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Antigaz's Sub-basement Microgrow Xperiments


Ciao Anti!
Complimenti per i tuoi 3d, sempre belli, puliti e davvero interessanti.

Quando hai tempo ti vorrei chuedere qualche info sui led che hai messo dentro, pensi potrei adottare anch'io quel sistema o è troppo da pro?

Ehilà ALemon!

Arigrazie per i complimenti, fa sempre molto piacere! :biggrin:

Dunque, i led che vedi nelle immagini si chiamano COB (chip on board) e hanno lo spettro ideale per entrambe le fasi, ovvero 3500°K.
L'alimentatore è dimmerabile, questo significa che puoi regolare l'intensità luminosa da 700mA a 1400mA tramite un'apposita vite (più alzi l'amperaggio, più sarà difficile gestire la temperatura).

Se hai bisogno di ulteriori chiarimenti chiedi pure, resto a disposizione. ;)

Magari scrivimi sul thread in italiano o direttamente sulla mia bacheca se no qui non capiscono un ca**o. :biggrin:

Thanks again bro!



Camille Kritical-k - 14th day of vegetative

Camille Kritical-k - 14th day of vegetative

Hey stunned guys! :biggrin:

The overfert it's just a distant memory and now It's all under control.

These are the photos of the last Sunday:

As you can see I have exaggerated in administering H2O and in these last days I waited the dry of the substrate (this isn't a good english :biggrin:).

In the next few days I will transplant into a 2.1gallons pot.

It's all for the moment.




Active member
yeah, they look very healthy but i don't think i'd be uppotting them for another 4 weeks at least, ...if you do move them into the bigger pots soon then i'd strongly recommend that you water sparingly with measured amounts until you start seeing obvious new growth after the transplant.

peace, bozo


yeah, they look very healthy but i don't think i'd be uppotting them for another 4 weeks at least, ...if you do move them into the bigger pots soon then i'd strongly recommend that you water sparingly with measured amounts until you start seeing obvious new growth after the transplant.

peace, bozo

Hey bozo!

Thanks for your visit and your support, It's important for me but I don't know if I understand what you've written to me. :biggrin:

Your advice would be to wait at least another two weeks before the transplant, isn't it?

And again, I have to wait for the substrate dry before doing so, right?


Active member
Hey bozo!

Thanks for your visit and your support, It's important for me but I don't know if I understand what you've written to me. :biggrin:

Your advice would be to wait at least another two weeks before the transplant, isn't it?

And again, I have to wait for the substrate dry before doing so, right?

Yo AntiGaz, excited to see whats to come in the new COB box!

I agree with bozo, i find its best to let the plants get a little rootbound before transplanting. This gives the plants a very strong rootbase in the future. :dance013:


Yo AntiGaz, excited to see whats to come in the new COB box!

I agree with bozo, i find its best to let the plants get a little rootbound before transplanting. This gives the plants a very strong rootbase in the future. :dance013:

Yeah yo tns! :biggrin:

I agree with you, I'll wait at least three/four weeks before the transplant.
Don't worry bro, i'll follow your advice. ;)

Thank you for the reply!

I'm looking at the show too, all the best for the run :tiphat:

Hey El Tigre,

nice to see you here, you're welcome!

Accomodate and enjoy the show!




Camille Kritical-k - 27/29th day of vegetative

Camille Kritical-k - 27/29th day of vegetative

Hey microgrowers, sorry if I'm gone!

Plant condition aren't the best and I couldn't figure out what the problem was.
Initially I thought it was the substrate but I was pointed out that the problem could be an excess of light.

27th day of veg:

Light intensity @ 900mA

What do you think about it?

29th day of veg:

The radical apparatus had colonized almost all the vessel.

Last saturday i trasplanted in a 2.1 galls pot and yesterday I anchored the shaft and bent the top.



That's all guys, if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism don't hesitate to write.



