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Anti-Semitism on rise in parts of Europe

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The Native Americans have that relationship with our land but even if they go through a hollcaust nobody is gonna give them America.


I see, we're all tools because we disagree with your perception that only Israel has human rights. As far as Torah is concerned, the Jews changed what they didn't like and added what they did like, so don't use that as a reference.

And tell me why the Arabs should take refugees when it would be seen as an ok to usurp Palestinian land.


you've got your own agenda dude......you'll change what you wanna change so that your always right....so it makes no sense to even converse with you.


Let me see if I got this right, the problem for the Palestinian's is they are pawns between the Shia and the Sunni. While there is truth to that statement, neither of those groups threw them off their land. And that is the fight, LAND.
The Jews have been using their influence machine, money machine, sympathy machine, to justify this theft especially since the 67 war.
Anyone who disagrees is labeled anti-semitic, at least get the media machine to come up with a hip new motto.


The difference between you and i, is i do see israels right to exist and have there own land. I also see the palestinians right to exist and have there own land. Where as you dont see israels rights.
From a jewish standpoint it is their holy land......not australia, not poland, not america. From a palestinians point it is their holy land too....
That piece of land lay's claim to the birth of 90% of the religions in the world today. Jews have been there and tilled that land since the dawn of time.....they didnt just pop up after world war II.
we are in the midst of a biblical debate that hasnt changed for THOUSANDS of years.
The day the palestinians make peace with each other and there is no longer a strangle hold on them that go's by the name of Hamas..there will be peace!


No you're wrong on that, I do see Israel's right to exist. However. I do not see their right to banish a people to poverty and disgrace. Nor do I see their right to justify their actions through a much more significant relationship with the US. Israel uses that savvy to never be censored by the UN, which gives them opportunity to build settlements on ever more land.
Furthermore, your statement of dawn of time is incorrect. Abraham, who was neither Jew nor Christian, but Muslim, died and is buried in Hebron, after he emigrated from Mecca, Saudi Arabia where he and his son Ishmael had built the Kabba. All of the Prophets from Adam to Muhammad were Muslim, some ethnically Jewish yes, but religiously Muslim. So from that point of view, the Jews are fighting their own ancestors.


Active member
Did you know that not all Semites are Jewish? It is a misnomer.
People who do not understand the world have fear of how it works. Fear leads to anger.. Anger leads to Hate.
May the force be with you all.

Peace and kindness


Active member
ya'll can pick whatever side u all like but i don't see any of the islamic countries moving towards medical marijuana... http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1259010973324&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull

btw... only people who think abraham is/was muslim read the koran hence the never ending cycle of war; i'm just glad joseph smith doesn't hold the same weight internationally

personally i'm all about karma; what comes around goes around; reap what you sow etc..


Domesticator of Cannabis
ya'll can pick whatever side u all like but i don't see any of the islamic countries moving towards medical marijuana...
They're leaders in improvised explosive devices. Leave the doctoring & lawyering to the Jews.

Isis Royals
Is = Isis
ra = Sun
el = El aka Assur


cant we just get along


I was just thinking this to myself:

In israel you mainly have semitic jews who share common origins with the palestinian arabs and then you have a lot of ashkenazi jews who are the caucasians that converted in the middle ages. So basically it seems like you have fake jews, and you have jews that share common lineage with the arabs. The fake jews need to drop the shenanigans and the semitic jews need to realize they are not after all much different from their sworn enemy. Will it ever happen, I doubt it but it made me think the situation is completely ridiculous and childish over there in israel.

The zealousness of israel is in direct proportion to percevied "anti-israeli/jew" attitudes. If they were not constantly harping on about guilt and racial division, the world would be a better place and we would be a lot less focused on guilt and racial division.


New member
Jew, Arabs, Christians. Why debate on who is right? They are all wrong, and have been lying for years. Though some don't know they are lying, but claiming you know god, and being chosen by god, is an outright fabrication. They are ALL wrong, and they are ALL ruining this planet. Yes, I am anti-Semitic, anti-Islam, and anti-christian and proud of it. And you know what? No PC bullshitter is going to make me feel guilty for hating such crazy people. Just like no bullshitter is going to make me feel guilty for smoking weed. Oh I guess that makes me a Nazi huh? Save it, that's the oldest PC trick in the book.

Wooden Eye

Chiam Witz aka Ugene Klein aka Gene $immons #1 ANTI CHRIST.
Modern day.
"Israel is rolling a Seven, that place is gonna be Fried"


Jew, Arabs, Christians. Why debate on who is right? They are all wrong, and have been lying for years. Though some don't know they are lying, but claiming you know god, and being chosen by god, is an outright fabrication. They are ALL wrong, and they are ALL ruining this planet. Yes, I am anti-Semitic, anti-Islam, and anti-christian and proud of it. And you know what? No PC bullshitter is going to make me feel guilty for hating such crazy people. Just like no bullshitter is going to make me feel guilty for smoking weed. Oh I guess that makes me a Nazi huh? Save it, that's the oldest PC trick in the book.

Man you are a legend! :2cents:
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