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anti-munchy weed???



sativa's or mostly sativa's have little to no munchie fx.
ive grown plenty that didnt give me munchies.
(mandala) satori
(nirvana) big bud
(nirvana) citral sativa pheno
(nirvana) jock horror
(fem) purple power
just to name a few & the list goes on & on etc.......


why bother... lol, just kidding. Tobacco makes things taste like s^&*&^, or nothing at all.


I had some medical g13 that supperesd my appetite, I believe it was for cancer patients.


the Revenant
i heard some scientists have identified the gene that increases appetite in marijuana and can now flip it and produce a weight loss drug, look for it soon! damn pharmaceuticals


i've smoked weed all across the spectrum and they all gave me the munchies, though it is worse with indicas and much worse when i haven't smoked in awhile, alchohol is really the only thing that kills the munchies for me


New member
Munchies are the greatest part of smoking, My best meals have been experienced while buzzed. I love it. :)


I never get munchies anymore. I used to get hungry and just eat anything that wouldn't make me too ill when I first started smoking, but nothing does it for me anymore.


i find that if i eat before i smoke the munchies dont really happen, but i also dont mind when i do get them because everything tastes so good.


i think the munchies come along with smoking. from my experience the more i smoked and the more often i smoked the less munchies i got. when i first started smoking ,food tasted so good i couldnt stop eating till i got a stomach ach and heartburn! but that wears off


Whats worse is when you have a beard. I oncetried to deny eating one of the "10 person serving" bag of doughnuts but had white powder evidece all through-out my beard. It looked like I got slapped with a 10 pound bag of flour. God bless my forgiving wife.


jws0007 said:
Whats worse is when you have a beard. I oncetried to deny eating one of the "10 person serving" bag of doughnuts but had white powder evidece all through-out my beard. It looked like I got slapped with a 10 pound bag of flour. God bless my forgiving wife.

lol ive had some of THE BEST donuts in the world while stoned.


I believe I read the THCV is an appetite suppressant. It is present in a lot of African weed.


Kizzattack said:
I never get munchies anymore. I used to get hungry and just eat anything that wouldn't make me too ill when I first started smoking, but nothing does it for me anymore.

I have to agree with you line for line Kizzattack . . . and I'll take it a step furthur and if I get hungery when I'm not high and take a bong hit I usually lose the hunger in a big way. Is everyone serious they still get really hungry after smoking? Whatever I'm blazing must be either really good or really bad, I donno. :rasta:


Kizzattack said:
I never get munchies anymore. I used to get hungry and just eat anything that wouldn't make me too ill when I first started smoking, but nothing does it for me anymore.

OMG, my heart goes out to you my friend, for pot without the munchies is like a day without sunshine. All of those Oreos, Yodels and Twinkies going to waste on a grocers shelf, crying out to be taken home and scarfed down with a milk chaser.

We the folks of ICMAG will pray for you. ( Dad'gum son, you must be skinny)




my friends and i like to have eat-offs while baked! thank you guys for stirring up old shit. i thought no one cared about this thread.


i do find that the munchies are less when i have been smoking twice a day every day, the same thing goes for the sex drive, if i go a months without smoking after one toke i have an unquenchable need for food and sex that lasts for hours


Well-known member
I remember a while ago there being a report that they were using a Pakistani variety to try and suppress obesity. Interesting as I thought that might be a bit Indica.

Personally, sativas zap my appetite. I recently had some nice weed which gave full on munchies and returned me to the world of waking up in bed with junk food wrappers under my pillow and a mouth that tastes like a rat's diseased butt. Reminded me how much I miss the feeling.

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