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Anti_Xmas thread...if u like xmas do not enter


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
It is a scam, but we should give credit where due,, cause most of the world has been sucked into it,, smart bastards.
The stupid part is a lot of people know this but still choose to play the game.

currently listening to....
RATM - Killing In The Name Of


cant stop wont stop
The_Leader said:
i heard this once and thought it most fitting.

why does one put nasty socks over a fire place and cut a tree down and put it in there living room to watch it die?? purty wierd to me.....lol

I knew i wasnt the only 1 here that didnt care for the xmas train running the usa for 2 months a yr......xmas is so great we had a public fight here the other day over weather or not to say merry xmas or happy holidaz?? lol....those merry xmas ppl r mean as hell and willing to kill for thier god, so be ware......roflmao

hahaaa!! i'd put some money on that
some crazy fools - straight up

and really far as christian holidays go, im callin christmas in 2nd place of Easter!!
now thats some strange shit!!


668, Neighbor of the Beast
Ya wanna know what I hate??


I'll tell you anyway.....


I HATE hearing that crap. On Christmas day, no problem, that's what its for, but for an entire month is entirely too much. I don't even like rock versions either, screw Springsteen, screw Mellencamp and screw Bowie. Ya didn't even bother to do a whole album, so we get to hear the same freakin song over and over the entire month!!! They ALL suck and don't even get me started on the shitty country songs....

Barking dogs and squalling cats ARE THE ABSOLUTE WORST!!!! It was cute ten years ago but now its just friggin annoying and they can BLOW me.

Oh, oh, and trans siberian orchestra can kiss my frosty white ASS!!!! Get a REAL job with a REAL band and play music people want to listen to in the spring and summer your so freakin talented and how about WRITING SOME NEW MATERIAL! Some of that craps 100 years old, simply using an electric guitar is no substitute for originality.

Bah friggin humbug!!!


seeker of greater knowledge
What i don't get is that everybody rushing around to collect their materialistic bullshit together to give to one another in a attempt to out do other fam members :rant: and whats up with the fact you see them once a year..like wtf why bother in the first place...just to see everybody getting hammered just to stomach the fact to be in the same room w/ everyone at the same time??????? anyways family is good i guess but i'd rather get my slice of turkey and piece of jellowy cranberry sauce and get the f**k out for another 12 months.........imo.....

Smooth B

I don't give expensive gifts. Maybe $5 to $15 or 50 cents if you have been naughty. LOL. Sent 15 cards. Just try to get around to everyone.

I recommend taking a cute girl for a drive to see Christmas lights. Gas is inexpensive. At least for the mean time. Have a bottle of champagne and strawberrys (substitute necessary with fresh fruit of some sort...whip cream always in season...hey, I hang at the Munchie mansion) when you get back to your house. Romantic. She will never forget you. :D

Get in the Christmas spirit. Damnit! This bowl sure is good.


Smooth B :wave:

PS smooth's drunk LMAO


stoned agin ...
peace on earth, and good will towards your fellow sentient beings. that sez it all for me :D fuck the stores and stuff.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
honestly, i do agree its for the kids but i personally hate it cuz i never get what the fuck i want.

it all starts with the wife going to this black friday shit, then the closer it gets i gotta get stuff for her, cause she looks forward to it, then it changes from me just making the motions to acutally getting into it jsut through the motions!!!

i get all filled with anticipation only to have that lil grower in my head remind ,"uh bruh, you aint gettin nuthin of what you want, cause your the only one that does what you do remember" . . . .then i sigh and the spirit leaves me.

so christmas does suck, only for some

i think ill start seriously elebrating kwanzaa then that way i have atleast 7 days to carve out a pipe from a dried stem from one of the plants for myself. that way i can have something under the tree just for me, that i can say santa brought me. i can wrap it in paper with santa smoking a pipe of his own. heh he ehe



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Last year was better. I harvested on Christmas. Maybe everyone would be happier with all the family arguments if they plant to harvest on December 25th. It can be the buffer that stands between you and the yelling and screaming of all the other drunk relatives.

I tend not to mind the holidays. The worst part has to be the wasted monies. Thanksgiving we spend upwards of 200 bucks for a special dinner, eat 40 maybe 50 dollars worth and by Tuesday the remaining 150 goes out into the trash. Christmas it's the traffic and gift buying. I hate crowded stores, and if I need light bulbs or potting mix, I have to wait in line for an extra 45 minutes.

What I do like about them, well not this year, but most of the time we have mild weather and I get to go out and hike in a State Park. I did that for most of 10 years straight. The way I look at it, is that I spend 365 days a year with the same people, it's OK for me to want to be alone for 1.

This year I was in the spirit this morning because I was called in for a job interview, and then a few hours later they called and canceled. Said they would call again to set something up next week. I hope this means, that should they call, I got the job. What a bring down. I'm sure the feds listening in enjoyed the Hell out of it.


i honestly tried staying away from this thread but its been taunting me for a week now so here goes..


that being said midwinter was the 21st of december and i celebrated that, midwinter celebrations last for 3 days and end traditionally midnight the 23rd. but scandinavian kids get their presents the 24th, and we celebrate with family the 23rd which is today and the 24th which is the first day in the new sun.

midwinter lasts for 3 days because the sun halts and stays at its lowest position for 3 days before starting to rise again. i know this because i am born in a place where the sun dips below the horizon 21st of november and doesnt show at all until 21st of january. this is where the sun worshippers ended their journey at the top of the eurasian peninsula, the north pole just across the north sea, nothing in between.

this is where the scandinavian yule/jule traditions has its roots and its deepest meenings. carried here by a people who came from .. well guess where, sun worshippers who wrote the bible for 1000$ any takers? funny thing is they call us heathens haha. the basic santa story is real, even the raindeer. they are everywhere here. so you are not really lieing to your kids its just a small twist in the story hehe. here is where santa really comes from, 70 degrees north, behind those mountains the north sea and the north pole.

