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Any ideas on how to recover pot from roaches?


Why is there weed to recover if they are roaches?? I smoke joints till I hit the card roach I put in the end.


Boreal Curing
I rarely smoke a whole joint. Actually, I usually only take a hit or two.

Don't ask me if something you grew is good. It's all good to me. I can get high on CBD.


Give it them too the homeless. They will separate and sell it.
It Will also give you a good feeling to help the homeless.


Kiss My Ring
screen the ash out
use an aggressive solvent
polish with ETOH... maybe twice
make edibles from the extract, or cap it up


Well-known member
I like the extract to cap idea. No flavor or odor problem there. However, screen the ash from the pot? Ash will be smaller? so use a fine screen and keep what's on top?

How about separating them from the paper and cardboard? I am thinking screen, again. Only a large (even 1/16" x 1/6"). Maybe a scrub brush or something to rub the roaches into the screen. This should, at lease get the big pieces or paper and all the cardboard.

Just happened to think..... I go through all this trouble and clean and sift and strain.... and end up with an ounce of shitty pot. LMAO Some of the roaches are pretty big and there is almost 2 pounds of it with cardboard, paper, ash and all.

I should take a select amount of roaches and clean them by hand to see what percentage of pot/poop there is. LOL


Boreal Curing
God... just throw them away. Do you drink Scope Mouthwash to get a buzz too?

Spring is almost here folks, so now's the time.
If everyone pops ONE seeds and grows it to a foot high, then plants it in a park, ditch, vacant lot, or anywhere else, you won't have to smoke what is really a fucking cigarette butt.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Someone reported a post in this thread using the well overused and misconstrued 'R' word in reference to the word 'Niggard', which dates back to the 1300's thinking it was something to do with the much more modern and overused 'N' word. As we can see it pre-dates the French/Spanish 1640-50; origins of the 'N' word by more than 300 years. < French nègre < Spanish negro black.


Word Origins
an excessively parsimonious, miserly, or stingy person.

niggardly; miserly; stingy.

Origin of niggard

Middle English
1325-75; Middle English nyggard, equivalent to nig niggard (< Scandinavian; compare dialectal Swedish nygg; akin to Old English hnēaw stingy) + -ard

Related forms
unniggard, adjective
unniggardly, adverb

Usage note:

The words niggard and niggardly are sometimes misinterpreted as racial slurs because they sound like the highly offensive word nigger. However, niggard dates back to Middle English. The first element nygg-, nig- was borrowed from a Scandinavian source, and -ard is a pejorative suffix. The English word niggardly is a modern English formation from niggard. Therefore these two words are not etymologically related to nigger.


Chevy cHaze

Out Of Dankness Cometh Light
ICMag Donor
First: Find out where the hideout of the roaches is.
Second: make a plan of attack and prepare well, you're most likely outnumbered.
third: to victory or gory grave ! Give them hell or die trying.
fourth: Enjoy recovered pot or the roach king will be drinking from your skull from now on

Good Luck !


Well-known member


Boreal Curing
Context and double entendre lost on you huh?

Well languages change, and so does the meaning of words. Especially if they come from the dark ages. And it's no mystery that we call it the Dark Ages, because we didn't evolve past the wooden wheel for 600 years.

Ironically, this fits in well with the OP. Not long ago, if you called someone a FAG, you were calling them a cigarette butt. Call someone a FAG now and you're calling them a lowly homosexual. Same thing with Queer. So quit trying to justify it 'cause you ain't foolin' no one.

Evolve or get left behind.

I'm outta here.
Dude seemed oddly enthusiastic about using an archaic word but maybe it was the word of the day? Or he's a cheeky racist. If you thought that was a racial slur go read a book now


Use a poking device to poke the weed out of the roach when your done smoking it to keep the work load down and use the roached weed in a ethanol extraction. Probably won't taste great but will get you high af if the weed was any good to start with.


the thing is, are we gonna stick with the meaning of a word or are we not? yes language changes, but that one hasn't, while the other ones you quoted have officially changed in the dictionary too. it should make a difference. although, i have no doubt this particular member was doing it to get a reaction, i guess he got it. :D

not sure what to make of this situation. on the one hand we are an adult site, and i for one hate it when people take meaning from ones words one never actually said. language is a precise tool to express yourself and i hate the idea of censoring said tools, just because a word sounds like another racist word. can't we just look at the definition and go with that? why do we have to try and guess whats in the heart and mind of the person who used it? and why assume the worst? why go even further and assume the worst of someone whos hesitant to censor words just cause they sound like other words? we are not children, we can look it up and understand the meaning. no need to guess what was meant.