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Animal Deterant methods



I am placing bone and blood meal around my site before I plant. This is on my own property so stealth is really not an issue. Is it true that if I piss around my plants animals wont want to go near? The main animal I'm concerned about is coyotes as we have a lot of them out here... I think they might be a bit harder to scare than other animals like deer. This is going to be the biggest problem with my grow site that I can forsee.


No, it wont work. You could shit and piss yourself to death and the deer will still eat your plants. Coyotes aren't herbivores. No threat.


Bone meal and blood meal attract many critters. What do the coyotes eat? Bunnies, coons, deer, or livestock? Those critters are the ones to worry about. Irish Spring soap hung in a leg of pantyhose may help deter them all.

Never lose your nerve, temper or keys!


Welcome to the Forum.

The cyotes are a blessing Only in very rare occasions will they eat flowers...Of any kind.

They will help deter the many critters who will eat your cannabis plants...

But as an added bonus you can and should put up your own defenses. I'v never seen soap of any kind work to deter any animal...I used it when I first started cultivating but it never worked...Some say it does though. I dunno...Personally it seemed to attract them more. One year I decided not to use anything at all and low n' behold the only animal tracks I had were rabbit...Maybe I was lucky. But I havn't used soap or any fregrant item like that since and havn't had a deer problem since!

I would use natural deterrants for the critters you have in your area. I use it sometimes but usually it's only necessary if you notice heavy concentrations of deer in your area. Keep an eye out for droppings and tracks. If you feel you have a deer problem try to get your hands on some wolf or cyote urin. Get a lot because you will have to reapply each time it rains or gets moist out. You can purchase this stuff. I don't recommend trying to extract it yourself. Natural predator urin usually works suprisingly well. Although it's not fool proof. It never hurts...

I usually make an "invisible fence" to block off deer. They are usually the worst pests second only to insects. Smaller pests like rabbits and such aren't that much of a bother for lager plants. If your plants are in pots, you can raise your pots to remove the small pest problem from the equation completely! But there are still deer and bugs...

If your site is not in a wooded area you can use sticks or custom wood posts to construct the cheap "invisible" fence. To do this you will require some 10lb test (or better) fishing line. You'll use this to create the fence around the perimiter of your plot/s. Take the roll of fishing line, tie one end off on a branch, stick, post, ect. and walk around to the other side. Tie it off leaving enough room to walk through to another branch, stick, post, ect. I usually start at about 4-6" off the ground and make another line around every 6-7"...Try to keep them parrallell with themselves for best results. Keep gaps small. Keep going until you can't reach any higher to tie another line off...

I use fishing line because stealth is of utmost importance in my situation. If you're not worried about any one seeing the fencing you can use anything you want. A very simple cheap fence will keep deer out. You can even use yarn or string...Just keep in mind the weathering of the different materials.

This will work 95% of the time for larger pests but smaller ones will require a different approach. Occasionally you will have the line break or get cut from the trees/brush rubbing on them.

Fishing line/string also helps to tie down other plants so your plants can get more light. ;)


I usually make an "invisible fence" to block off deer. They are usually the worst pests second to insects...If your site is not in a wooded area you can use sticks or custom wood posts to construct the cheap "invisible" fence.

To do this you will require some 10lb test (or better) fishing line. You'll use this to create the fence around the perimiter of your plot/s. Take the roll of fishing line, tie one end off on a branch, stick, post, ect. and walk around to the other side. Tie it off leaving enough room to walk through to another branch, stick, post, ect. I usually start at about 4-6" off the ground and make another line around every 6-7"...Try to keep them parrallell with themselves for best results. Keep gaps small.

I use fishing line because stealth is of utmost importance in my situation. If you're not worried about any one seeing the fencing you can use anything you want. A very simple cheap fence will keep deer out. You can even use yarn or string...Just keep in mind the weathering of the different materials.

This will work 95% of the time for larger pests but smaller ones will require a different approach. Occasionally you will have the line break or get cut from the trees/brush rubbing on them.

Using fishing line like that is one of the worst things you can do for the natural environment. If you must make your "invisible fence", I hope you cut down the line and dispose of it properly when you are done.

I take my dog whenever I go check out my spot. I pee around wherever... even took a deuce when nature called.

Dog hair, human hair, pee, poop. Anything that smells human. Just try not to ravage the environment with mono filament fishing line.