why do you all celebrate the 25th elswhere in the world, i never understood that?! u better have a damn good explenation if you wanna tell me that we have it wrong around here. is it because the sun rises later in the day? dunno if that makes any sence.

lamb of sacrifice hanging, traditional cut.

church in my town, should speak volumes

the aurora borealis

sorry guys i just had to say it! .. am i a christmas hater? hmm no dont really think so, i fall more in the care not department. christian? lol id rather not speak about religion bcause whenever we people do someone burns a flag, starts a riot and proceeds to loot themselves.

but rather then wishing you all merry christmas ill wish you all happy new year, hope you all have a better start under the new sun. which is the 24th!



not long now and we get the airwaves back.....yeaaaa

funny pic yukon...lol

anyone else going to buy new stuff after this is over?? i am....


Freedom Fighter
Please don't flame me for this, but here is a li'l thingy I wrote on another site...for amusement only...pls don't be offended--

Ok kiddies, this is the true story of Jesus....
Once upon a time, there was this Ho named Mary, and she was cheating on her husband, Joseph...but Mary was a sly Ho, she came up with a story--
She said, "God gave me this baby" and since Joseph was kinda slow, he believed that shit--
Turns out that Jesus discovered Mushrooms...and had the whole town trippin' and believing he was God--
Then he got ratted out by this dude that didn't like his quality...and they hung his ass on a cross--
But his mother Mary, and this other Ho he hooked up with, Mary Magdalen...they came up with another story, and both died of Syphilis...The End!!


This entire thread made me laugh! You people are quite clever---wish I had the knack for writing such wonderful posts!

I used to be a fan of x-mas(hey, that's what was shoved down my throat for so many years).
About 25 years ago I began to think for myself.

Obviously(from my name) I am not Christian.
Nature is my spiritual way....and I try not to judge whatever the masses want to do with their time/energy/money.

What I do miss is my Mother & Father...having them here with me would be the best gift ever.

As it is I celebrate my being in this universe, and of course my four legged children and all my treasured friends.

Peace, love & Good Medicine to all of You!
Bright Blessings as Always~
Bruja :dance: (we need a little Witch smiley face)


P.S. I will be starting my winter harvest 2morrow!! Happy freakin' holidaze to me!

"Sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hold onto"
----Delores Claiborne


gets some
Im not a fan of Christmas for reasons other than you all. Why, you ask? Because my Christmii (plural of Christmas baby) are always bad luck and something messed up happens. But wait there's more. Not only does something bad happen, the solution to the bad is always something that I normally would be able to pop into a store and buy. But of course EVERY FUCKING STORE closes ass early on Christmas eve and stays closed on Christmas day. It's like clockwork. I can wake up on either Eve or Day and pontificate on what fucked up thing is going to happen. Im usually wrong about the what but right about the timing.

What is my bad luck today? Well it seems my basement has developed a small leak from the constant rain lately. Nothing a little floorboad caulk couldn't handle until I clean out my gutters. But of course, everything has closed since I discovered the leak. So there's a puddle that Im constantly sucking up with a wet/dry vac for the last 4 hours. Happy Christmas Eve to me. Tomorrow should be even more fun since they are calling for showers all day long!
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Freedom Fighter
ItsGrowTime said:
Im not a fan of Christmas for reasons other than you all. Why, you ask? Because my Christmii (plural of Christmas baby) are always bad luck and something messed up happens. But wait there's more. Not only does something bad happen, the solution to the bad is always something that I normally would be able to pop into a store and buy. But of course EVERY FUCKING STORE closes ass early on Christmas eve and stays closed on Christmas day. It's like clockwork. I can wake up on either Eve or Day and pontificate on what fucked up thing is going to happen. Im usually wrong about the what but right about the timing.

What is my bad luck today? Well it seems my basement has developed a small leak from the constant rain lately. Nothing a little floorboad caulk couldn't handle until I clean out my gutters. But of course, everything has closed since I discovered the leak. So there's a puddle that Im constantly sucking up with a wet/dry vac for the last 4 hours. Happy Christmas Eve to me. Tomorrow should be even more fun since they are calling for showers all day long!

That sucks...but hey, it beats a gas leak-- Things could always be worse-- :chin:


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
1. If there were a Jesus he would not have been born in December. During that time of year he would have been stillborn from the cold. Current historians think that Jesus, was born around June.

2. The old testament is plagiarized from Egyptian mythology so is the thing about a savior dying and being resurrected and being born to a virgin.

3. Christmas was originally a pagan holiday calibrated by the Roman people before the influx of Christianity. Men would give gifts to young boys in exchange for sexual favors. CHRISTMAS IS THE CELEBRATION OF PEDOPHILIA... at least that was what it was originally. Now we have Santa and Kenny G. Not so much in the way of man on boy butt love.


Eugene Oregon
Uh wow, Christmas is the shit.

You give they give, it works out... but sometimes i say fuck this holiday for example.
I just got a check in the mail,cash it,go shopping, get the wife like 200 dollar gift certificate for the mall.
She gets me a sweater.
That situation I am pissed about but.. its about being grateful.. wtf ever.


Active member
Hello all,

Its almost here...you can'ty stop it...it's going to happen anyway....there's nothing you can do about it.....and after all thats what really pisses you of isn't it? Haha

All that ringing I did is going to help some poor schmuck (who but for the grace of God) eat a hot meal and perhaps have a blanket to sleep with as its 37*F and raining.

And another thing, it is all of those out there that guano'd on Christmas.....may God Bless You, everyone.


Buahahahahahaha Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.