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ANGER. Plants going Hermie!!


Active member
WTF?!?! My best looking bitch in my entire garden turned hermie .. WTF, why?!?!

I'm less then a week into flower and My VERY VERY best looking lady decided to throw nut sacks on me!


The mom was so stable its ridiculous. Is this just bad luck?!?!


Even in Arcadia I exist
Less than a week into flower?

This is from a clone??

Just thought I'd add, I've had hermies, it was almost always light leaks or heat stress. For me anyways . . .


Active member
Less then a week into flower and from clone.

I'm completely baffled.

Heat stress no way in hell, light leaks possibly but I ran a strain in there for 10.5 weeks with no hermies.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I'm not sure whether you mean clones or seedlings, but if they're feminized seedlings and you got a male, or male-ish plant, it does happen. If it's a clone that never hermied before, then...hmm, you got me.


Active member
Its a clone from a mother that is about as genetically stable as it gets. There person that gifted me the cut runs this LA confidential all day long and has never had a hermie.

What a bunch of shit luck.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
pull the nanners, spray the plants IF powder pops so you can kill it hopefully before it seeds any of the hairs


Active member
should I pull the nanners or just get rid of the plant? I dont wanna risk anything.

By spray them down you mean with water so the pollen doesnt float around right?

Thanks for the response med maker.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
"light leaks possibly"

Turn off your lights and stand in your room sealed up. You should know if you have light leaks or not. takes 1 min to check.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I had one that threw nanners at first BUT never again during the rest of the grow. If you fix what pissed he/she off in the first place that is.

Yes, I use tweezers and actually pull the nanners off, if they already dropped their load (which I doubt due to the flowering period) then yes spray with water to kill that pollen so it only affects a couple sites and at best only a couple seeds are made.

I have light leaks all the time, I pull the weak ones that can't hang with my lifestyle but my main girls don't care if light leaks or I mess with them. I am raising some mean ass ladies lol, they don't take shit from anyone or anything including light, god, porn, jumping jacks and the list can go on. Amazing... wait I trailed a bit there...

yes pull the nanners and see if they continue, if it gets worse then cull the he/she BUT why kill it if it was just tossing a few off the bat ESPECIALLY if you can end up with quality smoke.

Just keep an eye on it, if the nanners get too crazy make your call then UNLESS you just want her gone. I only cull the ones that explode with nanners/balls/hairs and won't stop no matter if there isn't a light leak, no lst or super cropping or nute boostin burn.