Active member
Using fishing line like that is one of the worst things you can do for the natural environment. If you must make your "invisible fence", I hope you cut down the line and dispose of it properly when you are done.

I take my dog whenever I go check out my spot. I pee around wherever... even took a deuce when nature called.

Dog hair, human hair, pee, poop. Anything that smells human. Just try not to ravage the environment with mono filament fishing line.

I hear ya on that, but unfortunately it works perfectly. I will make sure to take it all back home, its braided black kind not monofiliment but I doubt that makes a difference for the animals this stuff is strong.


Using fishing line like that is one of the worst things you can do for the natural environment. If you must make your "invisible fence", I hope you cut down the line and dispose of it properly when you are done.

I take my dog whenever I go check out my spot. I pee around wherever... even took a deuce when nature called.

Dog hair, human hair, pee, poop. Anything that smells human. Just try not to ravage the environment with mono filament fishing line.

I agree, it is potentially environmentally hazardous but rarely have I ever lost any line. Even when it breaks it's still tied at one end... And I usd to cut it down...That was before I discovered BIOLINE! http://www.greentackle.com/bioline-fishing-line.html

I try to reuse it most of the time as well! My plot/s are never large at all either so it's never excessive...

If you decide to make an invisible fence, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND BIOLINE! But regular fishing line will work just as well. Just take care that you don't make a mess. I use it for everything. From training your cannabis plants to tieing down other plants in a wooded area to allow more light to your plants it works PERFECTLY! They make it in 20lb test as well!


Active member
If you have coons forget the blood/bone meal...

Around here we use coyote piss. You can buy it online. It works for pretty much everything other than bugs...


Mostly I'm just worried about the coyotes seeing a huge plant and not being able to resist the urge to roll around on it. That's what they seem to do to a lot of the bushier plants around here, but the particular spot I'm planting in doesn't show signs of this.... I knew the coyotes wouldn't eat my plants.

So the coyotes are a good thing you say?


Mostly I'm just worried about the coyotes seeing a huge plant and not being able to resist the urge to roll around on it. That's what they seem to do to a lot of the bushier plants around here, but the particular spot I'm planting in doesn't show signs of this.... I knew the coyotes wouldn't eat my plants.

So the coyotes are a good thing you say?

They should definitly be a good thing...Not sure about thier liesure habits personally but if you say they are rolling around on bushes then simply try to keep them away from the plants themselves. But you do want them in the area. Feed them if you can.

A simple little fence can do wonders. If you can use chickenwire fencing then you can solve a lot of pest problems...


I wouldn't feed them meat or they might want to take a bite out of you when you don't feed them! I am doing some city and rural spots this year just did a buddies backyard last yr. There are tons of white tail deer around this area but I don't think they should be a prob in the city spots since humans are so close by it kinda keeps them away. I think that using guanos will help instead of bone and blood so animals won't dig it up. But always prepare your holes a couple wks ahead of time to give time for animals to dig. I dont think I will use anything on the city spots but maybe cage the rurals when they are smaller:joint:


They should definitly be a good thing...Not sure about thier liesure habits personally but if you say they are rolling around on bushes then simply try to keep them away from the plants themselves. But you do want them in the area. Feed them if you can.

A simple little fence can do wonders. If you can use chickenwire fencing then you can solve a lot of pest problems...

Did you seriously just tell someone to feed coyotes?

You are spreading such gems as: "Feed them [coyotes] if you can." and make fences out of fishing line... I mean bio-line after it was mentioned how bad the impact was.

I'm glad you are spreading everything you know at such a rapid rate.

sorry for hostility, but do you really feed coyotes?


Why all the hostility, confused?

I obviously didn't mean for the guy to go out and feed the coyotes by hand...

I delt with coyotes when I lived in Connecticut. If you go out during the day somewhere off away from your home and put a little red meat out there it keeps them around. They really are more affraid of you than you SHOULD BE of them...

Obviously if the fella is smart enough to realize he isn't capable of defending himself against the K9s then he should be smart enough to figure that he shouldn't feed them to keep them around...

I'm just saying that they are benefitial to varment prevention around his property. If he so decides to agree with me I'm letting him know of really the only way of keeping them around...That's all.

So what I post a lot? I was laid off recently and have some extra time on my hands. My apologies for interfering with your forum going...


No need to feed them, we gots plenty of chickens and coons that they like to eat around here. They're curious little fuckers though, I doubt anything short of razor wire will deter them, thanks for all the info brothers.