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anxiety problems



hello everyone ,i got a little problem i been growing and smoking for about 10 years now:joint:i been suffering depressions all my life probably got some ADD to:yoinks:
anyway i really havnt found the strain i been looking for that could help me with my problems,the thing is when i smoke,i can get this really bad panic atacks paranoid feelings ,the heart just flips out and i think that im gonna die ,starting to think really negative thaughts etc etc
man thats now the way it shall be like:1help:
the strains that get me this side effects are =super haze,skunk,white widow,white shark,,strawberry cough,

i recently baught strawberry cough cus the info on that strain should be anti anxiety effects,but believe me its the most paranoid weed i ever smoked,its terrible,really fun to grow but really really bad weed

the only strain i can smoke without getting sideeffects are orange bud and NLX ,but im not really satisfied ,

i been thinking to buy durban poison (frome DP) or jock horror,but read earlier this day that durban makes the heart race away full speed :mad:and that is not what i looking for,i cant handle it,(sensitive heart)

so what do you say people :) could jock horror save me?
i want that really euphoric clear high with noo paranoid feelings or racy heart

ok thats all 4 mel:woohoo:
one love to u all



Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Serious seeds chronic flowered for 65 day is my favourite anti-anxiety variety,nice deep and heavy buzz,just what the doctor ordered.


Try Hindu kush from sensi seeds it's not a strong herb but iI think it will do the trick for your anxiety.Also ,check out Flo by dj short.


And remember to harvest them late enough. Even a pure indica harvestet early can get you tripping :)


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
If you harvest chronic/indicas before day 50 it can fuck you up badly so like cdd said let em go a week or so longer from when you think there ready.


Active member
yeah just let them go 1-2 weeks extra (indica) and u will have a good sleeping pill(that you smoke)

Citral would be a good choice , always puts me to bed.
fully agree with the other, you should try some strong indica without to much of a headhigh. maybe some lucid sort of high which calms you down.

im on the same boat, add & depression, but the strawberry c is my fave so far. but if it doesnt work out for you, stick to some of the indicas potheads, they'll surly help you.
why not try out paradise' white berry?

oh, by the way... if you found sth, pls tell me (if you remember this thread ;))

One Love

You need a kush variety my friend. Gets the eyes without dragging the body down too hard, at least at first. You will definitely get the sleepy feel a few hours after a good session, but this stuff will definitely tranquilize you a bit.


Active member
read the genetic make up of the strains you want to buy. Jock Horror (Jack Herer) is a haze hybrid. Stay away from hazes.

I'd suggest a Mandala strain for their reported anti-anxiety effects. A really gentle sativa with no racy heart will do wonders. Heavy indicas can make you feel paranoid as well. At any rate, only take a hit or two, and hit a J like you would a cig. I smoke all day and there is no way I could take power hits. I smoke J's like cigarettes taking smaller drags so I'm not coughing as much. Power hits, coughing, etc will make things more intense.



I feel you man, I had been looking for something that didn't make me feel like I was sleepwalking but also not give me a mind trip and make me turn of the cellphone for fear of having to talking to somone.

Get Grand Daddy Purple!! I find it to be a really comforting, happy herb that doesn't make me anxious or sleepy. Good for working or just chillin.

Another I've found to be good is Sour Diesel, not so much chill out stuff, but the effect can be really nice and clear , somewhere between "Am I stoned?" and "Thats the most beautiful sunset ever". The effect also burns off fairly quick.

Good luck buddy
just a pinch will do, anything that's euphoric helps with my anxiety.. with a centered feeling you can lean on, otherwise you're just spaced out with nowhere to land and that can get scary. some jack herer fits the bill and so do a lot of other strains

but if you're self medicating for anxiety you really don't need much.. just a pinch worth.. just like salt or cayenne pepper... you should hardly feel it but when you sit down and lean back on your chair you can feel it, just enough to hear your own soothing voice


Try and get hold of some charas, or any good dark hash.
Look out for landrace indica's, also I've heard "big laughing" from drgreenthumb is euphoric and anti-anxiety.

Bear in mind that although the cannabinoid profiles of the stuff I mentioned should be more relaxing to the mind than the likes of super haze, it is not just the weed you smoke but your state of mind.

Good luck!


Active member
imo cannabis makes you more receptive to spirit.. and in spirit, we're surrounded by myriad 'entities,' or ideas, each with their own desires and fears.

take that literally or as psychological analogue, when you smoke, you start to consider more possibilities, the "mind expanding" high....

durban is an opener :) thoughts can zoom in on a minute aspect of something and make it seem huge when you're paranoid.

i'd agree, either go indica, or embrace your anxieties.. are you afraid there are cops all around your house? it's easy to understand that fear in most societies, even if it's silly to indulge in it. it makes sense, and rationally you can tame your reactions, when you're ready to.

fear is natural :) if you know some weed makes you paranoid, you could try smoking it sometime, watch yourself get paranoid, and get some familiarity over those feelings.
i have the same thing- i like to vape bubba, lemon and og (kushes), one hit like these guys are sayin is all you need, you can always take another, but commin down off too much sucks. i believe it's the amount also because those bad trips happen mostly when i eat gnarly cookies or brownies. just my opinion.


For me there's always been a bit of paranoia and anxiety around smoking. "Can they smell it?" "Dude, I'm so baked" ...

Tinctures like Green Dragon are completely free of this paranoia for me. Unless you take too much, of course...

I have found vaporizing to be less anxiety-inducing than smoking, also.
I'd guess a tincture takes long to act and lets you settle in the high.. it can be quite jarring when you're shot up into space like this


for me with the same prob., I use Dark Kush and Chilla (bluehemp) or Lemon dust kush, Angeldust, M.tundra, H.Kush, W.Rhino, Blue Moonshine.. just to mention a few.. but dont smoke or eat to much.... take it easy.. BUT STAY AWAY FROM HAZE/SATIVAS... they are not your med.. only good Indicas and let them go loooong.... good luck bro