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animal repellant spray warning


Active member

Anyone considering this spray should think twice. I picked it u 3-4 weeks ago and applied per instructions. The next day my garden was ransacked by armadillos if I had to bet. Only one was killed but 3 were set back and my peace of mind is gone. It may repel many animals but it attracts the hell out of some. It is sold at lowes and I figured it would work. I've switched to cages and waiting longer to put out plants.


Active member
No shit?? You know i used that same crap around my veg garden and 2 days later the armadillos had dug the whole damn thing up...

thats crazy...


Nothin personal i wouldnt consider amrmadillos common animals to be considered in an animal repelent.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Somebody suggested in a related thread putting your dog's hair around your plants and pissing around them....I don't grow outside, but I'm from the stix and that makes sense...in my region (northern midwest).


Active member
The repellant may be for deer or rabbits primarily which is fine but don't go stick armadillo on the list of animals it repels when this crap actually seems to attract the hell out of them. It has putrid eggs and some other crap. I'll try anything. I just had another plant dug up today or last night actually. I'm about ready to go to war with these bastards. I've only had one fatality but they are costing me allot of time right when they should be taking off. I tried cigarette butts 2 days ago but that did not work. I'll give the pissed on dog hair a shot with predator urine. This bs has got to stop. The more problems I run into the more it does make me want to go inside but I'm sure that is a whole set of new problems so first things first.


i should put sum of that repelent on my brothers tent the next time he talks me into going camping ......cant wait to see the look on his face with all those critters ransacking his tent lol


Ive drenched plants and have left them dripping with repellant - every single brand over the years. Ive had them eaten while still dripping wet.

There is no spray or repellant that is effective at anything other than getting your money, although as jakeh said, it does sometimes attract other animals.

Deer behavior is your key to any success and to some extent the enviroment. Deer with plenty of natural foods in their enviroment are much less likey to eat your plants as cannabis isn't on their natural food list, but a hungry, starving deer will eat them, covered in repellant and dog hair, dog shit, piss, spit or anything else.

I cut saplings in the fall after leaves have fallen. I look for branchy ones. I cut the top off of the sapling and put the branched end over my plant. This keeps the deer from getting his head down to the plant. The bald branches act as a support as the plant grows.

Ive also had some luck by making a tea from plants in my area that deer don't eat and spraying it on my plants. This effort is designed to make the deer think my plant is really something that it doesnt eat. Im using a wild onion extract now and its working great.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Hmmmm, I guess these sprays must be different down south, cuz I never saw them(Armadillos) listed on any available in my area, but I'm sure the closest Armadillo to my location is well over 1000 miles away. Please forgive my ignorance.

I've never had luck with any sprays, or any other method other than a solid barrier, meaning a fence/cage.


Active member
Its the second animal pictured on this product! Ya think they would have done some research....