Antigaz is still alive

Antigaz is still alive

Hey microgrowers, I'm back! :tiphat:

This is a White Widow into the MicroCabCob 2.0

The plant has grown around 50 days and now is ready to bloom.
The photoperiod exchange took place a week ago.

Currently the COBs are dimmed to 1100mA

These are photos taken a few days ago:

The LST has been successful and the tops are all on the same level

My first crop in pre-flowering

Ok guys, with this is all.
I believe I have not forgotten anything.

I don't wanna go off-topic but, if you like, I'll show you what's going on in my garden..?

Byez brothers, see you soon!



White Widow - Day 63 (14 from the switch) - 4th of bloom

White Widow - Day 63 (14 from the switch) - 4th of bloom

Ciao microgrowers! = )

14 days after the photoperiod change, this is the current situation and isn't good at all.

The White Widow as finished stratching and as been in bloom for four days but it's making me understand that it needs help.

Let's see what it looks like:

In this picture you can see that the leaves of the upper part are rolled up on themselves...

In these last two, instead, in addition to deficiencies of various kinds, the leaves present strange spots.

In this case, black ...

...while in this case white and also gnawed by insects

Now, the factors that have caused all this can be multiple.
I got an idea but I would like to know your opinion about it so I leave you the word and I refer you to the next update.

Byez companeros, see you soon!


Knight of the BlackSvn
What's your pH and EC? Have you checked for mites? Put a piece of white paper under the plant and shake it. See what falls on the paper.


What's your pH and EC? Have you checked for mites? Put a piece of white paper under the plant and shake it. See what falls on the paper.

Hey ReikoX!

The pH value is 6.5/6.6 but I've never checked the electrical conductivity cos I don't have the instrument.

I didn't find mites, only midges...in my cellar it's full of insects

I will try to do what you suggested and I'll get to now.

Thanks for the support bro!


Thread check.....

Hi Gipsy Nirvana! :tiphat:

It's a honor to read your name on my thread!

Maximum respect and esteem, come back when you want!



Just this guy, ya know?
I don't know what is wrong with that most recent batch, I just wanted to say you do really nice micro grows. Gonna hit this thread up once my rep resets.


I don't know what is wrong with that most recent batch, I just wanted to say you do really nice micro grows. Gonna hit this thread up once my rep resets.

Hey Agent Pothead, :tiphat:

welcome to the Sub-bas and thanks for your nice words, I appreciate it so much.

Unfortunately the plant is not healthy and is about to die.
I hope I can solve it.

Thanks again bro!

Byez :wave:


Active member
When you checked for mites, did you use a scope? I would venture to guess from the pics underwatering and mites. I hope I am wrong because mites are difficult to get rid of. They seem to pop up at the worst time (flower)


When you checked for mites, did you use a scope? I would venture to guess from the pics underwatering and mites. I hope I am wrong because mites are difficult to get rid of. They seem to pop up at the worst time (flower)

Hi packerfan79 and welcome to my 3D :tiphat:

No, I didn't use a scope but I don't think mites are present.
The microcab is full of gnat.

In my opinion the problem stem from something else, such a too high temperature, umidity and various shortcomings.

Now I'm irrigating with 24/48 hours decanted water at ph 6.5
No fertilizer until the end of run.

Thanks for the visit bro.



Active member
Hi packerfan79 and welcome to my 3D :tiphat:

No, I didn't use a scope but I don't think mites are present.
The microcab is full of gnat.

In my opinion the problem stem from something else, such a too high temperature, umidity and various shortcomings.

Now I'm irrigating with 24/48 hours decanted water at ph 6.5
No fertilizer until the end of run.

Thanks for the visit bro.


Yup, I wasn't trying to be harsh, but you got textbook mite damage. I have never had more than 2-3 gnats in a grow so I could be missing that factor. I hear gnats come from unwashed coco. A good cleaning and a good ipm you can overcome this.