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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
hey Toker, I was in early on your thread here but never did see a post where you found out exactly who was parking nearby your place.......

nevermind, I see it was only the paper boy.

and congrats go to Wally for figuring it out less than an hour (post #4) after you opened the thread!

yes dude it was a paperboy! And whoever said that they would have been here long ago is dead on too. I always realize 99% chance nothings up, that other 1% bothers me only rarely when I am in that kind of mood.

no matter what thread you post in, you really seem to give the absolutely worst advice ever, no matter what.

I could not have said it better my friend!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor


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A couple of things I know about counter surveillance-invisible ink pen, very handy. When leaving the home mark the doorhandles each day before you leave on the inside doors if you have a double as LEO will often go into your home to scout the place before getting a warrant, yes illegal, yes they do it! and if nobody else has a key to the outside door and your inside has been smudged up when you get home it's time to really think about whats happened to that ink and how it happened. Put your own place under surveillance (as easy as finding sofware that will turn your webcam on and off 5 or so times every minute and takes snapshots) if you have small cameras watching your place when you arent there then you will most likely catch one of the sneaky pricks doind just that, sneaking around your place looking for visual proof to help them get a warrant. Apart from these little types of tricks which I know heaps more of there really isn't all that much you can do. By the time you know they are watching you regularly, chances are you're already fucked. Unless you want to booby trap your house and garden there isn't much that will prevent you from waking up with an automatic weapon being pointed at you if that's what they want. Seriously, the resources and technology they have at their disposal makes anything a gamble if you plan on doing it.

Space Toker

Active member
Well, last night there were vehicles parked, 2 that took off then came back. IT was a Friday night though so probably just young lovers or something.
Just now, twice in the last 10 minutes or so, it seems a low chopper flew over twice in exactly the same path. I couldn't see it through the clouds: was it taking advantage of that to do some illicit scans, or just flying over twice for some other reason? These are just musings, time will tell if it was anything to be concerned about or not. Deuces are wild. peace


ruger 500
i also say it the paper carrier ,just get up 45 min befor the get there go past your drive in your car to the next drive ,and wait there ,see if the throw a paper out if so your good

Space Toker

Active member
ya ya yeah, sure, except I am almost never on something when I experience these things.
And tonight was no exception. I saw this before and dismissed it as an imaginary: bright blue single flashes of light at night like a film camera makes. It flares to brightness and then is gone, all within one second but seems to last a lot longer than that but then it is gone before you know it, like you just experienced an anomaly of space time. I ran out and of course no sign of what could have caused it. I did see a remarkable light show of some kind one night, some flying debris of some sort a week or so ago that produced a spectacular orb of light that started off blue and went to green and read and blue and flashed to much stronger brilliance briefly and seemed to have streamers of material shooting off it too, and then faded into what looked like an ordinary "shooting star" before vanishing, all within a second or two but seemed to last a lot longer. That was so cool!

Back to this blue light phenomena: I have seen it outside at night out of the corner of my eye several times, but also saw it reflect on my bedroom wall as I was sitting watching TV, which happened again just minutes ago. I know I have seen it, as others have too:


Some top secret tech, a cloaked spy ship or something taking a picture, or aliens, or some anomaly of the atmosphere? It is clear and cold tonight other than some airplane vapor trails. Bizarre.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
whats that line from a song...."Paranoia self-destroyah"?

You know it's not paranoia if they ARE watching you!

