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another cpl q's?


Active member
i'm being asked to help moderate on another forum.

i've been a mod before on a pretty small forum, and this one isn't huge like icmag or og..... it's the only forum other than here that i'm kind of passionate about...ive plugged icmag over there a bunch.

it's www.dreadlockssite.com

anyway...dude wants me to ad this to my profile, and i really don't quite understand: (he wants me to link to icmag in my profile somehow)

could u add a link to your profile and would it be a dofiollow link? (not having rel="nofollow" attached to the link

..the part he wants me to help mod is some dating part...so i dunno just yet


Active member
Sounds like he's wanting you to up their ranking with back links or something. Dunno as it's been a while since I did SEO.

Dating? LOL get real amigo! Society is so messed up these days... why not try herding cats... it's easier, fewer fights and no drama. :D

Stay Safe! :D


me too man ^^

not surprised it's about dreadlocks

hey yukon did you get a lot of negatives with the dreads

im sure there are perks to them too


Active member
me too man ^^

not surprised it's about dreadlocks

hey yukon did you get a lot of negatives with the dreads

im sure there are perks to them too

i don't get alot of negatives about anything......

i work 12 hour days, i grow weed (really good weed), i raise a 1 year old son, i have big dogs, i live in the woods where i have to cut firewood for heat, and have to travel lots of miles just to get groceries......yadda yadda yadda

there is alot to my life that has nothing to do w/ dreads


Take A Deep Breath
If you're going to link to icmag......just make sure you don't expose any information about yourself on that site, that you wouldn't on this one (email, name etc etc). Even more so if that site is based in the US...much easier for LEO to grab your IP from a US site than a NL one (if you are in US). No point painting a target on your own back, eh?

Modding is overrated....just another job....and a big time commitment....