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Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Embracing the Suck.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
skunkdawg @ day 55
showing some purple hairs late
Very nice Grey and Canni.

Here's some Kali Mist shots I took recently. I took the tops off the plant about a week before these pics:

Kali Mist 2 WP_20140616_017.jpg

Kali Mist 2 WP_20140616_011.jpg

Kali Mist 2 WP_20140616_018.jpg

Kali Mist 2 WP_20140616_020.jpg


Active member
I called NED and complained about how they show Maui more attention then BI she told me there is more pot on Maui these days and guys are getting 1 lb per clone. I guess we are has bens over here lol Go figure I have no big plants yet this year.


Active member
I felt better Fri afternoon the feds were flying around so at least we have someone thinking of us. Casper it is more like 2 lbs from what I have seen. out of my league. I'm a hobby grower


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
harvest time


btw - MECO running power line checks the 26 & 27th. no be scared


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
laulau time


the beef came from some of the 35 cows that were shot by the hunting club on the backside last Friday. FROM A HELICOPTER. the cows are damaging to the native plants trying to be repopulated over there.... and they taste good. so good riddance.

party on


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
line checks... they will fly along the power lines checking for damages and structural stabilty and whatever else they need to see
as far as I know...

saw the alert on the mauinews website...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
bumpity bumpily bump
this thread almost took a dump
but greyskull came thru
and one after two
threw up veg shots of the glue



Well-known member
I Was Thinking.....

I Was Thinking.....

Yea....I know it isn't fair. Life seldom is. It's just one side of the stick is pure gold, and the other? You tell me.

And believe me. I have grabbed that shitty side of the stick more than once. I have embraced it, clutched it firmly to my breast, and endured the sidelooks, wrinkled noses, and the like that goes along with the stench of total, utter failure.

Again? Where the FUCK is this going?

To pick up the tip doesn't mean alot.
Fiddle inside your drawers.
If we own the night then spread it out.
Or pack up without a clue.

Sit down, shut up, I'm working my way to a gloat. And not just any gloat. Not a single post gloat. An epic gloat. One for the fuckin' ages. It's the gloat that comes from manning up, closing your eyes, grabbing the stick, consequences be damned and slowly oppening your hand and see the glitter of......

Gold. The Skunkdog clone shown below yielded 10 ozs. Sure beats a sharp stick in the eye. Another month we will be getting 12.



See, When you grow outdoors, you can do everything humanly possible to set yourself up for sucess, then the goddess upstairs hands you the shit end of the stick. A strech of shit weather, fuck dude, it's game over. Even experts like Greyskull, week of rain at the wrong time?

Ask him. I saw it. Hell, I cleaned it up and profited from it. Live where we live....you become a salvage expert.

Now there's a title you want to wear proudly.

Marijuana Salvage Specialist.

Then I got a taste of the benefits.
Five foot and change.
There's no better way to hash it out.
So set up your time to fail.

Not this year. We're barely halfway through, and things are looking good. Back in the last post (like 50 years ago) I was expecting GH to come calling that week. Should that have happened, I would have had to pull everything.....extra. Instead of making stupid predictions I should have looked at a calander. If I had.....Kamehameha Day fell on Wensday. GH doesn't fly a two day trip up against a holiday. So, instead, gotta do now became take your own sweet time. A plant a day. We had ninteen glorious sunny days in a row, and I took a plant each one of those days. As each came out, a new clone went into it's vacant hole.

It gets better. Green Harvest flew the next week. It was a joke. Talk about half-assed. Quick grid search and gone. They clearly were staying away from legal growers. They searched the cane and pastureland. No houses. I didn't even bother to pull what I was worried about.

Well, course by there own,
or and by default
time to vamoose.

Then the trades slacked off and we have our normal Summer rain. I have one harvestable Valley clone out there, That's it. She is taking a beating. Bummer. The entire rest of the garden is young. Rain helps. Bring it on. Let it pour!



Of course, since I got the gold side of the stick.... that means some other poor schmuck got the nasty side. Casper.... hear those wheels?

No worry.... got your back.

Now it gets fun. Let's look at a bunch of possibilities.

It's an El Nino year. A dry fall. A DRY WINTER! Possible.
The changing law. Maybe we will get away with this starting it a year early. Especially if they can't be bothered to take a look.
GH is rapidly losing my respect. Last year, this year, it looks like they are giving us a pass. No adult supervision? Of course this could all be total shebai....time will tell.

Well, course now the cracks.
Should we intervene?
Why call this albatross?

So, once you get to the halfway point, the road ahead becomes clearer. The strains you put faith in have begun to show you where they are heading....a timeline slowly presents itself, becoming more possible with each passing day. And from what is running, when each was planted, we just may be looking at a photo finish. That would be where the "big" GH occurs at around the same time as the fall harvest. Seriously, the dream would be to pull and replant the day before GH. They fly over a house loaded with product, looking down at a sea of 21 young unbudded clones....the trees they saw last time....gone.

One can dream.

The four Scogi's I expected to go long are not. They are now all over seven feet tall, but they are slowing down and beginning to flower. Also threw a few more of the back-ups in. Last year, I didn't get the big plants from seed in until mid November. I'd bet the Scogi's will all be done by late August. Right about the time the next large wave of Skunkdog clones should be done. It's all gonna come in close together. Nothing like a little race for all the marbles to make you feel the rush.

More great shit also happened recently. I got my water meter. I've only been on the list for seventeen years, and gone through two lawsuits....waiting. My neighbors have all hoped I'd lose those, so they could get rid of me by cutting off my water. Guess what fuckers! Now the only way they will pry me out of here is feet first. I'm now a fuckin' Opihi. There go the property values. Maybe I'll farm cars....see if I can really piss them off. Give it to the Hare Krishnas' when I croak. Piss them and their leachball kids off.


Casper....You like my mule? Truth be told I am a lazy shit that could easily walk, but am too damn jaded to walk 50 ft to my plants....oh sorry. I don't have a mule. I have a wife. Same same....ok guys....start bumpin'.

Grey....thanx for the bump,the dump, and content. Oil rips tomorrow? Saw your thread on Skunkdog. I think I can find some nice things to say about her.

DB....You called NED. Gee Thanx! Give them a link to this thread too? No, we are only getting 10 a plant. For now. More averaging eight. The other strains I grow are hurting my average, so pretty much only growing one of everything, and all the rest Skunkdog. Goose those numbers.

Wow....BI guys hasbeens? You said it....not me. My experience with BI people is that they are all fine upstanding cannibis cultivators..... pandering again..... I know.

Backyard.... The ghost and I are messing with the Gogi. It really looks promising. So do the Scogis.

Like your face getting forced to the floor
Either way your way to close to it all.
Clean out, never, wait 'em out.
Clever Madoff, take it all.
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Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
It's a pretty great feeling when the weather and circumstances cooperate and you can take your time and harvest what you want, when you want and not have the circus of trying to chop, hang, trim and jar everything at the same time. Gloat on OH, things are lookin' good!