place near the Rembrantsplein with fruit saalads to go.

If your uncomfortably high:abduct: , eat some sweets, drink water and fruit juices. Looza is your friend. :wink:

beware of european :joint: s, they have tabacco in them.
Do not buy bikes from junkies/thiefs.
Budget your daily spending money, it tends to disapear in coffeeshops.

remember you need just under 5€ to catch the train to the airport. :laughing:
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Active member
yeah, i didnt meen to sound so harsh bout beggers, your right Bog, theres nothing wrong with a little kindness, i was more trying to cover things to watch out for, we had a few run ins with beggers getting sorta nasty with us(my friend gave this guy 9 or 10 pounds in change and the guy went off, tried to give the money back and then yelled at us for giving him somthing that was of no use to him, oddly enough we turned the corner and there was a money changing place) the other time i wasnt actualy there but the guy pulled a knife on my friend, hes not realy the type to be a pompas ass or anything but i wasnt there so i cant say for sure what got the guy going.
there were a few other times but those are the two i always think of.

My trips to Amsterdam have been the best vacations ive ever had, its a wonderful place with a lot of rich history behind it. ive come back from there each time with a hundred new stories to tell. Its such a adventure! plus when i get back i feel like all my stress is gone. we are going to have a blast!



Eat...then smoke....good advice TF!

Eat...then smoke....good advice TF!

TF is right....make sure to start your day out right...fresh fruit is plentiful in the dam. There's also many cafes that serve a good breakfast oh, and don't forget, 9:30am is Wake 'n Bake time ala DG at the shop...is a morning event not to be missed :wink: I really don't want to be picking anyone up off the floor...so eat breakfast first....please :biglaugh:



Bubblegum Specialist
Alex, you were right really but I do live on the edge...

I always start with some breakfast and in Amsterdam it's usually best to eat light in the morning. I like a good caffein buzz with my morning libations and lunch is always at hand in Amsterdam because fine breads and cheeses and meats abound for fresh sandwiches or great salads so fresh. It's a huge produce market!!! We can have a ball eating healthy but dont forget the sausages and pancakes. Where is the IHOP? BOG


TF and BOG my mouths watering. AHHHH Hash and Good Eats!!!! What more can a man ask for on his vacation? :chin: We're in for a good time. Oh DAMN! Later OH
OHenry said:
AHHHH Hash and Good Eats!!!! What more can a man ask for on his vacation? :chin: We're in for a good time. Oh DAMN! Later OH

Good friends :friends: and a nice lady on my arm :yummy: :wink: And I'm expecting nothing less than a great time. :smoweed:


Great thread OH I've already learned things...... They say that working up to an exciting event in your life is the real fun, then it's over. I get the feeling this experiance will linger a bit longer.....and I must say working up to this is off the charts. Great posts everyone, thanks for some insight.


I'm from a major metropolitan US city and I know all about the bums. When they come asking for something, I ussually throw them a "I'm all set", this throws them off while I keep walking and they move on to the next potential sucker.

My biggest advise for anyone traveling out of the country, get a travel money belt that can store your bills and passports. Someone would have to pretty much get your pants off to get the money belt off and they would have a hard time spending your money without any eyballs in their sockets :chin: Guard your passport with your life. Don't look like a tourist, don't consult your map every five feet while walking the streets.

Good luck all and I'll see you at the DAM. Bog, hope we can burn down, I'll just look for the big bushy hippy on bike.
If anyone in the street especialy in the RLD says 'Do you speak English' ignore it or say 'Nay' - some beggers use this to find easy marks

I cant find the original thread but -
Last year some overgrowers were coming out of the greenhouse centrum when they were approched by a street dealer who asked them what they had bought - when they showed him he pocketted it - and told them if they wanted it back they would have to buy it ! - they were just working out where to hit him first when he pulled a knife :eek:

AlexanderS is right about Febo - except the the frits - which are good :smile: -
the rest (like anything behind a window in Amsterdam) should be treated with caution :biglaugh: