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Another Ripper Bites The Dust

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I sort of feel same way... (about people sort of asking for it...and you gotta do what you gotta do)

I am part compassionate because

some people are really twisted... because of life experiences, mental health, drug addictions don't have their head there but

home is home

safety is safety

would prefer not to but.....

some of you talk about being robbed and stuff

I can imagine some of you being paranoid and prefering to be ready

it's not like that where I live

very peaceful (to a degree)

really makes you think..

must be a fucked up experience to kill someone

a lot of you say that you would do it, and I totally understand but still

must leave an imprint on ya, dreaming about it maybe ? thinking about it for a few days/stress ?

in the end, you gotta protect your ass, if you don't kill him maybe he's gonna come back ?

this thread really made me think/visualize stuff

not much guns here and don't hear much about robbers, happens but not that often


Feeling good is good enough.

"a lot of you say that you would do it, and I totally understand but still

must leave an imprint on ya"

Sure it does... but not as big as the exit wound on the back of the ripper's head...

Gallows humor... LOL



funny how fast things get polarized buy something like this. saying you have no sympathy for a criminal and saying you are overjoyed by the fact that he is dead are two different things ........ or at least i thought so.

some of us live in places where we have been given no real choice but to assume that when someone uninvited enters your home bad shit is going to happen to you and yours, based on that information we have we make our decisions on how to react to these things. it would be great if you could sit down with the uninvited person and try to figure out why they are there and what it is they really need from you ...... chances are whatever it is is not worth their life and chances are most victims would give them what they want so they would go away (if they would just stay away). trouble is this guy more than likely does not want to talk to you and does not mind hurting you.

would you risk your life trying to reason with a person who thinks breaking into your home is o.k.? and if you answer yes would you do it if you knew there was a very good chance that he has some kind of weapon with him? now lets up the ante ..... would you try to reason with this guy if your wife and kids are in the same home? we are NOT talking about material things here, and the anus who broke into your house is by no means a given..... drug addiction, anti social behavior, blood lust or some poor stupid fuck who is so hungry that he did this because he saw no other option (if that last guy breaks into your house, go buy a lotto ticket after you talk to him ..... hope your luck is running).

we may be a bunch of barbarians on this side of the planet, but if you took a poll i am thinking 99.9 out of 100 of us would be just fine with never being put in the position of having to make a life or death decision in their own living room........ and right about the same numbers would apply to our willingness to inflict damage on anyone who came to our homes to hurt our family ........

do i WANT to hurt anyone? fuck no. but if YOU push ME into a corner where there is a 100% chance of one of us getting hurt, don't be to shocked by the fact that me not WANTING to hurt you in the first place only pissed me off even more when YOU forced your way into MY life.


Active member
robbers tend to go to the peacefull areas where the houses are nice and there is more to steal than their own neighborhood. i keep telling my old lady that. she wants to leave doors and window open. errrrr. and i wont answer that thread^^^^
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Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Anybody read the comments on the original newspaper report?

All supporting the guy, not one mention of MJ


I did not intend on making that thread

it was just sort of a realization

I really hope I did not offend anyone, I feel I crossed a line, I apologize

could have expressed myself better/didn't think things through

Useful Idiot

Active member
I wasn't going to comment on this one....but I just have to. Your home is your castle for you to defend,you must protect your family,you must protect the things you worked hard to obtain. I say everyone by LAW should have a firearm, yes I said everyone!! Why??? Let me tell ya. Criminals do NOT go to a gun store to purchase their guns. Nope you know how they get em. There are plenty of states that are making it harder and harder for HONEST people to get guns . If guns are outlawed...only outlaws will have them for the most part.Do you think if criminals KNOW for a fact everyone is packin heat because of the new "everyone must have a gun law" all of this shit would not be goin down at the rate it is?The ONLY person that will protect you and yours in a violent situation is YOU.911 does not cut it. If you are caught in my home I am going to shoot you. End of story. Also this homeowner would have done the same thing even if he didn't have weed in his house,you can beleive that. So no more saying "I wouldn't kill someone for trying to steal my pot" thats NOT the issue. He killed this theif for breaking into his house. And frankly it needs to happen more often. Home invasions are on the rise folks, and people must protect themselves. I do however feel terrible for the persons family. I can't imagine what they must be going through.


The problem with this is:
The anti-cannabis folks will use this to say, "see, violent crime because of cannabis".

