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Angolese x Purple Paki F1 fems

De La Luz

Angolese X Purple Pakistani Chitral ~ 8 weeks @ 12/12
This one is not as colorful as her sister's but her high and her scent & taste are out of this world... another week or two to finish...:blowbubbles:


Well-known member
this looks beautiful indeed, the angolese mother must be an incredible sativa, i have grown the Angolese X Thai and the flavours were absolutely unique, made a cross with a Golden Tiger male and i'm really excited to test the results, hopefully i'll find some keepers in there... :wave:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Angolese X Purple Pakistani Chitral ~ 8 weeks @ 12/12
This one is not as colorful as her sister's but her high and her scent & taste are out of this world... another week or two to finish...:blowbubbles:

High De La Luz friend,

Im glad to see you are still growing and preserving angolese x pakistan F1 hybrid. Very tasty, high yielding, colorful and powerful sativa/indica. Hope you are enjoying there, best wishes to your family.

De La Luz

High De La Luz friend,

Im glad to see you are still growing and preserving angolese x pakistan F1 hybrid. Very tasty, high yielding, colorful and powerful sativa/indica. Hope you are enjoying there, best wishes to your family.

Hola Dubi !!:wave:
Yes, I LOVE this strain... tasty & warm with a nice sativa high !!

De La Luz

I'm gonna start a few more of these seeds... I kept three different moms for a few years but recently I had to let them go.

I'm gonna pop a couple dozen of 'em to explore. I have found some exceptional ladies in this cross. Full of great scents, aromas & colors.

As stated in this thread... the high is REAL nice too... Very Spiritual & Good vibe inducer ... :ying::dance013:

I'll post more pics as things get going again.


Active member
pure angola red is still out there. bsc was gifted angola red from lmn and offered angola red seeds as freebies:

Luiz Fritzman at January 14, 2011 at 8:58 AM

My friends,

Only Angola Red was given by LMN (R.I.P.) the other ones weren´t. I don´t mind excluding Angola Red from those freebies but as LMN already have told me and gave me permission to use as I wish all the land races that he mailed me long time ago before all that shit hit the fan making everybody get mad on discussions about who holds the especific strain or not, all of that thing of hold ing teh strain is bullshit to me, I don´t hold Manga Rosa she isn´t mine and Colombian Gold too, I don´t mind or care about people saying that Reeferman used my Col.Gold to make teh Cannabis Winner Love Portion#9.

The one and only holder of all cannabis is GOD and only him can decide if it´s time to vanish all those land races that He made.

angola red pure and in hybrids is very exciting.

subscribed to this thread. thanks De La Luz for the post.


Well-known member
I'm gonna start a few more of these seeds... I kept three different moms for a few years but recently I had to let them go.

I'm gonna pop a couple dozen of 'em to explore. I have found some exceptional ladies in this cross. Full of great scents, aromas & colors.

As stated in this thread... the high is REAL nice too... Very Spiritual & Good vibe inducer ... :ying::dance013:

I'll post more pics as things get going again.

Don't have the space to grow out all the PCK x landrace sativa F1's but I'm betting this is the best match. I've seen Malawi Gold, Oaxacan, Zamal, Durban, Congolese, Swazi, Nepalese, even Ace's Golden Tiger and destroyer used as outcrosses. The only one I've obtained so far is the Durban/PCK F1 made by tropical seeds. Would love to get Zamal and Angolese as well. Make some seeds if ya can. Ya seem to really like it. No surprise the angolese phenos are gonna rock but I'm sure with some digging you'll find some amazing purple phenos with the effects of Angolese. F2's is where these will really shine! Good luck. :tiphat:


Active member
Nice looking thread friend, I'll be sure to keep checking back for updates on your new ladies.

I just recently gave a few of those beans a dirt nap I'm expecting to see them up any day.

De La Luz

Nice looking thread friend, I'll be sure to keep checking back for updates on your new ladies.

I just recently gave a few of those beans a dirt nap I'm expecting to see them up any day.