Space Toker

Active member
well you still haven't figured it all out yet so I must keep going....
A tan double-propeller chopper has gone over, yesterday I think, and today a black chopper with a possible appendage on its side. Planes incessantly the last few days at least too. As far as the flashing light/alien thing, I later that night saw low wispy clouds and a blue flashing light in the sky as I was outside at night. As I watched, the blue flashing light became apparent that a plane with a flashing light off each wing was flashing reflections off the clouds that looked like blue flashes. Reflected at just the right angle, that could have been what I saw off my bedroom wall. Not a sealed deal but maybe explains things. So I am chilling now, not that much to worry about after all! :D

Space Toker

Active member
Saw the tan double propeller one twice yesterday, 2 military ones flew by and then went back from where they came like 20 minutes later. Also a black double propeller in the distance. And today some chopper that passed before I saw it. I saw more chopper these last few days than I have in like a year combined! Is there a new war I don't know about? :D

Space Toker

Active member
A few days ago, I saw a black chopper with an appendage on the right side. It flew over, not directly over but just a hundred or 2 feet from that, but the appendage was on the opposite side of the chopper from me. Today, a black chopper did this again, this time in a completely different flight path, and close and low but not too close and low, and with the appendage again on the opposite side of the chopper from the side that was facing me.

So, the question is, was it flir scanning or just on its way from point a to point b? Can they Flir scan effectively if the scanning device is on the opposite side? You would think if they were scanning, they would point that directly at you, and fly low and directly over and do it a few times in a row, not one straight line flyby each of 2 days a few days apart. Any ideas?

Space Toker

Active member
well all has been peaceful on the homefront lately, except for a plane a couple nights ago, a really noisy and fairly low one. It looked as if it was going to pass harmlessly by in the distance. I was outside at the time, just after dark, and it did this parrelagram flight pattern where it passed close on an angle to both sides of the house, while maintaining a further distance to the front and back. After that, about 10 minutes I'd say, it finally buzzed off.

Space Toker

Active member
Soon after I made my last post, a low chopper with a bright light in the front flew over, and did so again tonight about an hour sooner. It was low enough that I could see it easily even though it was pouring rain with fog and at night. I could not see its color but it flew right over. It is highly unusual for a chopper to fly over twice a month let alone 2 times in 2 days. I have to keep making these posts until someone tells me how to take safety precautions. thanks


Travelling Cannagrapher Penguin !
Space Toker, gotta stop the haze ^^

Man I had some really scary time with choppers I must say...
Where I lived the customs are the one who scare you, they are checking on the road for drugs at any time, and have a lot of drug dogs.

First year I moved to my house, I had this "Customs" Helicopter flying stand by couple of meters higher then my house, the end of summer. For 30 seconds or so. Then they fly away, not spotting the neighbour small outdoor operation ;) They do fly to spot grows, but close to the coast where I lived sometimes for boats controls.

When you see that you start wondering... I had no grow at the time but used to have one, and some people around knew I was a smoker, and you know how small towns are.... But no weed no fear....

Anyway, two years later I was back at the house for a new grow. One nice sunny day of june I start with my friend mounting the homebox ( just 1kW), putting the lamps (600+400), and light them up, clones were set to go. In the middle of the set, we hear this crazy intense sound coming, and just get out WTF ? There was these fucking "Customs" helicopter, standing by, approximatly 30m from my Homebox hidden in this cabinet. (it's in kind of a small building out of the house. still concrete walls). WTF ? There were 3 guys that just were looking at us and the helicopter was facing the wall... It probably standed by at 10m high, for 30 seconds, then fly away...
Can you f***ing imagine how this scare the shit out of me. My friend who was there was just not believing it, like we are totally screwed !
Nothing did happened they went away, and thinking that anyway they do not use FLIR yet in my place I try to not worry to much...
Later on I learnt that one of the customs lives just behind my place and the chopper would just drop him by his place, but I still do not understand why all these standby all around the house.

Just to tell you if they catch you, you probably won't see it coming. So better focus on having your grow safe (afraid of FLIR ? Get a 1000$ FLIR Camera, that will help you make sure IR is under control)...

Thanks for reminding me of those good choppers scaring time :)


If I worried about all the helicopters, cops etc. everyday they would of sent the men in white coats for me by now!
Here so many helicopters fly over & around, but if your worried, there are ways of cutting down your infrared signature of your grow, materials that use space blanket technology & cooling , google insulation

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