Yep, the dispensaries in sac are already on a short leash with the powers that be. This shit will for sure make things worse.

Useful Idiot

Active member
Yep, the dispensaries in sac are already on a short leash with the powers that be. This shit will for sure make things worse.
But it should't. Houses are robbed all the time that have no weed in it. I hear ya tho...they like to play games like, he wouldnt have broken in if it wasn't for the weed. MY ASS!! theives steal whatever, including bud.


I wasn't going to comment on this one....but I just have to. Your home is your castle for you to defend,you must protect your family,you must protect the things you worked hard to obtain. I say everyone by LAW should have a firearm, yes I said everyone!! Why??? Let me tell ya. Criminals do NOT go to a gun store to purchase their guns. Nope you know how they get em. There are plenty of states that are making it harder and harder for HONEST people to get guns . If guns are outlawed...only outlaws will have them for the most part.Do you think if criminals KNOW for a fact everyone is packin heat because of the new "everyone must have a gun law" all of this shit would not be goin down at the rate it is?The ONLY person that will protect you and yours in a violent situation is YOU.911 does not cut it. If you are caught in my home I am going to shoot you. End of story. Also this homeowner would have done the same thing even if he didn't have weed in his house,you can beleive that. So no more saying "I wouldn't kill someone for trying to steal my pot" thats NOT the issue. He killed this theif for breaking into his house. And frankly it needs to happen more often. Home invasions are on the rise folks, and people must protect themselves. I do however feel terrible for the persons family. I can't imagine what they must be going through.

nope i think your completely wrong. in germany noone has guns. not noone but like close to. some gangsters have them but its really not that often. thats why we have close to 0 murders a year compared to the us. (to be exact there are 800 murders in germany per year - with 80 million (billion to you ? dont know sorry,...) living here)

man i just read your statement didnt really read it before ....im stoned.... sorry.
i think now that i re-re-read it i just wanted to qoute the everyone needs a gun part.


To kill or not to kill the ripper seems to be the question everyone is debating in this thread. No matter what side of the issue you come down on, I'll say this;

It's all talk and speculation until you are actually put in the situation where you have to make a split second decision. Some of you would not hesitate, others would hesitate to the point that they get fucked up by the ripper.

I'm a trained killer (U.S. Army - retired) and myself, personally, I'd do everything in my power to keep from killing your ass unless I was convinced I had no other choice. You kill someone and you have to live with that shit forever and it ain't easy. That's a fact jack.

After I read this story this morning I went outside and cut my garden down just so I did not have to kill anyone (this is the third instance of this happening in the last month in and around the sac area). I'm sitting here trimming right now.

Lastly, stay safe everyone.


Active member
No, that statement must be made 100% true first...

" See, it's violent crime caused by the inflated value of cannabis - a by-product of an unjust and unwanted prohibition."

All the "problems" they constantly repeat are just the same. By-products of prohibition... the violence is not over the plant itself, it is over the MONEY it can generate.

Legalize, regulate similar to alcohol and end this madness! Are ppl busting into ppl's places to steal tomatoes or geraniums? Hell no!! (oh gee, I wonder why??)


Edit: Man, this thread is hoppin'... :rasta:
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To kill or not to kill the ripper seems to be the question everyone is debating in this thread. No matter what side of the issue you come down on, I'll say this;

It's all talk and speculation until you are actually put in the situation where you have to make a split second decision. Some of you would not hesitate, others would hesitate to the point that they get fucked up by the ripper.

I'm a trained killer (U.S. Army - retired) and myself, personally, I'd do everything in my power to keep from killing your ass unless I was convinced I had no other choice. You kill someone and you have to live with that shit forever and it ain't easy. That's a fact jack.

After I read this story this morning I went outside and cut my garden down just so I did not have to kill anyone (this is the third instance of this happening in the last month in and around the sac area). I'm sitting here trimming right now.

Lastly, stay safe everyone.
you sir are a hero. and i mean it. although i didnt understand the last part.


Step on my property to steal and die its up to Jesus after that for your ass. For all that piece of shit thief knows it could be my parents house he's breaking into. A thief is a thief and in my area there are home invasions, sometimes they murder, other times just rape, and so on..7 days a week. In my state you have the right to use deadly force to protect your property/family. Of course I would still plant a weapon on the deceased party duh. Ps I'm a peace lovin hippy have a nice day
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