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Angry neighbors

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
If I grew in the backyard in my country...Oz...I would go to jail...guaranteed.


you got any ranchers/farmers around you? if you have 5 acres of good grass they will mow/water it for you and use it for feed. some of those guys have to pay to lease land, you could cover your ass and do someone a favor at the same time. it would be a perfect way to piss off your neighbor without any real effort too. how does he get along with your other neighbors?


Active member
ojo I dont live anything like a tweaker. There are no cars in my yard. I just didn't move the water around enough and I live in the desert so grass dies fast. Then the weeds come ect.

pearl this guy is totally a republican. He was bashing weed so hard when I told him. He was looking at me like I was the devil for growing weed in "his" community. I told him he cant do much about me growing I am 100% legal and he did not like that. He told me " I know people, I have a lot of weight in this community. I have been here for 40 years."

high country I am sorry to hear that.

greenmatter I do have a lot of land. But I dont have the means to water it all. Its expensive to buy aluminum line and then I have to deal with moving it everyday. Which is NOT fun. So I just let my back go and some parts of the front. I am going to look into having a ranch management company come in and see what they can do. They will pay for everything and then we split the money at the end of the summer. People grow a lot of oats and grass for hay out here. I have one more month of water so there isn't really anything I can do because winter is coming. As for the other neighbors they don't really talk much. I have one neighbor who can see right into my gh but I talked to her and she supports it. So I have one bad ass neighbor and then Hitler on the other side.


weed fiend
Damn, squeak neighbor had to drop a veiled threat. You might consider documenting any altercations. It's not so much what happens, it's what you can prove in court (or persuade a 911 responder.)

Not trying to get you hyped up, this is typical advice for domestic disputes. This guy could step right up to breaking the law but not crossing it. Then one day he does something that warrants a bit more attention by the authorities. This where documentation of the guy's history with you fucks him up.

If it's nothing more than honestly swaying opinion against the neighbor, it's worth the hassle. The cam was a great idea. Audio recordings aren't as convincing as video and some courts won't allow audio-only evidence.


sounds to me like you are good ..... talk to the cool lady next door, and give her a heads up. if you are legal,not over on plant count,have nothing in public view AND have a good neighbor telling the cops that you are doing everything right and the guy who called them is just being a tool, things should be great. think of how much fun it would be to shake LEO's hand and wave to them as they are driving away from your house while your asshole neighbor watches through the curtains ....... fucking priceless!


the shit spoon
If I had that kind of acreage I'd be harvesting and slanging bales of hay!

Shit gets expensive especially in drought times!

Its just like selling weed too, you offload your bulk to a broker who keeps it in a barn on his property and slangs it to the locals.

That would keep your back pasture green and excuse to let it grow long... and extra income. Its common in rural areas and he will shut the fuck up when he sees the bales/rolls.


Nosy asshole neighbors are always hard to deal with, especially when you're dealing with a nearly legal item like cannabis in a legal state, you piss him off too much he could call the feds.
You might want to show him in some way your just a mostly law abiding citizen that is trying to deal with whatever condition in a responsible way without taking all those destructive drugs! Good luck dealing with the dickhead! Hell i'd like to be able just to smoke a joint outside our place without getting busted, but I had to sign that we wouldn't have any drugs yada, yada , whoops I guess growing my own cannabis would qualify as drugs in their opinion , what it's just a "PLANT"!!!!!!!!!!:laughing::plant grow:


He's a farmer and you need a field tended to? You both like to drink? Sounds like you got some common ground to work with. Are you busy? I hear you saying that it would be hard and not fun to water your field but is it hard, or impossible? Maybe you could build a bridge by having him help you. You never know, he might have some ideas.

Maybe a dialogue could go something like
"Hey neighbor, you have a minute?"
This is when you hand him a beer
"I was thinking about what you've said about my field and I honestly don't have any good solutions for an effective way to achieve 'x result', you have any ideas? I would like my field to look nice so that our community is bettered."

In some way, you're an ambassador for the medical community. Who knows, whatever influence this guy does have (if any) could be an asset to you if you get things on the right track with him. "Hey, you know, you potheads aren't so bad after all" kinda shit, nah mean? :D

I don't know you or him so maybe this is about a possible as you birthing a unicorn in the next 24 hours. Good luck.
just a suggestion, no way to know your exact situation but..

