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any ideas?

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Wick them dry like I described above and water from the top around the plant. if they are more than 10% wet, of how heavy a completely wet cube is vs. how dry a completely dry cube is, then wick the water out till they reach that 10 to 25% heavier than completely dry.

The bottom of the cube is always going to stay wet compared to the top drying out. That's why if uve added to much water u have to wick it out, and keep watering small amounts on the top when it drys out. When u get good solid roots stretching out the bottom u wont have to wick anymore.


hey they are fully dry since this moring now but a new problem when i woke the tips of the leaves are tiping up and i gave a little water this moring from the top about 15ml through a syringe with ph at 5.8 and about 1ml grow to 5 liters of water


Active member
If they don't survive, next time use a good potting medium. And I don't mean any of the Ocean Forest soils. Learn how to grow in soil or coco, then if you feel the need later, go hydro. Good luck. -granger


thats so funny man just orderd soil i'ved orderd me some Canna Terra Professional Soil Mix lol yeah i don't think they will how will i know tho she looks bad but not like brown like a fallen leaf what do lol yeah i spent a lot on this starter kit then brought sopme T5 unit then an 250 watt mh coz the kit came with dual spec plus the seeds and elec dam i could have smoke for likle a mounth non stop by now lol ...........


i brought this over the bio bizz as it's the same ec of 1.2 and over the canna plus because it has a higher EC as these are autos i've read that they don't like high EC will 1.2 be fine to go stright into from seed plus how do you measeure ph or ec with soil?


I hate to see people waste money... id advise some promix bx or hp... advanced nutes ph perfect lineup.... your gonna do well with that right off the bat... only thing gonna stop you is yourself if your using this simple system...

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
1.2 is pretty darn safe, but with seeds, no nutes till u get true leaves, unless in coco where u need a certain ratio all the time.

With soil u measure the feed water u put in. to check for salt buildup or ph u water till u get 10 to 20% runoff and then measure the runoff water to get a rough idea of whats in the soil.

Yeah its an investment to get started, and costs to learn sometimes too. lol... But think of when u get it right and don't have to pay for it time after time after time. Eventually it will become much cheaper than purchasing it.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Sound like u got $ invested in other things. But for me ive turned countless friends on to coco with basic nutes. Its really simple, and usually offers 20% faster growth and potential yield compared to soil, and is safer than pure hydro systems that can be a problem with root rot, or infecting all plants in the same system at once.

Botanicare readygro Aeration formula, GH micro 6ml, bloom 9ml a gallon, water to 10% runoff each time after roots have filled the pot, and ur off and running.


ty guys also more pure quality i moved where i am a while ago and it's bad man to many stalks in the bag etc plus charge way to much for what it is low/mid grade p.s im not buying anything else now i have a nft table that i doubt i will ever use now i will use the nutes that came with the kit this time it's xmas soon to much to much to pay out for to keep going on buying stuff for this grow at least


Hydro nutes and soiless or coco will be perfect... understand not wanting to waste your investment.... good luck. Should work great In rockwool too.... I see people use small rockwool chunks vs a big block.... just an idea.... air pockets....


dunno bud they look bad pic's aren't great as the ligh messes around with the quailty i woke this moring to this they were bone dry so gave them 15ml of water with a low dose of grow in the water nut nuch about 5ml/4liters of water i think they are well on there way oout and i have messed them up so much that it pointless carrying on with this grow take a look as these are some pic's i took about 10 mins ago will put better ones up when the sun comes up so i should get better qualtiy pic then so the leafs tips are pointing up ( surely people know what this

) also the ends are going a brighter green or lighter etc one plasn is doing the egyption dance u know what one when you see it next the one is so dropy it looks like the moputh of a bull dog lol ..........


here some new pic will get better ones up in the moring it seems the metal hlaide light messes with my camera/pic on my phone hence the poor light and lines


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a few more as max upload before ..............................................................


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Maybe you should cut the rockwool off from around them and plant them in a cup of soil/coco/etc for now until they recover, establish some roots, and are ready to be transferred. Things are better off left simple in the beginning.

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