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Anxiety and chronic pain.


New member
Hello everyone. I suffer anxiety and some pshysical pain. I would like to know strains recommended for anxiety and physical pain. I would also like to know strains to ease chronic headaches for a friend that suffers.

I would also like different forms of consumption cannabis for medicinal use.

A woman told me about mix cannabis flowers with ethyl alcohol and massage the area where suffer the pains to pain relief. Somebody know about it?. peace.


Lammen Gorthaur
Focus on Indicas. BOG Lifesaver comes to mind as well as the white strains. I am a migraine sufferer who has headaches each and every day. Lifesaver is good. Blueberry is good. White Widow is very good.

Ethyl alcohol (Everclear at the liquor store) is used to make hash oil and I have done it quite frequently. It's potent stuff when you do it right and I will be happy to help you if you need it. There are many people who grow on this site who can help and I would heartily encourage you to continue seeking out other opinions.


New member
Hi, thank you mpd. How do I use hash oil?. What recommended to me is a mix of alcohol (of heal the wounds) with cannabis flower to use the mix on massages in the body, in the area where is the discomfort. Do you know anything about this?. Thanks. Peace.


New member
DJ Short seems to breed for anti-anxiety traits. Growing his strains can be difficult for a novice grower, and the yields can be low until you get to know the plants. However, there are breeders who offer crosses with DJ Short plants in them which should be easier to get good results with. I would suggest you look into Chimera's strains. Many of them are crossed with selected DJ Short males. Hope that helps!

edit: Also Chimera's Ultimix (a mix of all his strains) is only $30!


Sorry to hear about your problems. Iv had Anxiety ever since I went to Drama School, horrible shit. May I ask if u have spoken to a doctor and tried cognitive therapy ?. Personally cognitive didn't help me that much so they put me on a drug called marzipan which when taken is very similar to a full Indica body high. Some cannabis strains are fantastic for Anxiety but some aren't like Skunk. Try smoking your weed through a vaporizer I find that to be far more better than smoking. Good luck.


Active member
I would try serious exercise and complete diet makeover before I turn to cannabis for anxiety relief. I suffer from General Anxiety Disorder....and it has helped me a bunch.

I find that too much cannabis can make me have more anxiety.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I have made topicals two ways - an olive oil decoction, and simply soaking some buds and sugar trim in rubbing alcohol for a couple of weeks. I suffer from cervicogenic headaches, which stem from damage to my neck and result in muscle spasms that create virtually continuous headaches. Both methods work well and the iso preparation is far less work, but it dries my skin out badly.


New member
Hi everybody. Thank you all for the tips. Clive, I went to the doctor and he advised me about some relaxation exercises and he gave me a date fot the psychologist. Psychologist advised me exercises and habits to clear the hear, relax, etc.

I want a vaporizer, but are expensive and I don't have much money saved. I've thing in buy a bong, would it be good to use?.

ThePizzaMan, I don't usually use much cannabis, only sometimes, but I would like to know good for anxiety strains. I'm interested in learning how to make infusions with cannabis.

Thanks and sorry for delay, I had some problems with the laptop.

^ Bongs are pretty good as far as filtration goes, imo. As long as you don't take MASSIVE hits, I've found them to be my favorite method of smoking. The only disadvantage, imo, came with a bong I had with 2 percs as well as the regular filter. The only disadvantage to me in that situation was that I couldn't taste the green very well and it seemed to use MJ up faster, not really an issue for all but I got a little more conservative as I started smoking more and more and got tips from a friends dad who's been blazing for twice as long as I've been alive.


New member
Hi, SunshineDreams thank you for the info, I'll buy a bong soon. Which is better, a large bong or a small bong?.

eloquentsoution. What strain is trainwreck? When I can find trainwreck old school?.



Hey sorry to hear that my friend!

I also have problems with anxiety and i find that using a vaporiser is much better for me. When smoking the herb it hits me in a different way and i wont get that totally relaxed feeling. But with the vaporiser it takes a little more time to take effect and i find the high different, its more relaxing i think.

I would also like to recommend the strain Big Bang from Greenhouse. It has a very strong body-stone and i find it great for anxiety and stress.
Ive also been growing it a couple of times and its very fun to grow. A real bushy indica that will take all the nutes you can give it and produces a very good harvest if grown in the right conditions.

Hope that helps! :)
Hi, SunshineDreams thank you for the info, I'll buy a bong soon. Which is better, a large bong or a small bong?.

eloquentsoution. What strain is trainwreck? When I can find trainwreck old school?.


here in portland oregon there are two strains of trainwreck. one is arcadia trainwreck and the other is just trainwreck, many of us call old school. where do you live?

Try the holy annointing oil recipe in this thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=140269 supposed to work very well as a topical.
i'd also recommend to drink kava (not the capsules/pills) for pain muscle tension anxiety especially in combination with yr cannabis can be helpful.

so good to see others recommending this formulation. i interpreted the biblical formula adapting to current technology then used ratios for ingredient quantities. this was originally done for oral dosing of my alzheimer's mother.

i used a topical version to ease her severe muscle spasms with great success. then one day i tore shoulder muscles and used this formulation to kill pain with amazing results. so do give holy anointing oil (HAO as graywolf dubbed it!) topical version a try.

in fact, the oral version is what the skunk pharmers use as daily meds. geive them a try as well.


New member
LokiLoki, thank you for the info, I'm looking a cheap vaporizer, but while I save money to buy the vaporizer I'm thing to buy a bong. Have you tried a bong? if you've tried, Do you relax?. I'm going to see the Big Bang strain, thank you.

eloquentsolution, I'm from Spain. What bank is Trainwreck (old school)?

LokiLoki, thank you for the info, I'm looking a cheap vaporizer, but while I save money to buy the vaporizer I'm thing to buy a bong. Have you tried a bong? if you've tried, Do you relax?. I'm going to see the Big Bang strain, thank you.

eloquentsolution, I'm from Spain. What bank is Trainwreck (old school)?


don't know. i got her by clone.
Golden Goat is sativa leaning, if taken later as it's more amber in trichomes it's good for pain, taken earlier at like 70 days will produce mood elevation, a giggly happiness. Golden Goat is like my happy get stuff done weed when harvested early.

DJ Short's blueberry is also a great choice, several phenos of flo are also very anti-anxiety and good for pain relief.

Sativas are better for mood elevation I find, and indicas for pain, but sometimes a sativa taken a long way will provide good pain relieving properties, but that takes a lot of time to grow properly.

Cinderella 99 is also good for mood elevation and anxiety, unless it's harvested too early. I tried a few phenos of c99 and didn't seem to care for it personally.

Breeder steve sol shishkaberry is awesome, but about impossible to find it seems, or at least the real deal.

AK-47 is also pretty good for pain, if you get the indica leaning ones, the sativa leaning pheno (almost impossible to find, it's a UNICORN) can be a little much for some, but worth the try if you ever run across it.

I smoke a variety of strains daily and bho on HMK's curve, add some hard bho candies, plus all my prescription meds. Sucks to be sick.