If this guys a old farmer and is bitching about how part of your yard is unkept, mabey make the offer that he can plant it up with whatever produce he is growing... bet that would cool the tensions a bit, and make less upkeep for you. Win Win


Active member
Hey guys I just spent the last 8 hours mowing and weed whacking. I have another day of fun ahead of me. I talked to my parents who lived in this house before me and I guess the same thing happened to my dad. This guy gets some liquid courage in him and he comes over raging. Yesterday I think he kinda offered his apology because he came over and grated our road. His water has been destroying it and I told him about it when he was yelling at me. So its my turn to man up and do something about my property. I am going to mow the living fuck out of it and organize all the shit I have outside. Show him I am trying.

crazybear- thanks for the support hopefully this shit should be squashed soon. Who knows what will happen next year.. I was already planning on going bigger.

Goodkarma- Sucks to hear that but it sounds like you had your shit together. Did you heart skip a beat when you saw who was at the door?

Duplicate- Thanks for stopping by. I plan on talking to him next time I see him. See what he drinks then drop him a bottle.

Somiferum420- love the name. I have some hen and chicks poppys in my back yard right now. Where I live nothing grows. We have such a short season here. Grass is the biggest producer out here. Some guy down the street is trying hops but its not going that well. Without a gh its impossible to grow anything.


New member
He grated your road? Yeah, that was an apology of sorts. Grating roads is a headache and a pain in the ass all balled up together.

And now you've gone all out and cleaned up your yard. Share a few drinks once in a while, show him you're not a martian, and you might have just won yourself one mean guard dog. Yeah, those old farmers can be hard-asses, but if there's one thing they hate, it's people they don't know prowling around. He may not like what you grow, but you're a farmer as well and if (I hope it doesn't, but if) it ever becomes Your Property vs Rippers, you might just get one of those country telephone calls. IE, a good shotgun blast, hopefully with rock salt or bird shot so you don't have to deal with the cops and dead tweakers.

I'm not saying you should fill him in with any more information about what's in those greenhouses, but it sounds like he already knows. You might be surprised how much farmers can disagree with their neighbors and still try to keep their land safe from invaders.

PS Be god damned careful with those poppies. If you think cannabis laws are contradictory, you should see what the poppy laws are like. As far as I can tell, you're ok as long as they're just growing there. But if LEO decides you've tried to harvest them, it's deep shit. Doesn't even have to be scarring them. Yeah, they sell them dried (or used to, anyway) in flower shops, but with ganja around you'd need some serious mojo to convince the 5-0 you were into flower arrangements.

There's a pretty good article on the subject floating around. Written by a botanist a few decades ago who got into the whole poppy tea thing with some pill-head writer who advocated "poppy tea for the masses." Then the writer went on the lamb for a while...

Damn memory is acting up though, and I can't remember where I read it or any of the specifics. Maybe someone can chime in. Not trying to tell you what to do, or noid you out or anything. I know of plenty of people with poppies in their gardens. Just a friendly heads up that if LEO does grow inspections in your neck of the woods, those poppies might get a couple of looks.


the shit spoon
Grating your road wasn't an apology.

He's a rageaholic and the kind of person who keeps an inventory in his head, and his water fucking up your road cancelled out some of his anger bulletpoints. It sapped away at his self-righteous contempt, something he is addicted to.

Its not over...

Sadly you cooperating allows him to feel his actions were justified. Its just the way these kind of dickwads think.


the shit spoon
A good neighbor is pure gold.

SWIM1time, blowin their rental up, not doing proper odor control.. mailman comments to the neighbor that it reeks of weed, but hes gunna take care of that... neighbor tells the grower ASAP..

Of course the whole block could smell it apparently...

I don't understand some growers...

The fucked up thing is he used a lot of air freshener and you can smell/taste it in every strain... and people like it. Dumbass consumers...


Active member
Hey guys all has been good over here. I don't think he is going to fuck with me anymore. I busted my ass around here and it looks good. Thanks for all the great advice.


just a suggestion, no way to know your exact situation but..

If this guys a old farmer and is bitching about how part of your yard is unkept, mabey make the offer that he can plant it up with whatever produce he is growing... bet that would cool the tensions a bit, and make less upkeep for you. Win Win

I think you are on the right track here with trying to build relations but would caution against giving this guy any legitimate excuse to have free roam of your land.

I like the beer idea and asking him to help but would be reluctant to just give him a pass to come and tend his crop whenever he feels like it.

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