Hola TGH !! Glad you are gonna give them a go... you will not be sorry :peacock:

I have one going now in BigBillsBuds soil mix & it's looking good right now. I'll get some shots before I cut her down.

I have to get back on this project ...I got kinda side tracked with all of that good PNW goodness I recently came acrosss...

Hola De La Luz :tiphat:

I also loved this hybrid a lot, but havent grown it again for years! Im really missing it :)

This is VERY special cross dubi... I want share a personal story about it....

I dear friend of mine who was an exceptional human being... no, that's not even close... he was in a word a.... bohdisattva...

I will spare you the time it would take to discuss all of his skills & talents but I will say that his road was VERY hard, VERY TOUGH road to walk...He made bad choices as a kid & even worse one's as an inmate....

He was put in a tough state prison at the age of 17, he was a junkie... the movie "Drugstore cowboy" could have been his life story.... after serving about 8 years of hard time... he was released & on a work release program... he ended up killing a dealer in a robbery attempt....shooting him in the face...he was given a life sentence with no parole... his life was over, done!

Some how... in the middle of all of that violence & hate ... he found his way to LOVE ! I'm still not sure how he was able to make the total changes that he did, especially in that environment...yet he did... he found meditation & that freed him ... he found love & fullfilment in the service of others...NO JOKE!! For REAL.
He had done so much wrong, that he devoted the rest of his life to helping others.

He was helped along the way, he was eventually paroled...against all odds... he served 23 years in a max security pen.

I came across his path about 6 years after he had been out... a gentle man, a gentle soul, a teacher of the highest order....:thank you:

He became a social worker, he got a MASTERS degree in social work and graduated at the very top of his class!!!!

He was a loving father to a 5 yr old son, a loving husband to a lady who loved him unconditionally.

He savored life while he could... in Dec of 2007 he was diagnosised with lukemia... out of no where... he died in April of 2008... about a month after getting his Master's degree. He drove a couple hundred miles each direction to go to school... it was the only program that would accept him with his criminal past... it still did not stop him... he pushed on and drove hours between chemo treatments to make his goal of graduation. He made it !!

He died without any life insurance to help his family after he passed... he passed on April 26, 2008

These very special seeds arrived on April 26, 2008... I vowed to find a keeper to use to help his family out finacially.... The Best keeper was Called "Arjun's Grace" and was very popular with the few selected folks that got any to smoke. It helped his family a little (not even close to enough but it was done with good intention).

So for me, they are extra special.... I only kept Arjun's grace for about a year. Several of the sisters have been around since then. It's a great strain but for me ... it will always hold a special place!!:dance013:

I'm gonna grow out a bunch this summer & will keep you posted!!

Thanks for sharing them with me dubi... I'll always appreciate it!!!


This IS a very interesting thread.
In some other thread someone suggested that Angola Red is the mother of all reds..
And that it probably has some other names too, need to read those UST again, to find those hints again...
But yes, no money can buy these...no one has them on their lists...only collectors have them..

I wonder, how close is Swazi Rooibart to Angola?


Active member
Hi nice post , i felt in love with his sister angola* thai .
it s my favorite weed since years.
The angola pck must be a good one i think.



ACE Seeds Breeder
It's a very touching history De La Luz, hope your friend is in a better place now. Keep this genetics alive, without any doubt they have a special meaning for you.

Peace! dubi


I'm Rocking the Angolese X Pakistani Chitral kush....:woohoo:

I have one special lady finishing up now in week 8... she will more than likely go a full 10 weeks. She leans a bit more towards the Angolese side of the cross.

I'll get some pics up soon.



Have some Angola red X Zamalitas coming on now. Quite excited to see how they finish and make some seeds too


Here is my Angolese Chitral lady finishing up.... has another week until she is ready.

I wish this image was scratch & smell.... her scent is heavenly in a berryish fruit sort of way.

Gracias ACE & dubi :tiphat:


I think dubi has hinted at a recreation & release of this magical combo.... :peacock: